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Quick Ref Notes for German Driving License Test

Traffic signs

⭐ What does this traffic sign mean?


[x] Indication of existing overhead electrical wires
[x] Rail traffic always has priority
[x] You must always wait when a rail vehicle is approaching

⭐ What does this traffic sign combination indicate?


A railcrossing

[x] which I may approach at a maximum speed of 10 km/h
[x] which I may cross at a maximum speed of 10 km/h
[ ] over which rail traffic may pass at a maximum speed of 10 km/h

⭐ What do you do when you see this traffic sign?


[x] Reduce speed
[x] Be ready to brake
[ ] Observe the traffic coming from the right only

⭐ What dangers can arise if this traffic sign is ignored?


[x] The vehicle could go into a skid and endanger oncoming traffic
[x] The vehicle could suffer a broken axle or spring fracture
[x] The load could be damaged

🔹 What must you remember when you see this traffic sign?


[x] You may not drive a motor vehicle in this pedestrian precinct
[ ] You may drive a motor vehicle at walking speed in this pedestrian precinct
[ ] Residents may drive motor vehicles in this pedestrian precinct

⭐ Which prohibitions cease to apply when you see this sign?


[x] No overtaking
[x] Speed restrictions
[ ] No parking

⭐ What do these traffic signs indicate?


No stopping

[x] on the roadway and the hard shoulder
[ ] on the hard shoulder only
[ ] for trucks only

⭕ What ends here?


[x] A no-waiting area
[ ] A no-stopping area
[ ] All previous zonal prohibitions

🔹 What does this traffic sign mean?


[x] Stopping on the roundabout is forbidden
[ ] You must indicate when entering the roundabout
[ ] You are only allowed to drive at walking speed

⭐ What does this traffic sign combination indicate?


100 m ahead is a traffic sign saying

[x] "Stop. Give way."
[ ] "Give way."
[ ] "Give way to oncoming traffic"

🔹 What does this traffic sign indicate?


[x] I may only drive straight ahead
[ ] I have priority over oncoming traffic
[ ] I am on a one-way road

⭐ What does this traffic sign indicate?



[x] only at the next crossroads or junction
[ ] at all crossroads and junctions on this road
[ ] as far as the urban limit

⭕ What is allowed on priority roads outside built-up areas?


[x] Stopping on the right edge of the roadway
[x] Parking on the hard shoulder
[ ] Parking on the roadway

On priority roads outside of built-up areas, you may: 1. wait at the right side of the road; 2. park on a hard shoulder. On the other hand, parking on the road is prohibited. Parking vehicles constitute a hindrance and/or danger to flowing traffic, since vehicles are traveling much faster here than within the closed local area. Since a hard shoulder is not considered a lane, you may use it for parking. If there is a possibility to dodge on a hard shoulder, you should also use this for waiting shortly.

⭕ What does this traffic road sign mean?


[x] Priority road
[x] No parking on the carriageway outside of settlements
[ ] Expressway

You drive on a priority road. The traffic sign is repeated at each intersection or T-junction where you have priority. Outside built-up areas, parking on priority roads is prohibited. On these roads people drive relatively fast and parking vehicles would be a hindrance or a threat.

⭕ What does this traffic sign indicate?


[x] An autobahn section which is normally not used very much
[ ] The place where the autobahn must be exited
[ ] An obligatory diversion for vehicles with dangerous goods

The diversion arrow points out to you as a car driver that you are on a traffic jam-prone section of the motorway and points out an alternative route. But you are not obliged to follow this.

🔹 During daylight, you enter a lit tunnel marked like this. What do you do?


[x] I switch on the dipped headlights
[ ] I do not have to switch on the lights
[ ] I switch on the side lights

What do you have to observe in a traffic situation like this one?


I may

[x] cross the centre line in order to pass by the obstruction
[x] cross the centre line in order to overtake
[x] not cross the centre line if this would endanger other traffic


⭐ What do you have to particularly remember at crossroads and junctions in a built-up area?

[x] Intersecting roads may have priority even though they are narrow and less well developed
[ ] A better developed road always has priority
[ ] The rule "right before left" applies without exception at all crossroads and junctions

🔹 Which traffic sign gives right of way at the next crossroads?


[x] Traffic sign 1
[ ] Traffic sign 2
[ ] Traffic sign 3

🔹 Is it irresponsible to overtake a truck and trailer a short distance before a crossroads?

[x] Yes, because the truck and trailer can obscure the view of important traffic signs
[x] Yes, because the truck and trailer can obscure the view of the crossing traffic
[ ] No, because trucks and trailers mostly drive at low speed

🔹 A police officer is regulating the traffic at a crossroads even though the traffic lights are in operation. What applies?

[x] The police officer's signals
[ ] The traffic light signals
[ ] The traffic signs governing priority

🔹 A police officer is regulating the traffic at a crossroads where there are also traffic signs governing priority. What applies?

[x] The police officer's signals
[ ] The traffic signs governing priority
[ ] 'The rule "right before left"'

Y:small_blue_diamond: ou are approaching a crossroads where the priority situation is not clear to you straightaway. What do you do?

[x] Wait, observe and come to an agreement with others, if necessary
[ ] Proceed according to the rule "right before left"
[ ] Always proceed when driving straight ahead


⭐ You have bought a second-hand car. The official inspection (Hauptuntersuchung) has just been carried out. When is it due for its next official inspection?

[x] After two years
[ ] After one year
[ ] After three years

⭐ An inspection has been performed because of a technical modification made to your vehicle. What are you obliged to do?

[x] carry the inspection report or confirmation in my vehicle, and have the registration in certificate Part I corrected if necessary
[ ] forward the inspection report or confirmation to the vehicle manufacturer
[ ] stick the inspection report or confirmation into the designated place in the registration certificate Part II

🔹 You have left your registered caravan trailer for six months during the winter on a campground. What applies as far as the official inspection (Hauptuntersuchung) is concerned?

[x] The date indicated on the test stamp must be observed
[ ] The date indicated on the test stamp is extended by the time the caravan was stationary on the campground


⭐ Visibility is considerably reduced. When are you allowed to switch on fog headlamps?

[x] In rain
[x] In falling snow
[x] In fog

⭐ When are you allowed to use fog headlamps also during the day?

[x] by fog or falling snow
[x] by rain
[ ] by ice on the windscreen

⭐ When are you allowed to switch on rear fog lamps?

[x] When fog reduces visibility to less than 50 m
[ ] When fog reduces visibility to 100 m
[ ] When visibility is reduced by heavy rain

⭐ What must you do on encountering sudden dense fog driving at daytime?

[x] Adapt speed immediately to visibility conditions
[x] Switch on dipped headlights
[ ] Only switch on parking lights

⭐ You are driving in fog on the autobahn and have 50 m visibility. What is the maximum speed you may drive?

