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Created October 16, 2018 08:48
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2018-10-16 08:43:28,966 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:123
_____ ____ __ ____ __ _ _____ _
| ____/ ___|| \/ \ \ / /_ _| |_ _|__ ___ | |
| _| \___ \| |\/| |\ \ / / _` | | | |/ _ \ / _ \| |
| |___ ___) | | | | \ V / (_| | | | | (_) | (_) | |
|_____|____/|_| |_| \_/ \__,_|_| |_|\___/ \___/|_|
ESMValTool - Earth System Model Evaluation Tool
Veronika Eyring (PI; DLR, Germany -
Bouwe Andela (NLESC, Netherlands -
Bjoern Broetz (DLR, Germany -
Niels Drost (NLESC, Netherlands -
Nikolay Koldunov (AWI, Germany -
Axel Lauer (DLR, Germany -
Benjamin Mueller (LMU, Germany -
Valeriu Predoi (URead, UK -
Mattia Righi (DLR, Germany -
Javier Vegas-Regidor (BSC, Spain -
For further help, please read the documentation at Have fun!
2018-10-16 08:43:28,966 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:125 Using config file /Users/evert/code/fselten/config-user.yml
2018-10-16 08:43:28,967 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:126 Writing program log files to:
2018-10-16 08:43:28,967 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:148 Starting the Earth System Model Evaluation Tool v2.0a1 at time: 2018-10-16 08:43:28 UTC
2018-10-16 08:43:28,968 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:150 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2018-10-16 08:43:28,968 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:151 RECIPE = /Users/evert/code/fselten/test.yml
2018-10-16 08:43:28,968 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:152 RUNDIR = /Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/run
2018-10-16 08:43:28,968 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:153 WORKDIR = /Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/work
2018-10-16 08:43:28,968 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:154 PREPROCDIR = /Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc
2018-10-16 08:43:28,968 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:155 PLOTDIR = /Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/plots
2018-10-16 08:43:28,968 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:156 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2018-10-16 08:43:28,968 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:159 Running tasks using at most 1 processes
2018-10-16 08:43:28,969 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._main:162 If your system hangs during execution, it may not have enough memory for keeping this number of tasks in memory. In that case, try reducing 'max_parallel_tasks' in your user configuration file.
2018-10-16 08:43:28,969 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._recipe:83 Checking recipe against schema /usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/recipe_schema.yml
2018-10-16 08:43:28,978 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._recipe:790 Retrieving diagnostics from recipe
2018-10-16 08:43:28,978 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._recipe:865 Populating list of variables for diagnostic diagnostic1
2018-10-16 08:43:28,978 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._config:137 Retrieving CMIP5 configuration
2018-10-16 08:43:28,979 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._recipe:886 Setting script for diagnostic diagnostic1
2018-10-16 08:43:28,979 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._recipe:943 Creating tasks from recipe
2018-10-16 08:43:28,979 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._recipe:947 Creating tasks for diagnostic diagnostic1
2018-10-16 08:43:28,979 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._recipe:952 Creating preprocessor task diagnostic1/pr
2018-10-16 08:43:28,979 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._recipe:698 Creating preprocessor 'pp1' task for variable 'pr'
