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Last active March 5, 2020 14:49
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# Notes about values in the TOML config file:
# - strings should always be quoted. Multi-line strings are possible
# using triple-quotes, but should not be necessary in this config file
# - floating point values require a decimal dot, or an exponent (or
# both). Otherwise, they are interpreted as integers.
# More information about the TOML config format:
# Scenarios to use.
# This defines only the names and epoch.
# Values (what G/W and L/H correspond to) are filled in below.
# Comment-out scenarios of no-interest.
name = "G"
epoch = 2050
precip = "L"
name = "W"
epoch = 2050
precip = "L"
name = "G"
epoch = 2050
precip = "H"
name = "W"
epoch = 2050
precip = "H"
name = "G"
epoch = 2085
precip = "L"
name = "W"
epoch = 2085
precip = "L"
name = "G"
epoch = 2085
precip = "H"
name = "W"
epoch = 2085
precip = "H"
# Note: extra definitions can remain here, if the corresponding
# scenarios are e.g. commented-out above
# percentile of CMIP tas for a given epoch that the 'W' and 'G' scenarios correspond to
W = 90.0
G = 10.0
# percent change in precipitation (times global tas increase) for 'L' and 'H' scenarios
L = 4.0
H = 8.0
# Define areas of interest
# Use w, e, s, n identifiers in a inline-table/map/dict for a rectangular area
# Or lat, lon in a inline-table/map/dict for a single point
# Or the special value "global"
# Values for w/e/s/n/lat/lon should all be floating point.
# Shapefiles and masks are not yet supported.
global = "global"
nlpoint = {lat = 51.25, lon = 6.25}
nlbox = {w = 4.5, e = 8.0, s = 50.5, n = 53.0}
weurbox = {w = 4.0, e = 14.0, s= 47.0, n = 53.0}
# Some generic configuration regarding variables
# For which variables to calculate a relative change,
# instead of an absolute change (compare 'pr' versus 'tas')
# A list of short variable names.
relative = ["pr"]
# Some generic configuration for the input data
# This assumes NetCDF files with proper (CF-conventions) attributes
# Define the attribute names for meta information.
# Each definition should be a list: this allows to handle different
# conventions (e.g., between CMIP5 and CMIP6) if one is not available.
experiment = ["experiment_id"]
model = ["model_id", "source_id"]
realization = ["realization"]
initialization = ["initialization_method"]
physics = ["physics_version"]
prip = ["parent_experiment_rip", "parent_variant_label"]
var = ["variable_id"]
# What is the attribute value that indicates historical experiments?
# Everything else is assumed to be a future experiment.
# This value is case-insensitive.
historical_experiment = "historical"
# Definitions of filename patterns, to obtain attribute information from.
# Several are given, for various conventions.
# All are tried, until a match is found.
# Regexes can be notably hard to read, especially in this case, since every
# blackslash needs to be escaped, resulting in lots of double backslashes.
pattern = """^CMIP\\d_\
pattern = """^\
pattern = """^\
pattern = """^\
# Configuration for everything that considers CMIP data
# Actual timespan a given scenario epoch corresponds to
periods = {2050 = [2036, 2065], 2085 = [2071, 2100]}
# Control period defines the reference period to which to compare (and
# possibly normalize) to.
# CMIP5 would be [1981, 2010], CMIP6 would be [1991, 2020]
control_period = [1981, 2010]
# List the data files for the different data types.
# This should e.g. filter out bad data files and unwanted experiments.
# Can be globbing patterns or @-lists.
tas_global = "@cmip_tas_global.list"
tas_nlpoint = "@cmip_tas_nlpoint.list"
pr_nlpoint = "@cmip_pr_nlpoint.list"
# Normalize the CMIP data to the control period.
# Choices are "model", "experiment" or "run". These options vary from
# the most to the least spread of normalized data around the control period.
# Leave blank to not normalize (usually a bad idea).
norm_by = "run"
# Calculate the tas change for a specific seasonal average, or a yearly average
# Choices are "year", "djf", "mam", "jja", "son".
season = "year"
# Configuration how to match and concatenate CMIP historical and future experiments
# Match future and historical runs by model (very generic) or ensemble (very specific).
match_by = "ensemble"
# Where to get the match info from. Either (NetCDF) 'attributes' or the 'filename' pattern
# Should always be a list: the later options in the list serve as a fallback in case earlier
# options don't succeed
match_info_from = ["attributes", "filename"]
# What to do when a future ensemble can't be matched:
# - "error": raise an error, and stop the program
# - "remove": remove (ignore) the future ensemble
# - "randomrun": pick a random historical run that matches all attributes, except the realization
# - "random": pick a random historical run from all ensembles of that model
on_no_match = "randomrun"
# Configuration for additional data
# This is the data of interest, for which a steering table will be
# calculated, and whose runs will be resampled.
# This assumes the datasets are already concatenated datasets: historical + future.
data = "@ecearth-tas_global.list"
control_period = [1981, 2010]
figsize = [8.0, 8.0]
# Configuration for global temperature increase plot
# CMIP percentiles levels to plot
# Each level needs a name, to be re-used in the styline configuration
levels = {extreme = [5.0, 95.0], middle = [10.0, 90.0], narrow = [25.0, 75.0]}
# Smooth the plot across time; value should be an integer. Leave blank for no smoothing.
rolling_window = 10
# Overplot extra datasets?
overplot = true
# Plot averaged data, or individual runs
average_data = true
# Smooth with rolling window; same as for CMIP data
rolling_window = 10
x = "Year"
y = "Increase [${}^{\\circ}$]"
# Use a 2-element list. Leave blank to let Matplotlib figure things out.
x = [1950, 2100] # years, in integers
y = [-1.0, 6.0] # always float
# Re-use the level names above.
# Use Matplotlib color and alpha codes.
# Anything not given is 'black' (color) and 1.0 (alpha; opaque).
colors = {extreme = "#bbbbbb", middle = "#888888", narrow = "#555555", extra_data = "#669955"}
alpha = {extreme = 0.8, middle = 0.4, narrow = 0.2}
nsections = 6
nstep1 = 1000
nstep3 = 8
# Monte-Carlo number of samples
nsample = 10_000
# TOML file that defines the percentiles ranges used in step 2
step2table = "step2.toml"
# Penalties for number of (multiple) occurrences of segment in resamples, in step 3.
# Starts from 1 occurrence, that is, no duplicate.
# Only give the number of occurrences that have a penalty less than
# infinity, including a 0.0 penalty (for e.g. a single, `1`, occurrence).
# All penalties should be floating point numbers.
penalties = {1: 0.0, 2: 0.0, 3: 1.0, 4: 5.0}
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