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import java.util.Vector;
PVector[] triangle = new PVector[3];
PVector frustum_tl = new PVector(-1, -1);
PVector frustum_br = new PVector(1, 1);
final float screen_scale = 0.25;
void setup() {
size(640, 640);
triangle[0] = new PVector(-1.0, -1.0);
triangle[1] = new PVector(0.0, 1.0);
triangle[2] = new PVector(1.0, 0.0);
PVector to_screen_coords(PVector p)
PVector scale = new PVector((float)width/2*screen_scale, (float)height/2*screen_scale);
PVector offset = new PVector((float)width/2, (float)height/2);
return new PVector(p.x*scale.x + offset.x, p.y*scale.y + offset.y);
PVector to_normalized_coords(PVector p)
PVector scale = new PVector((float)width/2*screen_scale, (float)height/2*screen_scale);
PVector offset = new PVector((float)width/2, (float)height/2);
return new PVector((p.x-offset.x)/scale.x , (p.y - offset.y)/scale.y);
PVector get_screen_center()
return new PVector((float)width/2, (float)height/2);
void draw_point(int x, int y, float size)
ellipse(x, y, size, size);
float t_horizontal(float x1, float x2, float N)
return (N - x1)/(x2 - x1);
float y_per_t(float y1, float y2, float t)
return t*(y2-y1) + y1;
float t_vertical(float y1, float y2, float N)
return (N - y1)/(y2 - y1);
float x_per_t(float x1, float x2, float t)
return t*(x2-x1) + x1;
/* Rolled-up clipping function using loops */
float[][] clip_triangle(float[][] triangle) {
int src_size = 3;
int dst_idx = 0;
float[][] src = new float[8][2]; // max 7, + null
float[][] dst = new float[8][2];
src[0] = triangle[0];
src[1] = triangle[1];
src[2] = triangle[2];
for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { // -X, -Y, X, Y
dst_idx = 0;
float N = p > 1 ? 1.0 : -1.0;
int u = p % 2; // X, Y, X, Y
int v = (u + 1) % 2; // Y, X, Y, X
for (int s = 0; s < src_size; s++) {
final float[] a = src[s];
final float[] b = src[(s+1) % src_size];
final Boolean a_in = a[u]*N <= N*N;
final Boolean b_in = b[u]*N <= N*N;
if(a_in || b_in)
dst[dst_idx++] = a;
float t = (N - a[u])/(b[u] - a[u]);
if(t > 0.0f && t < 1.0f)
float[] c = new float[2];
c[u] = N;
c[v] = t*(b[v]-a[v]) + a[v];
dst[dst_idx++] = c;
float[][] src_old = src;
src = dst;
dst = src_old;
src_size = dst_idx;
dst_idx = 0;
src[src_size] = null;
return src;
float[][] to_float_array(PVector[] vs)
float[][] out = new float[vs.length][2];
for (int i = 0; i < vs.length; i++) {
out[i][0] = vs[i].x;
out[i][1] = vs[i].y;
return out;
PVector[] from_float_array(float[][] vs)
Vector<PVector> out_v = new Vector<PVector>();
for (int i = 0; i < vs.length; i++) {
if(vs[i] == null)
PVector v = new PVector();
v.x = vs[i][0];
v.y = vs[i][1];
PVector[] out = new PVector[out_v.size()];
return out;
/* Unrolled clipping function */
PVector[] clip_triangle_unrolled(PVector[] p)
Vector<PVector> c = new Vector<PVector>();
// Y = -1.0
for(int i=0; i<p.length; i++)
PVector a, b;
a = p[i];
b = p[(i+1)%p.length ];
if(a.y >= -1.0)
float t = t_vertical(a.y, b.y, -1.0);
if(t>0 && t<1.0)
float x = x_per_t(a.x, b.x, t);
c.add(new PVector(x,-1.0));
} else if(b.y > -1.0)