2018-10-16 08:43:28,979 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._recipe:266 If not present: adding keys from CMOR table to {'preprocessor': 'pp1', 'field': 'T2Ms', 'short_name': 'pr', 'diagnostic': 'diagnostic1', 'dataset': 'ACCESS1-3', 'project': 'CMIP5', 'mip': 'Amon', 'exp': 'historical', 'ensemble': 'r1i1p1', 'start_year': 1850, 'end_year': 2005, 'cmor_table': 'CMIP5', 'filename': '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc/diagnostic1_pp1_pr/'}
2018-10-16 08:43:28,980 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._config:137 Retrieving CMIP5 configuration
2018-10-16 08:43:28,980 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._config:143 Retrieving institute for CMIP5 dataset ACCESS1-3
2018-10-16 08:43:28,980 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._config:137 Retrieving CMIP5 configuration
2018-10-16 08:43:28,980 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._data_finder:22 Looking for files matching pr_Amon_ACCESS1-3_historical_r1i1p1_* in /Users/evert/code/fselten/
2018-10-16 08:43:28,990 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._recipe:533 Using input files for variable pr of dataset ACCESS1-3:
2018-10-16 08:43:28,991 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._recipe:966 Creating diagnostic task diagnostic1/test
2018-10-16 08:43:28,991 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._recipe:928 Linking tasks for diagnostic diagnostic1 script test
2018-10-16 08:43:28,991 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._recipe:937 Pattern diagnostic1/pr matches ['diagnostic1/pr']
2018-10-16 08:43:28,991 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool._main:180 Recipe summary:
script: /Users/evert/code/fselten/
{ 'log_level': 'info',
'max_data_filesize': 100,
'output_file_type': 'pdf',
'plot_dir': '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/plots/diagnostic1/test',
'recipe': 'test.yml',
'run_dir': '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/run/diagnostic1/test',
'script': 'test',
'version': '2.0a1',
'work_dir': '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/work/diagnostic1/test',
'write_netcdf': True,
'write_plots': True}
order: ('fix_file', 'load_cubes', 'fix_metadata', 'concatenate', 'cmor_check_metadata', 'extract_time', 'fix_data', 'seasonal_mean', 'cmor_check_data', 'save', 'cleanup', 'extract_metadata')
{ '': { 'cleanup': { 'remove': [ '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc/diagnostic1_pp1_pr/CMIP5_ACCESS1-3_Amon_historical_r1i1p1_T2Ms_pr_1850-2005_fixed']},
'cmor_check_data': { 'cmor_table': 'CMIP5',
'mip': 'Amon',
'short_name': 'pr'},
'cmor_check_metadata': { 'cmor_table': 'CMIP5',
'mip': 'Amon',
'short_name': 'pr'},
'concatenate': { },
'extract_metadata': { 'write_ncl': False},
'extract_time': { 'd1': 1,
'd2': 1,
'mo1': 1,
'mo2': 1,
'yr1': 1850,
'yr2': 2006},
'fix_data': { 'cmor_table': 'CMIP5',
'dataset': 'ACCESS1-3',
'mip': 'Amon',
'project': 'CMIP5',
'short_name': 'pr'},
'fix_file': { 'dataset': 'ACCESS1-3',
'output_dir': '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc/diagnostic1_pp1_pr/CMIP5_ACCESS1-3_Amon_historical_r1i1p1_T2Ms_pr_1850-2005_fixed',
'project': 'CMIP5',
'short_name': 'pr'},
'fix_metadata': { 'cmor_table': 'CMIP5',
'dataset': 'ACCESS1-3',
'mip': 'Amon',
'project': 'CMIP5',
'short_name': 'pr'},
'load_cubes': { 'callback': <function concatenate_callback at 0x10ff6bae8>,
'constraints': 'precipitation_flux',
'filename': '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc/diagnostic1_pp1_pr/',
'metadata': { 'cmor_table': 'CMIP5',
'dataset': 'ACCESS1-3',
'diagnostic': 'diagnostic1',
'end_year': 2005,
'ensemble': 'r1i1p1',
'exp': 'historical',
'field': 'T2Ms',
'filename': '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc/diagnostic1_pp1_pr/',
'long_name': 'Precipitation',
'mip': 'Amon',
'preprocessor': 'pp1',
'project': 'CMIP5',
'short_name': 'pr',
'standard_name': 'precipitation_flux',
'start_year': 1850,
'units': 'kg '
'm-2 '
'save': { 'compress': False},
'seasonal_mean': { }}}
input_files: ['/Users/evert/code/fselten/']
2018-10-16 08:43:28,993 UTC [50059] INFO esmvaltool._task:481 Running 2 tasks sequentially
2018-10-16 08:43:28,993 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:181 Processing {'/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc/diagnostic1_pp1_pr/': ['/Users/evert/code/fselten/']}