[x] 50 km/h
[ ] 70 km/h
[ ] 90 km/h

⭐ You are driving in foggy conditions on the motorway. Your visibility range is less than 50 m. How fast are you allowed to drive?

50 m

🔹 Where must you be prepared to encounter sudden fog?

[x] Near rivers
[x] In marshy areas
[x] Near lakes

🔹 What do you do if visibility is drastically reduced by fog?

[x] Adapt your speed in time to visibility conditions
[x] Increase the distance from the vehicle in front
[ ] Drive up close to the vehicle in front so you can use its rear lights as an orientation point

🔹 You are driving in dense fog on a federal road (Bundesstraße) outside a built-up area. Are you allowed to drive in the middle of the road continuously straddling the broken white line?

[x] No, because it could represent a danger to oncoming traffic
[ ] Yes, if fog headlamps and rear fog lamps are switched on
[ ] Yes, because it reduces the risk of running off the roa

🔹 How can you tell whether the rear fog lamp is switched on?

[x] By the amber indicator light
[ ] By the blue indicator light
[ ] By the red indicator light

🔹 Why must you also drive with dipped headlight during the day when visibility is impaired by fog, rain or falling snow?

[x] So that you will be more easily seen by other road users
[ ] So that you can drive at a higher speed
[ ] So that you can see traffic signs at greater distances

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC)

⭐ While driving, you use your vehicle’s adaptive cruise control (ACC) system. What must you anticipate in these weather conditions?


[x] The functionality of the ACC may be negatively affected
[x] I have to personally control my speed and distance
[ ] The ACC stops the vehicle

⭐ What should I be aware of when using an adaptive cruise control system?

[x] I must remain constantly attentive even when using the system for a longer period
[x] The system can be affected by heavy rain or snow fall
[x] Activating the accelerator or brake pedal can always override the system

⭐ What function is performed by an adaptive cruise control system on a motor vehicle?

[x] independently accelerates the vehicle to a previously configured speed
[x] brakes independently, when the vehicle ahead is moving slower
[ ] automatically maintains the prescribed safety distance

⭐ In which situation is it helpful to use an adaptive cruise control system (ACC)?

[x] motorways
[x] expressways
[ ] winding roads

[x] independently accelerates the vehicle until it reaches a previously set speed
[x] independently slows the vehicle if it identifies a vehicle ahead travelling at a lower speed
[ ] always maintains the prescribed safety distance to the vehicle ahead

⭕ What is the benefit of using adaptive cruise control (ACC) on motorways?

[x] It reduces the probability of rear-end collisions
[x] The driver is assisted in maintaining the chosen distance
[ ] It means that the safety distance cannot be undercut


What must you observe when you enter a tunnel?

[x] Drive with dipped headlights also during the day even in well lit tunnels
[x] Take off your sunglasses
[ ] Switch fog headlamps on

What must you do in case of a traffic jam in a tunnel?

[x] Switch hazard warning lights on
[x] When traffic comes to a standstill, keep a safety distance of approximately 5 m to the car ahead
[ ] Secure and leave vehicle immediately

What can impair your attention when driving through a tunnel?

[x] Reflections of light from oncoming traffic
[x] Length of the tunnel
[ ] Good road markings

What must you observe particularly when driving through a tunnel?

[x] You may be distracted by very loud noise
[x] Signs for safety installations such as emergency exits and emergency telephones
[x] You may be distracted by light effects

Which basic code of conduct must you observe in a tunnel?

[x] Drive with dipped headlights also by day even in a well lit tunnel
[x] Do not make a U-turn
[x] Follow instructions and information from the tunnel personnel

There is a tunnel on my route. What should I know?

[x] I should know how I park and leave my vehicle if I am unable to continue driving
[x] I should know how escape routes are indicated in tunnels
[ ] I can be sure that help will arrive promptly in the event of emergencies

While driving through a tunnel, you notice a fire in your vehicle. You are not able to exit the tunnel. What should you do?

[x] turn on the hazard warning system
[x] switch off the engine
[x] leave the key in the ignition

While driving in a tunnel you were forced to bring your vehicle to a halt due to a fire. What should you do now?

[x] I trigger the fire alarm at the emergency call point
[x] I extinguish the fire as best I can
[ ] I lock my vehicle

What should you do when driving through a tunnel?

[x] In a tunnel with oncoming traffic, I position myself towards the right-hand edge of the roadway
[x] I memorise the safety features such as emergency exits and emergency telephones
[ ] I drive with a reduced distance to the vehicle ahead, so that I can use its tail lights as a guide

You are driving through a tunnel. What special aspect applies here?

[x] I can be distracted by loud vehicle noise
[x] the safety devices, like emergency exits and emergency telephones are signposted
[x] I can be distracted by lighting effects

What do you do in case of a breakdown in a tunnel?

[x] Switch on the hazard warning lights
[x] If possible, park the vehicle in an emergency bay
[ ] Let the engine run by way of precaution

You are driving in a tunnel and approach the end of a traffic jam. What do you do?

[x] Switch on the hazard warning lights
[ ] Make a U-turn and leave the tunnel
[ ] At the end of the traffic jam, switch off the engine and leave the vehicle

You notice an accident in the tunnel. What do you have to do?

[x] Switch on the hazard warning lights
[x] Inform emergency services via the SOS-telephone
[ ] Do not leave your vehicle

During daylight, you enter a lit tunnel marked like this. What do you do?


[x] I switch on the dipped headlights
[ ] I do not have to switch on the lights
[ ] I switch on the side lights

You drive into a brightly lit tunnel which is indicated like this. What do you do?


[x] Drive with dipped headlights
[ ] Drive without lights
[ ] Drive with daytime running lights

What must you do when you see this traffic sign?


[x] Reduce speed before the bend
[x] Drive as far as possible over on the right-hand side
[ ] Indicate left before the bend


You are driving at 100 km/h on a road not inside a built-up area. In front of you a truck is travelling at 70 km/h. What is the minimum distance you must be from a crest in the road when commencing an overtaking manoeuvre?

[x] 800 m
[ ] 200 m
[ ] 400 m

Travelling on a main road after a lengthy period of time of following behind, you are finally able to overtake a very slow-moving car. What should you do?

[x] I pull back in after an adequate distance in order not to impede the other driver
[ ] I brake briefly in order to call the attention of the other driver to his slow speed
[ ] I drive especially slowly in order to emphasise to the other driver the effects of his driving style

You are driving on a road with one lane for each direction. A convoy of motor vehicles is driving up ahead of you. Why should you refrain from overtaking in order to prevent a dangerous situation from occurring?

[x] Because the overtaking distance is considerably larger than with single vehicles
[x] Because I should not break the convoy by pulling back into my lane early
[x] Because I cannot assess the road traffic situation ahead of the convoy

You want to overtake on a tree-lined avenue. What special aspect should you bear in mind?