float t = t_vertical(a.y, b.y, -1.0);
if(t>0 && t<1.0)
float x = x_per_t(a.x, b.x, t);
c.add(new PVector(x,-1.0));
// Y = 1.0
Vector<PVector> c2 = new Vector<PVector>();
for(int i=0; i<c.size(); i++)
PVector a, b;
a = c.get(i);
b = c.get((i+1)%c.size());
if(a.y <= 1.0)
float t = t_vertical(a.y, b.y, 1.0);
if(t>0 && t<1.0)
float x = x_per_t(a.x, b.x, t);
c2.add(new PVector(x,1.0));
} else if(b.y < 1.0)
float t = t_vertical(a.y, b.y, 1.0);
if(t>0 && t<1.0)
float x = x_per_t(a.x, b.x, t);
c2.add(new PVector(x,1.0));
// X = -1.0
c = new Vector<PVector>();
for(int i=0; i<c2.size(); i++)
PVector a, b;
a = c2.get(i);
b = c2.get((i+1)%c2.size());
if(a.x >= -1.0)
float t = t_horizontal(a.x, b.x, -1.0);
if(t>0 && t<1.0)
float y = y_per_t(a.y, b.y, t);
c.add(new PVector(-1.0, y));
} else if(b.x > -1.0)
float t = t_horizontal(a.x, b.x, -1.0);
if(t>0 && t<1.0)
float y = y_per_t(a.y, b.y, t);
c.add(new PVector(-1.0, y));
// X = 1.0
c2 = new Vector<PVector>();
for(int i=0; i<c.size(); i++)
PVector a, b;
a = c.get(i);
b = c.get((i+1)%c.size());
if(a.x <= 1.0)
float t = t_horizontal(a.x, b.x, 1.0);
if(t>0 && t<1.0)
float y = y_per_t(a.y, b.y, t);
c2.add(new PVector(1.0, y));
} else if(b.x < 1.0)
float t = t_horizontal(a.x, b.x, 1.0);
if(t>0 && t<1.0)
float y = y_per_t(a.y, b.y, t);
c2.add(new PVector(1.0, y));
PVector[] out_arr = new PVector[c2.size()];
return out_arr;
void draw_polygon(PVector[] p)
for(int i=0; i<p.length; i++)
PVector a, b;
a = to_screen_coords(p[i]);
b = to_screen_coords(p[(i+1)%p.length ]);
fill(255, 0, 0);
stroke(255, 0, 0);
line(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y);
draw_point((int)a.x, (int)a.y, 5);
text(i,(int)a.x, (int)a.y);
draw_point((int)b.x, (int)b.y, 5);
void draw_triangle()
PVector[] ts = {to_screen_coords(triangle[0]),
line(ts[0].x, ts[0].y, ts[1].x, ts[1].y);
line(ts[1].x, ts[1].y, ts[2].x, ts[2].y);
line(ts[2].x, ts[2].y, ts[0].x, ts[0].y);
float point_size = 5.0;
draw_point((int)ts[0].x, (int)ts[0].y, point_size);
draw_point((int)ts[1].x, (int)ts[1].y, point_size);
draw_point((int)ts[2].x, (int)ts[2].y, point_size);
void draw_frustum()
PVector tl = to_screen_coords(frustum_tl);
PVector br = to_screen_coords(frustum_br);
float width = br.x - tl.x;
float height = br.y - tl.y;
rect(tl.x, tl.y, width, height);
PVector grabbed = null;
PVector get_closest_point()
PVector pointer_n = to_normalized_coords(new PVector(mouseX, mouseY));
float epsilon = 0.1;
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
float dx = abs(triangle[i].x - pointer_n.x);
float dy = abs(triangle[i].y - pointer_n.y);
if((sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)) < epsilon)
return triangle[i];
return null;
void draw() {
if(mousePressed == true && grabbed == null)
grabbed = get_closest_point();
if(grabbed != null)
PVector pointer_n = to_normalized_coords(new PVector(mouseX, mouseY));
grabbed.x = pointer_n.x;
grabbed.y = pointer_n.y;
if(mousePressed == false)
grabbed = null;
// unrolled original version
// rolled-up version
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