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Forked from szabomikierno/Filter.php
Created July 25, 2019 14:41
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Filter trait for any Laravel Model
namespace App\Core\Model;
* @param (boolean) active
* The returned resources active (deleted_at) status
* TRUE => only active
* FALSE => only inactive
* NULL => active AND inactive
* @param (boolean) ascending
* Query resource in ascending order
* TRUE => ascending
* FALSE | NULL => descending
* @param (int) limit
* Number of results
* @param (string) orderBy
* Column by which we order the query
* @param (string) orderDir
* Order direction for the query (ASC|DESC)
* @param (array) query
* @param (array) rules
* @param (int) start
* The nr of the element in order from which we begin the query
trait Filter
private static $supportedRules = ['exact', 'contains', 'between', 'boolean', 'different', 'null'];
private static $defaultRule = 'contains';
private $active;
private $search;
private $rules;
private $orderBy;
private $orderDir;
private $page;
private $query;
// Check if the model has a custom order column by default
private function defaultOrderBy(){
return property_exists($this, 'defaultOrderBy') ? $this->defaultOrderBy : 'id';
// Check if the model has a custom order direction by default
private function defaultOrderDir(){
return property_exists($this, 'defaultOrderDir') ? $this->defaultOrderDir : 'ASC';
// Check if the model has custom search rules by default
private function defaultSearchRules() {
return property_exists($this, 'defaultSearchRules') ? $this->defaultSearchRules : [];
* Return the search rule for that attribute
* Used to decide what type of search query we use for the giver attr
* Supported rules are stored in self::$supportedRules
* Filter default rule is in self::$defaultRule
* We can define default search rules inside our models with the $defaultSearchRules attr
* It has to be an associative array $attribute => rule format
* If the request has a search rule we use that
* Otherwise fall back to model default for that attribute
* Otherwise fall back to filter default
private function getRuleForAttribute($attr) {
// the default search rule
$rule = self::$defaultRule;
// if the model has a default search rule for that attribute
if(array_has($this->defaultSearchRules(), $attr)){
// and if the filter supports that rule
if(in_array($this->defaultSearchRules[$attr], self::$supportedRules)){
// overwrite the filters default with the models default
$rule = $this->defaultSearchRules[$attr];
// if the request has a search rule for that attribute
if(array_has($this->rules, $attr)){
// and if the filter supports that rule
if(in_array($this->rules[$attr], self::$supportedRules)){
// overwrite the filters and models default with the request
$rule = $this->rules[$attr];
// the search rule for the requested attribute
return $rule;
private function setActiveStatus($status){
$this->active = $status;
private function setSearch($search, $rules = []) {
$search = json_decode($search, true);
$this->search = [];
// Check if the search query specifies the deleted/active status
if(array_key_exists('active', $search)){
// remove that to avoid querying it again by a different rule
foreach($search as $attribute => $query) {
//if($query) {
$path = $attribute;
$attrArray = explode(".", $attribute);
$attr = array_values(array_slice($attrArray, -1))[0];
$relationship = (count($attrArray) == 1) ? 'self' : preg_replace('/'.$attr.'$/', '', $attribute);
$relationship = rtrim($relationship,".");
$model = 'self';
if($relationship != 'self'){
$model = array_values(array_slice($attrArray, -2))[0];
$this->search[$relationship][] = [
'query' => $query,
'rule' => $this->getRuleForAttribute($attribute),
'path' => $path,
'attribute' => $attr,
'model' => $model
private function setRules($rules)
if ($rules) {
$this->rules = json_decode($rules, true);
private function setOrderBy($orderBy = 'id') {
$this->orderBy = $orderBy;
private function setOrderDir($orderDir='ASC'){
$this->orderDir = $orderDir;
private function getOrderBy() {
return isset($this->orderBy) ? $this->orderBy : $this->defaultOrderBy();
private function getOrderDir() {
return isset($this->orderDir) ? $this->orderDir : $this->defaultOrderDir();
private function orderResults() {
$this->query->orderBy($this->getOrderBy(), $this->getOrderDir());
return $this;
private function activeStatus(){
if($this->active == '0')
} else {
return $this;
public function containsMatch($attribute, $query)
$this->query->where($attribute, 'like', '%' . $query . '%');
public function betweenMatch($attribute, $query)
public function booleanMatch($attribute,$query)
* Set the query where options based on the requests
* query and rule parameters
private function search(){
* Check if the request specified any search criteria
foreach($this->search as $relationship => $params){
* Check if the requested search parameter group
* contains internal or external attribute
* (search in self or related model)
if($relationship == 'self'){
foreach($params as $q){
$query = $q['query'];
$rule = $q['rule'];
$attribute = $q['attribute'];
if($query==null && !$rule){
$rule = 'null';
if($query && $rule!="ignore"){
switch ($rule) {
case 'exact':
$this->query->where($attribute, $query);
case 'contains':
$this->query->where($attribute, 'like', '%' . $query . '%');
case 'between':
$query = array_values($query);
if(in_array ($attribute, $this->dates)){
$this->query->where($attribute, ">=", \Carbon\Carbon::parse($query[0]." 00:00:00")->toDateTimeString())
->where($attribute, '<', \Carbon\Carbon::parse($query[1]." 23:59:59")->toDateTimeString());
} else {
$this->whereBetween($attribute, $query);
case 'boolean':
$this->booleanMatch($attribute, $query);
case 'different':
$this->query->whereNotIn($attribute, $query);
} else {
$this->query->where($attribute, '<>' ,$query);
} else {
if($rule == 'null') {
} else {
* In case of external parameter search
* we lazy load the relationship and
* include the search criteria
$this->query->with($relationship)->whereHas($relationship, function($queryHandler) use ($params)
foreach($params as $q){
$query = $q['query'];
$rule = $q['rule'];
$attribute = $q['attribute'];
if($query==null && !$rule){
$rule = 'null';
if($query && $rule!="ignore")
switch ($rule) {
case 'exact':
$queryHandler->where($attribute, $query);
case 'contains':
$queryHandler->where($attribute, 'like', '%' . $query . '%');
case 'between':
$query = array_values($query);
if(in_array ($attribute, $this->dates)){
$queryHandler->where($attribute, ">=", \Carbon\Carbon::parse($query[0]." 00:00:00")->toDateTimeString())
->where($attribute, '<', \Carbon\Carbon::parse($query[1]." 23:59:59")->toDateTimeString());
} else {
$this->whereBetween($attribute, $query);
case 'boolean':
$queryHandler->where($attribute, $query);
case 'different':
$this->query->whereNotIn($attribute, $query);
} else {
$this->query->where($attribute, '<>' ,$query);
} else {
if($rule == 'null') {
return $this;
public function scopeFilter($query, $filter)
$this->query = $query;
$this->page = $filter->input('page', 1);
// If the request has specified a search query
// supports JSON key => value (attribute => query string) pair
// If the request has specified the rules by what we should search
// supports JSON key => value (attribute => rule string) pair
$rules = $filter->has('rules') ? $filter->input('rules') : [];
$this->setSearch($filter->input('query'), $rules);
// If the request has specified the column we order by
$orderByAttribute = $filter->input('orderBy');
// If the specified column exists in our model
if(\Schema::hasColumn($this->getTable(), $orderByAttribute)){
// If the request has specified the order direction
// The request can also specify ascending ordering
// by passing an 'ascending' parameter
} else if($filter->has('ascending')) {
} else {
* Check if the request has specified to retrieve active/trashed/both results
* Overwrites the active query parameter
if ($filter->has('start')) {
return $this->query->paginate($filter->input('limit',10));
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