[x] Side clearances are frequently misjudged in this situation
[x] Vehicles with high superstructures frequently perform evasive manoeuvres to avoid branches in this situation
[x] Accidents involving trees are particularly frequent here

Why are you not allowed to overtake here?


[x] do not have an adequate view of the road ahead
[x] cannot maintain an adequate passing distance from the cyclists if there is any oncoming traffic
[ ] may not cross over the central lane markings

You want to overtake. What is the right course of action here?


[x] I do not overtake, because the [yellow] vehicle might want to overtake
[x] I do not overtake, because oncoming traffic could emerge
[ ] I overtake, because no oncoming traffic is visible

You are being overtaken and the oncoming traffic is getting dangerously close. Despite this the other vehicle continues with the overtaking manoeuvre. What should you do?

[x] reduce my speed
[ ] maintain my speed
[ ] increase my speed

Why are you not allowed to overtake here?


[x] Because the visible stretch is not sufficient
[x] Because I would not be able to maintain an adequate distance to the side in the event of oncoming traffic
[ ] Because I am not permitted to cross the central line

[x] Because the side clearance to the cyclists is too small
[x] Because I may endanger oncoming traffic
[ ] Because I may not cross the centre line

Both cars are travelling at about 30 km/h. Are you allowed to overtake both before the bend?


[x] the distance you need to overtake would be too great
[x] the light-coloured car could pull out to overtake
[ ] you are not allowed to cross the broken line

Are you allowed to overtake the black car on this autobahn on the right?


[x] No, because there is no queue of vehicles in the left lane
[ ] Yes, if you do not drive faster than 80 km/h
[ ] Yes, because there is enough space to overtake

Why can it be dangerous if you, as the last in a queue, immediately overtake as soon as the oncoming traffic is past?

[x] Because you must reckon with others in the queue swinging out to overtake
[x] Because the distance needed to overtake might not be sufficient
[x] Because if you perhaps need to push back into the queue, this could lead to an accident

Which vehicles are you allowed to overtake where you see this traffic sign?


[x] Motorcycle without sidecar
[ ] Motorcycle with sidecar
[ ] Car

You want to overtake. What is the right thing to do?


[x] overtake
[ ] not overtake
[ ] only overtake, if I remain in the right-hand lane while doing so

Is it irresponsible to overtake a truck and trailer a short distance before a crossroads?

[x] Yes, because the truck and trailer can obscure the view of important traffic signs
[x] Yes, because the truck and trailer can obscure the view of the crossing traffic
[ ] No, because trucks and trailers mostly drive at low speed

Why are you not allowed to overtake now?


[x] Because [the cyclist] could turn off to the left
[x] Because I am not able to see possible oncoming traffic in good enough time
[ ] Because of the very poor condition of the left-side road surface

What mistakes make overtaking dangerous even on clear and straight roads?

[x] The distance of an oncoming vehicle is overestimated
[x] You underestimate your overtaking distance
[ ] You overestimate your overtaking distance

When are you in danger when overtaking?

[x] suddenly accelerates
[x] swerves out to overtake
[ ] reduces his speed considerably

In which cases must you abandon overtaking?

[x] When the road user being overtaken suddenly accelerates
[x] When there is danger from unexpected oncoming traffic
[ ] When the road user being overtaken considerably reduces his speed

When is overtaking forbidden?

[x] If you are unable to drive considerably faster than the road user being overtaken
[x] If you do not have a clear view of the road ahead
[x] If the traffic situation is not clear

Why can it be dangerous to overtake even on clearly visible, straight roads?

[x] oncoming traffic is travelling faster than first thought
[x] the overtaking distance is longer than first thought
[ ] oncoming traffic is travelling slower than first thought

What should you anticipate, if you want to overtake?


[x] With the unsafe riding manner of the cyclist
[x] With an extended stopping distance
[x] With the risk of skidding

You want to overtake. What should you prepare yourself for?


[x] The cyclist will come to a sudden stop right in front of me
[x] The cyclist farther in front will swerve to the left
[ ] Oncoming traffic will appear suddenly

You want to overtake cyclists on a narrow road. The width of the road means that the maximum possible space between them and the car is 50 cm. What should you do?

[x] I refrain from overtaking
[ ] I give a short warning signal before overtaking
[ ] I overtake at a moderate speed

You want to overtake cyclists. What should be noted when selecting the distance between the cyclists and the car?

[x] How the cyclists are acting
[x] The speed of my vehicle
[ ] 1.0 m between the cyclist and the car is always sufficient

In which situation is overtaking prohibited?

[x] cannot complete the overtaking manoeuvre before the start of a no-overtaking section
[x] cannot complete the overtaking manoeuvre before a hill crest
[x] am unable to maintain the necessary space to the side

You want to overtake. What should you be prepared for now?


[x] [The cyclist] directly in front of me, stops on the roadway
[x] [The cyclist] in the distance pulls out to the left
[ ] [The blue car] overtakes me

Why can it be dangerous to overtake on an unobscured, straight road?

[x] estimate the distance away of an oncoming vehicle as being too great
[x] estimate the speed of an oncoming vehicle as being too low
[x] estimate my overtaking distance to be shorter than it is

When driving outside of a built-up area, you want to overtake cyclists or pedestrians. What is the minimum space to the side that you must maintain?

2 m

Driving within a built-up area, you want to overtake a cyclist. What is the minimum space to the side that you must maintain?

1.5 m 

Driving within a built-up area, you want to overtake an electric scooter. What is the minimum space to the side that you must maintain?

1.5 m 

Where is overtaking prohibited?

[x] When the traffic situation is not clear
[x] Where oncoming traffic could be obstructed
[ ] In all one-way streets

What is the correct procedure for pulling out to overtake?

[x] Any danger to traffic following is excluded
[x] Oncoming traffic is not endangered
[ ] The vehicle in front indicates right

What must you do to end an overtaking manoeuvre?

[x] Move over to the right as soon as possible without inconveniencing the vehicle you have overtaken
[x] Signal your intention to draw in clearly and in good time
[ ] Move over to the right-hand side of the roadway right in front of the vehicle you have overtaken

What are the regulations governing speed when overtaking?

[x] The speed of the overtaking vehicle must be appreciably higher
[x] The permissible top speed must not be exceeded
[x] The person being overtaken must not increase his speed

What must you do when you are being overtaken?

[x] Move over to the right as soon as possible without inconveniencing the vehicle you have overtaken
[x] Signal your intention to draw in clearly and in good time
[ ] Move over to the right-hand side of the roadway right in front of the vehicle you have overtaken

On which side must you overtake a tram which is travelling in the middle of the roadway (not a one-way street)?