2018-10-16 08:43:28,993 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:231 Running preprocessor step fix_file
2018-10-16 08:43:28,993 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:242 Running fix_file(/Users/evert/code/fselten/, {'project': 'CMIP5', 'dataset': 'ACCESS1-3', 'short_name': 'pr', 'output_dir': '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc/diagnostic1_pp1_pr/CMIP5_ACCESS1-3_Amon_historical_r1i1p1_T2Ms_pr_1850-2005_fixed'})
2018-10-16 08:43:28,994 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:231 Running preprocessor step load_cubes
2018-10-16 08:43:28,994 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:236 Running load_cubes(('/Users/evert/code/fselten/',), {'callback': <function concatenate_callback at 0x10ff6bae8>, 'filename': '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc/diagnostic1_pp1_pr/', 'metadata': {'preprocessor': 'pp1', 'field': 'T2Ms', 'short_name': 'pr', 'diagnostic': 'diagnostic1', 'dataset': 'ACCESS1-3', 'project': 'CMIP5', 'mip': 'Amon', 'exp': 'historical', 'ensemble': 'r1i1p1', 'start_year': 1850, 'end_year': 2005, 'cmor_table': 'CMIP5', 'filename': '/Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc/diagnostic1_pp1_pr/', 'standard_name': 'precipitation_flux', 'long_name': 'Precipitation', 'units': 'kg m-2 s-1'}, 'constraints': 'precipitation_flux'})
2018-10-16 08:43:28,994 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor._io:52 Loading:
2018-10-16 08:43:29,031 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:231 Running preprocessor step fix_metadata
2018-10-16 08:43:29,032 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:242 Running fix_metadata(precipitation_flux / (kg m-2 s-1) (time: 1872; latitude: 145; longitude: 192)
Dimension coordinates:
time x - -
latitude - x -
longitude - - x
Conventions: CF-1.4
_filename: /Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/prepr...
associated_files: baseURL: gridspecFile:
branch_time: 90945.0
cmor_version: 2.8.0
comment: at surface; includes both liquid and solid phases from all types of clouds...
contact: The ACCESS wiki: Contact...
experiment: historical
experiment_id: historical
forcing: GHG, Oz, SA, Sl, Vl, BC, OC, (GHG = CO2, N2O, CH4, CFC11, CFC12, CFC113,...
frequency: mon
initialization_method: 1
institute_id: CSIRO-BOM
institution: CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia),...
metadata: {cmor_table: CMIP5, dataset: ACCESS1-3, diagnostic: diagnostic1, end_year:...
model_id: ACCESS1.3
modeling_realm: atmos
parent_experiment: pre-industrial control
parent_experiment_id: piControl
parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1
physics_version: 1
product: output
project_id: CMIP5
realization: 1
references: See
source: ACCESS1-3 2011. Atmosphere: AGCM v1.0 (N96 grid-point, 1.875 degrees EW...
table_id: Table Amon (27 April 2011) 9c851218e3842df9a62ef38b1e2575bb
title: ACCESS1-3 model output prepared for CMIP5 historical
version_number: v20120413
Cell methods:
mean: time, {'project': 'CMIP5', 'dataset': 'ACCESS1-3', 'short_name': 'pr', 'cmor_table': 'CMIP5', 'mip': 'Amon'})
2018-10-16 08:43:31,281 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:231 Running preprocessor step concatenate
2018-10-16 08:43:31,283 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:236 Running concatenate((<iris 'Cube' of precipitation_flux / (kg m-2 s-1) (time: 1872; latitude: 145; longitude: 192)>,), {})
2018-10-16 08:43:31,285 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:231 Running preprocessor step cmor_check_metadata
2018-10-16 08:43:31,285 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:242 Running cmor_check_metadata(precipitation_flux / (kg m-2 s-1) (time: 1872; latitude: 145; longitude: 192)
Dimension coordinates:
time x - -
latitude - x -
longitude - - x
Auxiliary coordinates:
day_of_month x - -
day_of_year x - -
month_number x - -
year x - -
Conventions: CF-1.4
_filename: /Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/prepr...
associated_files: baseURL: gridspecFile:
branch_time: 90945.0
cmor_version: 2.8.0
comment: at surface; includes both liquid and solid phases from all types of clouds...
contact: The ACCESS wiki: Contact...
