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Created January 13, 2011 15:39
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Save evildmp/778058 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Convert to Placeholders is a routine that converts text fields in other applications to Django CMS placeholders.
{% if not execute %}
<p>This is a <strong>dry run</strong>. Nothing has been changed.</p>
<p>Please check the results. If you are satisfied, <a href="/convert_to_placeholders/True/">perform the actions listed below</a>, or <a href="/convert_to_placeholders/">do another dry run</a>.</p>
{% else %}
<p><a href="/convert_to_placeholders/">Perform a dry run instead</a>. It's probably too late though.</p>
{% endif %}
{% for model, fields in converted.messages.items %}
<li>{{ model }}
{% for field, issues in fields.items %}
<li><em>{{field }}</em>
{% for issue, message in issues.items %}
<li>{{ issue }}: {{ message }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% for module in converted.modules.values %}
{{ module.application }}
{% for model in module.models.values %}
<li>{{ model.model }}
<ul>{% for action, items in model.actions.items %}
<li>{{ action }} ({{ items|length}} items)
{% for item in items %}
<li>{{ item.status }}: <a href="{{ item.get_absolute_url }}">{{ item }}</a></li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Convert to Placeholders is a routine that converts text fields in other applications to Django CMS placeholders.
It uses the convert_to_placeholders.html template to display its output, including error messages. It can be used in a dry-run mode (its default) which will only report on what it has found and what it will do without actually saving anything.
The routine is thoroughly commented.
from cms.models import Placeholder
from cms.models.pluginmodel import CMSPlugin
from cms.plugins.text.models import Text
import django.http as http
from django.db.models import get_model
import django.shortcuts as shortcuts
from django.template import RequestContext
from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required
from django.conf import settings
def convert(request, slug = False):
# this dictionary store the information for the conversions
execute = slug
models_dictionary = {
"messages": {}, # a general set of messages for the user
"modules": {
"news_and_events.models": { # each module containing the models must be represented, like this
"application": "News & Events", # this is the human-friendly name of the module
"models": { # a dictionary with each model in that module
"NewsArticle": { # the actual name of the class
"fields": [ # a list of the fields we're working on
{ # a dictionary for each field
"old_field": "content",
"new_field": "body",
"slot": "body",
"model": "News articles", # the human-friendly name of the model
"actions": {}, # an empty dictionary where we we store the results
"Event": { # a second model in that module
"fields": [
"old_field": "content",
"new_field": "body",
"slot": "body",
"model": "Events",
"actions": {},
"vacancies_and_studentships.models": { # and a second module
"application": "Vacancies & Studentships",
"models": {
"Vacancy": {
"fields": [
"old_field": "description",
"new_field": "body",
"slot": "body",
"model": "Vacancies",
"actions": {},
"Studentship": {
"fields": [
"old_field": "description",
"new_field": "body",
"slot": "body",
"model": "Studentships",
"actions": {},
"publications.models": {
"application": "Publications",
"models": {
"Researcher": {
"fields": [
"old_field": "research_synopsis",
"new_field": "synopsis_of_research",
"slot": "body",
"old_field": "research_description",
"new_field": "description_of_research",
"slot": "body",
"model": "Researcher",
"actions": {},
# loop over the modules
for module, module_values in models_dictionary["modules"].items():
# loop over the models in the module
for model, model_values in module_values["models"].items():
# mmodel is the human-readable name of the model, used for the report summary
mmodel = models_dictionary["modules"][module]["models"][model]["model"]
# import the model
actual_model = getattr(__import__(module, globals(), locals(), module_values["models"], -1), model)
# loop over the fields that need converting
for field in model_values["fields"]:
old_field = field["old_field"]
new_field = field["new_field"]
slot = field["slot"]
# create a summary report for this field
getattr(actual_model, new_field)
except AttributeError:
message = "field " + new_field + " is missing - check the model and try agin"
junk_content = [] # a record of those items with nothing but <br /> in them
moved_items =[] # a record of the items we migrated to placeholders
# loop over each item in the class
for item in actual_model.objects.all():
old_field_content = getattr(item, old_field) # the old field we want to convert
# first get rid of junk content (change "<br />" to "")
if old_field_content == "<br />":
setattr(item, old_field, "") # item.content = ""
# make a note that this was a junk item
if execute == "True":
# now the serious business of converting the fields
# if the item lacks a placeholder, create the placeholder and the reference to it
if old_field_content and not getattr(item, new_field, None):
# create the placeholder
if execute == "True":
# refer to the placeholder from the item
setattr(item, new_field, placeholder)
# I copied this from one of the test files
plugin_base = CMSPlugin(
language=settings.LANGUAGES[0][0]) # we assume the original field was in the first language
plugin_base.insert_at(None, position='last-child', commit=False)
# create a text plugin
plugin = Text(body='')
plugin.body = getattr(item, old_field)
if execute == "True":
# set the old field to ""
setattr(item, old_field, "")
if execute == "True":
item.status = "Converted to placeholder"
item.status = "Unconverted"
# make a note that we moved this item
# information about junk content items
if execute == "True":
message = " ".join((str(len(junk_content)), "items fixed"))
message = " ".join((str(len(junk_content)), "items found"))
models_dictionary["messages"][mmodel][old_field]["Junk fields"]=message
# information about items that have been/need to be converted
if execute == "True":
message = str(len(moved_items)) + " items were converted to placeholder " + new_field
message = str(len(moved_items)) + " items need to be converted to placeholder " + new_field
# list every item that was copied for the full report
if execute == "True":
action = "Fields that were copied"
action = "Fields to be copied"
return shortcuts.render_to_response(
"housekeeping/convert_to_placeholders.html", {
"execute": execute,
"converted": models_dictionary,
(r"^convert_to_placeholders/(?P<slug>[-\w]+)", "arkestra_utilities.housekeeping.convert_to_placeholders.convert"),
(r"^convert_to_placeholders/", "arkestra_utilities.housekeeping.convert_to_placeholders.convert"),
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