[x] On the right
[ ] On the left
[ ] On the left only if other vehicles are blocking the roadway on the right

When may a tram be overtaken on the left?

[x] In one-way streets
[x] When the rails run too far to the right
[ ] When the roadway (not a one-way street) to the right of the tram is blocked by other vehicles

Which vehicles may be overtaken only by maintaining a specially great lateral distance?

[x] Bicycles
[x] Motorcycles
[ ] Trams

When must you signal?

[x] Before pulling out to overtake or to pass
[x] Before pulling in again after overtaking
[ ] When proceeding straight ahead as you leave a priority road which bends sharply

Where is it forbidden to overtake?

[x] At pedestrian crossings
[x] At points in the road where visibility is poor
[ ] At special bus lanes

⭐ You are driving a slow-moving vehicle on a main road. How can you facilitate faster-moving vehicles in overtaking?

[x] onto the hard shoulder
[x] onto the parking area
[x] into a lay-by

When overtaking, what do you have to observe regarding spacing?

[x] Maintain an adequate space to the side, particularly between the vehicle and persons
[x] To maintain an adequate space to the side between the vehicle and other road users
[ ] To maintain a greater side spacing towards multi-lane vehicles than towards single-lane vehicles

How can you tell if a horse-drawn carriage wants to change direction?

[x] The driver extends his arm
[x] A traffic paddle is displayed
[x] A flashing indicator

You want to overtake a horse-drawn carriage on a rural road. What should you do?

[x] as little noise as possible
[x] the most space to the side as possible
[ ] a high engine speed

You want to overtake a horse-drawn carriage on a rural road. What should you do?

[x] I maintain the most space to the side possible
[x] I pay attention to the driver's hand signals
[ ] I overtake with a high engine speed

You are driving a slow-moving vehicle on a rural road. A line of vehicles is forming behind you. What should you do?

[x] I allow the vehicles behind me to overtake
[x] I come to a stop at a suitable place, if this is the only way the vehicles behind me can overtake
[ ] I switch on my hazard lights and drive as far to the right as possible

You want to overtake a horse-drawn carriage on a rural road. What is the right course of action?

[x] I maintain the most space to the side possible
[x] I pay attention to the driver's hand signals
[ ] I overtake with a high engine speed

What amount of side clearance must you maintain when overtaking pedestrians and cyclists?

[x] maintain a minimum side clearance of 1.5 m within a built-up area
[x]  maintain a minimum side clearance of 2.0 m outside of a built-up area
[ ] maintain a minimum side clearance of 1.0 m within a built-up area

What must you note when overtaking the cyclists in this situation?


[x] The incline causes the cyclists to sway
[x] I must overtake with at least 1.5 m of side clearance
[ ] I must overtake with at least 1.0 m of side clearance


⭐ What are the advantages of an automatic anti-locking device (ABS)?

[x] It is possible to brake heavily and avoid an obstacle at the same time
[ ] On setting off, wheelspin is prevented
[ ] The danger of tipping over is reduced when braking on bends

⭐ The brakes on your car are pulling strongly to one side. What effects can this have when you are braking?

[ ] Anti-lock braking system (ABS) fails
[x] Longer braking distance
[x] Your car can veer to the side

⭐ What is the effect of an automatic anti-locking device (ABS)?

[x] Steering control is largely retained when braking
[ ] Aquaplaning is prevented
[x] The vehicle is braked in the best possible way also on wet roadways

🔹 You suddenly have to brake when cornering on a wet carriageway. What special aspects exist with a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock braking system (ABS)?

[x] The steering capability is retained for longer
[ ] The vehicle will always remain stable
[ ] It is not possible for the vehicle to skid out of the bend

Electric cars

⭐ What increases the range of an electric vehicle?

[x] Using a high energy recovery (recuperation) level
[x] Reducing the heater temperature
[ ] Short, sharp acceleration

⭐ What is the benefit of recuperation in an electric vehicle?

[x] increases range
[x] conserves the service brake system
[x] means that energy can be recovered from the braking operation

⭐ What information should you obtain before undertaking a journey with a purely electric vehicle?

[x] The locations at which I can charge the vehicle
[x] What I have to do following an accident
[x] Factors that influence the range

🔹 You are planning a longer journey with a purely electric vehicle. What should you be aware of?

[x] The availability of electric charging stations
[x] The battery charging time
[x] The influence of external ambient temperatures on the range

🔹What should you be aware of when charging purely electric vehicles?

[x] The charge time depends on the power supply
[x] Charging should only be performed with a charging cable approved by the manufacturer
[ ] Charging is available at every filling station

🔹 How is a purely electric vehicle different from a vehicle with a combustion engine?

Pure electric vehicles
[x]  have a lower engine noise
[x]  do not have any direct exhaust emissions
[ ]  have a lower aerodynamic drag

🔹 You are driving a purely electric vehicle in a residential area. What should you be aware of due to your lower engine noise?

[x]  Pedestrians will not notice me or will do so later than usual
[x]  Cyclist travelling ahead will turn left, without looking behind them
[ ]  Vehicles following behind will tailgate me

⭐ You are driving an electric vehicle. When can recuperation inhibit the braking action?

When driving
[x]  with a fully charged battery
[x]  at less than the battery’s operating temperature
[ ]  in eco mode


⭐ You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. What must you consider when you see this road sign?


[x]  The braking distance is longer
[x]  Applying the brakes for a longer time will diminish the braking response
[ ]  The braking response will be better if no gear is engaged

⭕ You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. What is the correct thing to do when you see this traffic sign?


[x] I change down to a lower gear if necessary
[ ] I always change up to a higher gear
[ ] I drive down this descent (incline) carefully

🔹 You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. What style of driving results in higher fuel consumption within a built-up area?

[x] Accelerating heavily
[x] Driving at high engine speed
[ ] Driving in a high gear

🔹 You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. How can you reduce the fuel consumption of your vehicle?

[x] By switching early up to the next gear
[x] By employing an anticipatory driving style, to avoid frequent changes of speed
[ ] By driving at a high engine speed

🔹 You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. When driving, what can cause avoidable noise pollution?

[x] Heavily accelerating unnecessarily
[x] Defective silencer
[x] Driving fast in low gears

⭐ You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox on a level carriageway. How should you change gears so as to drive in a particularly environmentally conscious and economical way?

[x] Changing up gears as early as possible
[x] Changing down again as late as possible
[ ] Drive until the upper engine speed range is reached in one gear, before changing up

⭐ You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. What type of behaviour pollutes the environment?

[x] An uneven driving style
[x] Frequently pressing the accelerator while waiting at traffic lights
[ ] Driving downhill in a high gear

🔹 You are driving a motor vehicle with a manual gearbox. How can you achieve efficient fuel consumption?