experiment: historical
experiment_id: historical
forcing: GHG, Oz, SA, Sl, Vl, BC, OC, (GHG = CO2, N2O, CH4, CFC11, CFC12, CFC113,...
frequency: mon
initialization_method: 1
institute_id: CSIRO-BOM
institution: CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia),...
metadata: {cmor_table: CMIP5, dataset: ACCESS1-3, diagnostic: diagnostic1, end_year:...
model_id: ACCESS1.3
modeling_realm: atmos
parent_experiment: pre-industrial control
parent_experiment_id: piControl
parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1
physics_version: 1
product: output
project_id: CMIP5
realization: 1
references: See
source: ACCESS1-3 2011. Atmosphere: AGCM v1.0 (N96 grid-point, 1.875 degrees EW...
table_id: Table Amon (27 April 2011) 9c851218e3842df9a62ef38b1e2575bb
title: ACCESS1-3 model output prepared for CMIP5 historical
version_number: v20120413
Cell methods:
mean: time, {'cmor_table': 'CMIP5', 'mip': 'Amon', 'short_name': 'pr'})
2018-10-16 08:43:31,290 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:231 Running preprocessor step extract_time
2018-10-16 08:43:31,290 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:242 Running time_slice(precipitation_flux / (kg m-2 s-1) (time: 1872; latitude: 145; longitude: 192)
Dimension coordinates:
time x - -
latitude - x -
longitude - - x
Auxiliary coordinates:
day_of_month x - -
day_of_year x - -
month_number x - -
year x - -
Conventions: CF-1.4
_filename: /Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/prepr...
associated_files: baseURL: gridspecFile:
branch_time: 90945.0
cmor_version: 2.8.0
comment: at surface; includes both liquid and solid phases from all types of clouds...
contact: The ACCESS wiki: Contact...
experiment: historical
experiment_id: historical
forcing: GHG, Oz, SA, Sl, Vl, BC, OC, (GHG = CO2, N2O, CH4, CFC11, CFC12, CFC113,...
frequency: mon
initialization_method: 1
institute_id: CSIRO-BOM
institution: CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia),...
metadata: {cmor_table: CMIP5, dataset: ACCESS1-3, diagnostic: diagnostic1, end_year:...
model_id: ACCESS1.3
modeling_realm: atmos
parent_experiment: pre-industrial control
parent_experiment_id: piControl
parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1
physics_version: 1
product: output
project_id: CMIP5
realization: 1
references: See
source: ACCESS1-3 2011. Atmosphere: AGCM v1.0 (N96 grid-point, 1.875 degrees EW...
table_id: Table Amon (27 April 2011) 9c851218e3842df9a62ef38b1e2575bb
title: ACCESS1-3 model output prepared for CMIP5 historical
version_number: v20120413
Cell methods:
mean: time, {'yr1': 1850, 'yr2': 2006, 'mo1': 1, 'mo2': 1, 'd1': 1, 'd2': 1})
2018-10-16 08:43:31,320 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:231 Running preprocessor step fix_data
2018-10-16 08:43:31,320 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:242 Running fix_data(precipitation_flux / (kg m-2 s-1) (time: 1872; latitude: 145; longitude: 192)
Dimension coordinates:
time x - -
latitude - x -
longitude - - x
Auxiliary coordinates:
day_of_month x - -
day_of_year x - -
month_number x - -
year x - -
Conventions: CF-1.4
_filename: /Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/prepr...
associated_files: baseURL: gridspecFile:
branch_time: 90945.0
cmor_version: 2.8.0
comment: at surface; includes both liquid and solid phases from all types of clouds...
contact: The ACCESS wiki: Contact...
experiment: historical
experiment_id: historical
forcing: GHG, Oz, SA, Sl, Vl, BC, OC, (GHG = CO2, N2O, CH4, CFC11, CFC12, CFC113,...
frequency: mon
initialization_method: 1
institute_id: CSIRO-BOM
institution: CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia),...
metadata: {cmor_table: CMIP5, dataset: ACCESS1-3, diagnostic: diagnostic1, end_year:...