[x] By having the proper tyre inflation pressure
[x] By adopting an even driving style with low engine speeds
[ ] When accelerating, changing the gears upwards as late as possible

🔹 How do you secure a car with a manual gearbox against rolling away on a downhill slope?

[x] Apply the parking brake
[x] Engage first gear or reverse gear
[ ] Put the gear lever in neutral position

🔹 How can you save fuel if you drive a car with an automatic gearbox?

[x] Do not press down hard on the accelerator when moving off
[x] Use the eco mode when driving
[ ] Switch off the engine when driving down a gradient

Maximum (whatever)






Built-up area

Others from the original gist

What are the consequences for a person driving a motor vehicle under the influence of drugs (e.g. hashish, heroin, cocaine)?

[x] Confiscation of driving licence or driving ban
[x] Compulsory medical/psychological examination
[x] Fine and/or imprisonment

In which instances do you have to approach a pedestrian crossing with particular care?

[x] If pedestrians want to cross the road
[x] If the view of the pedestrian crossing is restricted
[x] If another vehicle is already waiting at the pedestrian crossing

How can you tell while driving that an indicator lamp is not working?

[x] The indicator signal light will flash faster than usual
[ ] You cannot detect a defective indicator lamp while driving

When may a tram be overtaken on the left?

[ ] When the roadway (not a one-way street) to the right of the tram is blocked by other vehicles
[x] When the rails run too far to the right
[x] In one-way streets

When must you use dipped headlights also during the day?

[ ] by a misted windscreen
[x] by rain
[x] by fog or falling snow

You car has a fault and can no longer be driven. What must you be aware of during towing?

[ ] the rear fog lights should also be switched on to indicate the towing procedure
[x] a towing bar should be used where possible
[x] the force required to operate the brake pedal is significantly greater if the engine has failed

What motor vehicles engaged in the commercial or paid transport of goods, are prohibited from driving on Sundays and public holidays?

[x] Trucks with a gross vehicle weight rating in excess of 7.5 t
[x] Trucks towing a trailer
[ ] Cars towing a trailer

How can you tell when you need to bring your vehicle in for its next vehicle roadworthiness test?

[ ] By reading the entry in the operating manual for my vehicle
[x] By reading the entry made in the registration certificate Part I
[x] By looking at the inspection tag on the rear license plate

What benefits does the driver of a motor vehicle have by using a cruise control system?

[ ] adjusts the speed to the traffic density
[x] maintains a constant pre-set speed on a level carriageway
[x] makes it easier for the driver to operate the vehicle

Distance in meters in 1 second & reaction path

( speed / 10 ) * 3

Breaking Distance

( speed / 10 ) * ( speed / 10 )

Breaking Distance in evasive road

(( speed / 10 ) * ( speed / 10 )) / 2

Stopping distance

reaction path + braking distance

What is the permissible top speed generally in built-up areas?


You double the speed at which you are travelling. How does this affect the braking distance?


What is the minimum distance you must leave clear when stopping or parking in front of a pedestrian crossing?


Up to what distances before and behind crossroads and junctions is parking prohibited?


What is the minimum distance you must leave clear when parking outside a built-up area before a St. Andrew's Cross?


You want to park in front of a St. Andrew's Cross in a built-up area. What is the minimum distance you must leave clear?


Up to what distance is it not allowed to park before or behind a bus or tram stop sign?


What is the maximum length of time you are allowed to stop at a bus stop provided you do not present an obstruction to buses?


What is the maximum distance a load may project backwards beyond the rear reflectors without a projection marker being necessary?


You are travelling at 100 km/h, have a reaction time of 1 second, and brake normally. What is the stopping distance according to the rule of thumb?


You are travelling at 100 km/h and brake normally. What is the braking distance according to the rule of thumb?


You are travelling at 100 km/h and have a reaction time of 1 second. What is the reaction distance according to the rule of thumb?


You are travelling at 50 km/h, have a reaction time of 1 second, and brake normally. What is the stopping distance according to the rule of thumb?


You are travelling at 50 km/h and brake normally. What is the braking distance according to the rule of thumb?


You are travelling at 50 km/h and have a reaction time of 1 second. What is the reaction distance according to the rule of thumb?


You are driving on a very narrow road and can see 50 m ahead. What must be your maximum stopping distance?


What is the maximum speed a motor vehicle fitted with snow chains is allowed to travel?


What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a car on roads with one marked lane for each direction outside built-up areas?


What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a truck with a permissible total mass of 3.0 t on roads with one marked lane for each direction outside built-up areas?


What is the maximum speed a truck with a permissible total mass of 3.0 t and trailer may be driven on autobahns?


When must a car with trailer driving outside built-up areas on roads with only one lane for each direction keep a sufficient distance from the car in front so that an overtaking vehicle may pull in?


Which motor vehicles may freely choose their lane inside built-up areas?


Up to which permissible total mass may motor vehicles be parked on specially designated footpaths?


What is the minimum distance a vehicle must leave clear in front of traffic lights if the traffic lights would be concealed by the vehicle?


What is the recommended speed that applies to cars and motorcycles on autobahns?


What top speed must be entered in the vehicle documents to allow the vehicle's use on autobahns?


Up to what height is a load not allowed to project over the front of the vehicle?


Between what hours does the sunday and public holiday driving ban apply?

0 & 22

What is the maximum number of trailers allowed to be towed by a class B truck?


What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a car with trailer on roads outside of built-up areas?


What is the maximum speed you are allowed to drive a truck with a 3.0 t gross vehicle weight rating with trailer on roads outside of settlements?


What is the permissible minimum tread depth of the main tread of all your vehicle's tyres?


You want to park on the right-hand side edge of the carriageway. How big is the mandatory minimum distance between your vehicle and the solid lane boundary line?


You are driving on a narrow road. About 20 m ahead of you a child suddenly runs onto the roadway. When is a collision unavoidable despite emergency braking?

50km/hr, stopping distance is 27.5 (BD/2 + RP)

Before which sign must you maintain a distance of at least 10 m, if it would otherwise be concealed by your vehicle?

Stop. Give way.
Diagonal cross

What is the maximum height allowed above the roadway for a red light marking a load extending to the back?


An inspection has been performed because of a technical modification made to your vehicle. What are you obliged to do?

carry the inspection report or confirmation in my vehicle, and have the registration in certificate Part I corrected if necessary

When are you allowed to switch on rear fog lamps?

The rear fog lamp may only be switched on at a visibility of 50 m and below.

How must a load be marked in darkness or bad visibility when it extends laterally more than 40 cm beyond the side lights of the vehicle?

By a white light to the front
By a red light to the back

What is the normal trial period?

2 years

Which motor vehicles may freely choose their lane inside built-up areas?


Up to what distance is it not allowed to park before or behind a bus or tram stop sign?


Why does the brake fluid have to be exchanged according to the instructions of the vehicle manufacturer?

[] To ensure the brake system does not leak
[x] To ensure the brake system continues to function even under higher stress
[x] To ensure the percentage of water in the brake fluid does not reach a level which is unacceptable

When you press on the brake pedal, it touches the floor. Only when you press on it several times does the pedal travel become shorter. What must you do?

[x] Have the brakes repaired
[] It is sufficient to fill up the brake fluid
[x] Park the car immediately

You car has a fault and can no longer be driven. What must you be aware of during towing?

[x] the towing cable should be kept as taut as possible
[x] the hazard lights must be switched on on both vehicles
[] the motorway may only be used to shorten the journey to the next car garage

During a break you find out that one of the lashing straps has torn. What do you do?

[x] Continue your trip when the load is secured by other sufficient securing means
[] Continue your trip because a slipping load will be caught by the side panels
[x] Continue your trip after the lashing strap has been replaced

Where is it permitted to flash headlights to indicate your intention to overtake?

[] In darkness in built-up areas
[x] In daylight outside built-up areas
[x] In darkness outside built-up areas

What can red-white warning plates on vehicles indicate?

[x] A vehicle with excessive width
[] A vehicle transporting dangerous goods
[x] A trailer parked on the roadway within a built-up area

What is allowed on priority roads outside built-up areas?

[x] Parking on the hard shoulder
[x] Stopping on the right edge of the roadway
[] Parking on the roadway

What can a flashing amber light on a vehicle be a warning for?

[x] For a large transport proceeding at low speed
[x] For dangers at roadworks or the scene of an accident
[x] For an exceptionally wide vehicle

Where is parking prohibited?

[x] At the edge of the roadway if this would prevent others from using designated parking areas
[] Immediately behind pedestrian crossings
[x] Before sunken kerbstones

What must you be aware of if you want to transport a load?

[x] may not interfere with me
[x] may not slide even when I brake
[] may never project over the front of the vehicle

Where are you allowed to park on the left in the direction of travel?

[x] Where there are rails on the right-hand side
[x] In one-way streets
[] Where parking is prohibited on the right

Where should a vehicle stop at these traffic lights with green arrow sign?

[x] Before the crossing or junction if there is no stop line
[] There is no need to stop
[x] At the stop line

At which places where there are no traffic signs regulating priority does the rule "right before left" apply?

[ ] At junctions of farm tracks or forest tracks with other roads
[x] At crossroads and junctions
[ ] At junctions with sunken kerbstone

You are driving your car and caravan trailer (length of combination of vehicles exceeding 7 m) outside built-up areas on a road with only one marked lane in each direction. What must you remember?

[x] As a rule, the distance from a car in front must be great enough to allow an overtaking car to pull in
[ ] You may not drive faster than 60 km/h
[ ] The distance from the car in front must not be greater than the length of your combination of vehicles in order to make best use of traffic space

What should you call the attention of your passengers to before exiting?

[x] they should heed the pedestrians walking on the right-side
[ ] cyclists are required to wait on cycle paths
[x] they should heed the traffic flowing on the left-side

The time on a parking meter has not yet run out. What do you do?

[ ] only use the time left on the meter when using a parking disc
[ ] not use the time left on the meter
[x] use the time left on the meter without inserting more money

Where are you allowed to park a trailer with a permissible total mass exceeding 2 t in built-up areas regularly on sundays and public holidays and between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m.?

[x] In industrial areas
[ ] In special areas reserved for recreation purposes, on sufficiently wide roads
[x] In wholly residential areas, on specially designated parking spaces

On what roads does the recommended speed of 130 km/h apply?

[x] Motorways
[x] On vehicle roadways not inside a built-up area, with separate carriageways for each direction
[x] On vehicle roadways not inside a built-up area, with at least two marked lanes for each direction

Where are parking lights sufficient when parking a car on unlit roads?

[ ] Outside built-up areas
[ ] On the hard shoulder of autobahns
[x] In built-up areas

You are holding a driving permit class B. Your car has the following specifications: - empty mass 1900 kg - permissible total mass 2400 kg - permissible towed load 1500 kg Which trailer are you allowed to tow

[ ] 1500 kg
[ ] 1200 kg
[x] 1000 kg

Total mass of vehicle and trailer shouldnt exceed 3500kg. 

What should I be aware of when using an adaptive cruise control system?

[x] The system can be affected by heavy rain or snow fall
[x] Activating the accelerator or brake pedal can always override the system
[x] I must remain constantly attentive even when using the system for a longer period

If the horn does not work, what can be the reason?

[x] The horn's operating device is defective
[x] Blown fuse
[ ] Defective starter

The noise of the exhaust has suddenly become louder than usual. What do you do?

[ ] Renew the engine air filter
[ ] Nothing because nobody is endangered
[x] Check the exhaust system

What increases the effect of centrifugal force on the vehicle when driving round bends?

[x] Smaller radius of a bend
[ ] Higher tyre pressure
[x] Higher speed

What must you know about catalytic converters?

[x] A catalytic converter can be damaged or destroyed when the car is towed to start
[ ] Unburned fuel in the catalytic converter cannot cause any damage when the engine starts
[x] A catalytic converter can be damaged when the engine starts after many unsuccessful attempts

Visibility is considerably reduced. When are you allowed to switch on fog headlamps?

[x] In fog
[x] In rain
[x] In falling snow

When are you allowed to use fog headlamps also during the day?

[x] by rain
[ ] by ice on the windscreen
[x] by fog or falling snow

You are driving at 80 km/h behind a motor vehicle. What is the minimum safe distance you must observe?

[ ] A distance of 15 metres
[ ] A "distance of 1 second"
[x] A "distance of 2 seconds"

What must you reckon with when it starts raining after a long period of dry weather?

[ ] Shorter braking distance
[x] Bad visibility immediately upon switching the windscreen wipers on
[x] A dangerous greasy film on the surface of the road

What must you take into consideration when selecting your speed?

[x] Visibility and weather conditions
[x] The condition of the road and traffic conditions
[x] Personal driving ability

When driving on main roads, which vehicles must use the hard shoulders where possible?

[ ] Small-engine motorcycles
[x] Mopeds
[x] Slow-moving agricultural tractors and machinery

You want to leave a property lot and turn into a road while passing over a footpath. What must you look out for?

[x] You should be directed by another person if necessary
[x] Pedestrians on the footpath may not be endangered
[ ] First take note of the flowing traffic on the road

How can you tell if a horse-drawn carriage wants to change direction?

[x] A flashing indicator
[x] A traffic paddle is displayed
[x] The driver extends his arm

You overtake on a motorway. Behind you a car approaches at high speed, with headlights and indicators flashing. What should you do?