model_id: ACCESS1.3
modeling_realm: atmos
parent_experiment: pre-industrial control
parent_experiment_id: piControl
parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1
physics_version: 1
product: output
project_id: CMIP5
realization: 1
references: See
source: ACCESS1-3 2011. Atmosphere: AGCM v1.0 (N96 grid-point, 1.875 degrees EW...
table_id: Table Amon (27 April 2011) 9c851218e3842df9a62ef38b1e2575bb
title: ACCESS1-3 model output prepared for CMIP5 historical
version_number: v20120413
Cell methods:
mean: time, {'project': 'CMIP5', 'dataset': 'ACCESS1-3', 'short_name': 'pr', 'cmor_table': 'CMIP5', 'mip': 'Amon'})
2018-10-16 08:43:31,994 UTC [50059] WARNING esmvaltool.cmor.check:141 There were warnings in variable pr:
pr: has values < valid_min = 0.0
in the cube that will be saved to file: /Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/preproc/diagnostic1_pp1_pr/
2018-10-16 08:43:31,994 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:231 Running preprocessor step seasonal_mean
2018-10-16 08:43:31,994 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:242 Running seasonal_mean(precipitation_flux / (kg m-2 s-1) (time: 1872; latitude: 145; longitude: 192)
Dimension coordinates:
time x - -
latitude - x -
longitude - - x
Auxiliary coordinates:
day_of_month x - -
day_of_year x - -
month_number x - -
year x - -
Conventions: CF-1.4
_filename: /Users/evert/code/fselten/esmvaltool_output/test_20181016_084328/prepr...
associated_files: baseURL: gridspecFile:
branch_time: 90945.0
cmor_version: 2.8.0
comment: at surface; includes both liquid and solid phases from all types of clouds...
contact: The ACCESS wiki: Contact...
experiment: historical
experiment_id: historical
forcing: GHG, Oz, SA, Sl, Vl, BC, OC, (GHG = CO2, N2O, CH4, CFC11, CFC12, CFC113,...
frequency: mon
initialization_method: 1
institute_id: CSIRO-BOM
institution: CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Australia),...
metadata: {cmor_table: CMIP5, dataset: ACCESS1-3, diagnostic: diagnostic1, end_year:...
model_id: ACCESS1.3
modeling_realm: atmos
parent_experiment: pre-industrial control
parent_experiment_id: piControl
parent_experiment_rip: r1i1p1
physics_version: 1
product: output
project_id: CMIP5
realization: 1
references: See
source: ACCESS1-3 2011. Atmosphere: AGCM v1.0 (N96 grid-point, 1.875 degrees EW...
table_id: Table Amon (27 April 2011) 9c851218e3842df9a62ef38b1e2575bb
title: ACCESS1-3 model output prepared for CMIP5 historical
version_number: v20120413
Cell methods:
mean: time, {})
2018-10-16 08:43:34,773 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:231 Running preprocessor step cmor_check_data
2018-10-16 08:43:34,784 UTC [50059] DEBUG esmvaltool.preprocessor:242 Running cmor_check_data(None, {'cmor_table': 'CMIP5', 'mip': 'Amon', 'short_name': 'pr'})
2018-10-16 08:43:34,784 UTC [50059] ERROR esmvaltool._main:209 Program terminated abnormally, see stack trace below for more information
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/", line 204, in run
conf = main(args)
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/", line 133, in main
process_recipe(recipe_file=recipe, config_user=cfg)
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/", line 183, in process_recipe
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/", line 988, in run
self.tasks, max_parallel_tasks=self._cfg['max_parallel_tasks'])
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/", line 473, in run_tasks
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/", line 484, in _run_tasks_sequential
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/", line 184, in run
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/", line 185, in run
self.output_files = self._run(input_files)
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/preprocessor/", line 281, in _run
input_files, self.settings, self.order, debug=self.debug)
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/preprocessor/", line 206, in preprocess_multi_model
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/preprocessor/", line 243, in preprocess
result.append(function(item, **args))
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/cmor/", line 606, in cmor_check_data
File "/usr/local/miniconda3/envs/esmval2/lib/python3.6/site-packages/esmvaltool/cmor/", line 166, in check_data
if str(self._cube.units) != units:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'units'
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