[x] I pull over into the right-hand lane as soon as possible
[ [ I gently decelerate
[x] I continue overtaking swiftly

At which impact speed must you reckon with serious or deadly injuries when no safety belt is worn?

[x] From 30 km/h onward
[ ] From 80 km/h onward
[ ] From 50 km/h onward

When are you allowed to switch on rear fog lamps?

[ ] When fog reduces visibility to 100 m
[x] When fog reduces visibility to less than 50 m
[ ] When visibility is reduced by heavy rain

You want to transport your holiday luggage on the roof of your fully occupied car. What must you observe?

[ ] The roof load specifications contained in the registration certificate Part I
[x] The gross vehicle weight rating of my car
[x] The vehicle manufacturer's roof load specifications in the operating manual

What does a rear-wheel drive car tend to do if you accelerate too much on a bend?

[ ] The front end tends to turn out to the side
[x] The rear end tends to turn out to the side
[ ] The car tends to understeer

Where is it permitted to flash headlights to indicate your intention to overtake?

[ ] In darkness in built-up areas
[x] In daylight outside built-up areas
[x] In darkness outside built-up areas

How must a load projecting more than 1 m beyond the rear reflectors of the vehicle be marked in darkness?

[ ] By an orange warning plate
[ ] By switching the fog tail lamp on
[x] By a red light and red rear reflector

You are driving in a tunnel and approach the end of a traffic jam. What do you do?

[ ] At the end of the traffic jam, switch off the engine and leave the vehicle
[ ] Make a U-turn and leave the tunnel
[x] Switch on the hazard warning lights

What are the special conditions when driving along tree-lined avenues?

[ ] The trees provide protection from the sides
[x] There are particularly narrow and blind bends
[x] The narrow and often cambered roadway requires special caution when there is oncoming traffic

You have sold your vehicle which is still registered. The buyer has paid. What must you do?

[x] Inform the registration centre immediately of the buyer's name and address
[ ] Remove the test stamp from the official registration plate
[x] Hand over the vehicle registration certificate (Fahrzeugschein) and vehicle registration book (Fahrzeugbrief) or permit for use (Betriebserlaubnis) to the buyer against receipt

Whilst driving, your vehicle pulls to the right. What can be the reason for this?

[x] Steering axle bent
[ ] Loose steering shock absorber
[x] Wheel alignment not in order

How could a dangerous situation arise?

[x] Through failure to maintain suitable speed
[ ] By having lights turned on during day
[x] Through vehicles at a standstill

What can cause in aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) on wet road surfaces?

[x] High speed
[x] Grooves in the roadway
[x] Worn tyres

A traffic jam has formed on a three-lane autobahn. Where must the channel for emergency vehicles be formed?

[x] Between the left-hand and the middle lanes
[ ] On the hard shoulder
[ ] Between the middle and right-hand lanes

The windscreen wipers on your car do not function. What can be the cause of this?

[ ] Too much water in the windscreen washer
[x] Windscreen wiper motor defective
[x] Blown fuse

You are driving on a road not within a built-up area and want to overtake a car. Where is the very latest point at which the overtaking manoeuvre should be completed?

[ ] Before the start of a lane marking
[x] Before the start of a solid line (traffic lane boundary)
[x] Before a no-overtaking sign for vehicles of all types

What should be noted when loading vehicles?

[x] Loads more than 2.50 m high may not project forwards by more than 50 cm
[ ] It is not necessary to secure heavy loads
[x] Loads that project beyond the retro-reflectors by more than 1 m, must be labelled

Where is parking prohibited?

[x] At the edge of the roadway if this would prevent others from using designated parking areas
[ ] On priority roads within built-up areas
[x] On priority roads outside built-up areas

After a longer journey travelling at about 120 km/h, you want to exit the motorway. What must you be aware of when doing so?

[x] I check the speedometer to make sure I do not underestimate my speed
[ ] I maintain my speed while on the exit lane, so as not to impede the traffic behind me
[x] I signal in good time and then brake while on the exit lane, so as not to impede the traffic behind me

You are driving with main beam lights on in darkness. When do you have to dip your headlights?

[x] When a vehicle is driving close in front
[ ] If there are pedestrians in front moving in the same direction
[x] When a vehicle is oncoming

What must you observe particularly when driving through a tunnel?

[x] Signs for safety installations such as emergency exits and emergency telephones
[x] You may be distracted by light effects
[x] You may be distracted by very loud noise

Why is it dangerous if passengers sitting in the rear do not wear their seatbelts?

[x] could propel these persons from the vehicle
[x] could result in injuries even at low speeds
[x] could result in injuries to persons in the front seats

What is the minimum distance that should normally be maintained from the vehicle in front outside built-up areas?

[ ] 1/5 the speedometer reading in metres
[x] 1/2 the speedometer reading in metres

When driving, you notice that the car constantly pulls to the left. What could be the cause of this?

[x] Incorrect wheel adjustment at the front axle (track, wheel camber)
[x] Too little air in the front left tyre
[ ] The left rear tyre is extensively worn

Having committed several violations during the probationary period, the authorities have ordered a driver to attend an advanced seminar. The new driver fails to comply with the order. What may he now anticipate?

[x] The withdrawal of the driving licence
[ ] A notice to pay a public fine
[ ] Additional points in the Central Register of Road Traffic Offenders

What must you bear in mind when loading a single-axle trailer?

[x] axle load
[x] total mass
[x] load on the coupling

Why should you avoid driving off at a rapid pace?

[x] Because of heavier tyre wear
[x] Because the noise you cause annoys others
[ ] Because this is a great strain on the rear brake

How can you prevent a child from opening a door while the vehicle is moving?

[x] the child safety locks on the rear doors
[ ] the central locking system

Who is parked?

[ ] Anyone who waits longer than 3 minutes at a closed level crossing barrier
[x] Anyone who stops for more than 3 minutes
[x] Anyone who leaves his vehicle

What changes in a car when towing a two-axle trailer?

[x] Acceleration capacity is reduced
[x] More space is needed when turning and driving round bends
[ ] Driving stability increases

How do you pass through an incline safely? I take my foot off the accelerator completely and

[ ] switch the ignition off
[ ] drive in neutral
[x] select a gear in which I am not required to brake a great deal

Your car’s steering wheel wobbles while you are driving. What can be the reason?

[x] Wheels are unbalanced
[x] Shock absorbers are defective
[x] Wheel suspension-spring is damaged

You are driving in urban traffic on a dry roadway in a stream of traffic travelling at a speed of 50 km/h. What is the minimum safe distance you must keep from the vehicle in front?

[x] 15 m or approximately 3 car lengths
[ ] 10 m or approximately 2 car lengths
[ ] 5 m or approximately 1 car length

What must you do on encountering sudden dense fog driving at daytime?

[x] Switch on dipped headlights
[x] Adapt speed immediately to visibility conditions
[ ] Only switch on parking lights

You want to turn out of a road with a sunken kerbstone into another road. A car is coming from the left. What applies here?

[ ] The rule "right before left"
[x] Whoever turns into a road over a sunken kerbstone must wait
[ ] The sunken kerbstone is of no relevance for the obligation to wait

You are approaching a regular bus which has stopped in the opposite direction at a bus stop on your roadway and its hazard warning lights are switched on. What must you expect?

[x] Passengers will cross the roadway in order to catch the bus
[ ] Passengers will cross the roadway only after the hazard warning lights of the bus are switched off
[x] Passengers leaving the bus will suddenly cross the roadway

How are you allowed to transport a five-year-old child in your car?

[ ] In a back seat with standard three-point safety belt
[x] In a suitable and approved child seat with test mark
[ ] On a back seat with waist belt fastened

What is required when your vehicle is no longer covered by motor liability insurance?

[ ] must be submitted to the registration centre
[x] must be de-registered at the registration centre
[x] may no longer be used in road traffic

What is designated as towed load?

[x] The actual load being towed
[ ] The useful load of the trailer
[ ] The permissible total mass of the trailer

What could happen if the cruise control system (speed limiter) is switched off too late?

[x] Excessively high cornering speed
[x] Exceeding the permissible maximum speed
[x] Tailgating

What must you do to end an overtaking manoeuvre?

[ ] Move over to the right-hand side of the roadway right in front of the vehicle you have overtaken
[x] Move over to the right as soon as possible without inconveniencing the vehicle you have overtaken
[x] Signal your intention to draw in clearly and in good time

Which vehicles may be overtaken only by maintaining a specially great lateral distance?

[ ] Trams
[x] Motorcycles
[x] Bicycles

You are driving on a good quality road in good visibility conditions. Within what distance must you be able to stop?

[x] the stretch of road visible to me
[ ] half of the stretch of road visible to me
[ ] twice the stretch of road visible to me

Why are short journeys performed with a cold engine especially damaging to the environment?

[ ] the vehicle's battery will be over-charged
[x] more fuel is consumed
[x] the level of material wear is higher

You are in your car towing a trailer which has no brakes and you approach a long steep downhill slope. What is correct?

[ ] Relieve the car brakes by disengaging the clutch at frequent intervals
[x] Make allowance for the pushing effect of the trailer
[x] Reduce speed, if necessary, engage low gear in time, be ready to brake

What applies on clearways for motor vehicles only?

[ ] In darkness, you may drive faster than the range of visibility allowed by dipped headlights
[x] No U-turns
[x] Join the clearway only at crossroads and junctions

Where does aquaplaning (sliding on wet roads) occur particularly often?

[x] Where there are grooves in the roadway
[ ] At level crossings
[x] In dips in the roadway

What do you have to particularly remember at crossroads and junctions in a built-up area?

[ ] The rule "right before left" applies without exception at all crossroads and junctions
[x] Intersecting roads may have priority even though they are narrow and less well developed
[ ] A better developed road always has priority

You want to overtake cyclists. What should be noted when selecting the distance between the cyclists and the car?

[ ] 1.0 m between the cyclist and the car is always sufficient
[x] The speed of my vehicle
[x] How the cyclists are acting

Why should you not apply the clutch when driving on a long, steep downhill slope?

[x] Because the braking action of the engine will have no effect
[ ] Because in this case the brake servo unit will no longer function
[x] Because this causes unnecessary wear of the brakes

You are the new owner of a licensed vehicle. What do you have to do?

[x] notify the licensing authority of the change in ownership
[ ] generally arrange for a vehicle roadworthiness test to be performed at the time of the change of ownership
[x] present the licensing authority with proof of the existence of liability insurance for the vehicle

Why must you also drive with dipped headlight during the day when visibility is impaired by fog, rain or falling snow?

[ ] So that you can drive at a higher speed
[x] So that you will be more easily seen by other road users
[ ] So that you can see traffic signs at greater distances

What does a front-wheel drive car tend to do if you accelerate too much on a bend?

[ ] The vehicle tends to oversteer
[x] The front end tends to turn out to the side
[ ] The rear end tends to turn out to the side

What are the advantages of an automatic anti-locking device ( )?

[ ] Bends can be taken considerably faster
[x] The wheels do not lock when braking
[x] Steering control is retained even when braking heavily

You hit a tyre against a hard obstacle with force. What must you do?

[ ] Retighten the wheel bolts
[x] Have the tyres and rim checked immediately

What should you avoid for reasons of environmental protection?

[x] Unnecessary trips
[x] Loud music with windows opened
[x] Letting the engine warm up when the vehicle is stationary

A safety belt lock does not close. What do you do?

[x] Have the lock repaired
[ ] Drive at a low speed
[ ] Nothing because the seat is equipped with an airbag

Where is stopping prohibited?

[ ] At bus stops
[x] Outside parking areas on autobahns and clearways for motor vehicles only
[x] Near or on sharp bends

You would like to cross over a priority road. The view to both sides is very restricted due to parked vehicles. What should you do?

[ ] I quickly cross over the junction
[x] I carefully ease my way into the junction
[ ] I sound my horn to warn crossing traffic

Which vehicles must you allow to set off from marked bus stops?

[x] Regular buses
[ ] Taxis
[x] School buses

Who is responsible for the roadworthiness of a licensed vehicle?

[x] The owner
[ ] The motor liability insurance company
[x] The driver

A police signalling disc is displayed towards you from a vehicle driving in front of you. What does this mean?

[ ] I have to turn in the direction indicated
[x] I may not overtake the vehicle
[x] I have to follow the vehicle until it stops

What are you obliged to do, if you are involved in a road traffic accident?

[x] provide aid if anyone has been injured
[x] secure the scene of the accident
[x] stop and determine the consequences of the accident

How can you reduce the noise made by a car?

[ ] By using all-terrain tyres
[x] By driving at a low engine speed
[ ] By removing the air filter

What must be regularly serviced to prevent high fuel consumption and excessive pollutant emission?

[x] Ignition system
[x] Engine air filter
[x] Carburettor or fuel-injection system

While you are driving, the airbag control light stays on constantly. What must you do?

[x] Go to a garage workshop
[ ] Take the vehicle off the road immediately
[ ] Nothing because it is an indication for the garage workshop

What do you do when a bus has stopped at a bus stop with its hazard warning lights switched on?

[x] Drive past at a sufficient distance in order to exclude endangering pedestrians
[x] Wait if passengers could be inconvenienced
[x] Drive past at walking speed only and, if necessary, stop

You are driving a slow-moving vehicle on a main road. How can you facilitate faster-moving vehicles in overtaking?

[x] onto the parking area
[x] onto the hard shoulder
[x] into a lay-by
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