Zalevent.Autocomplete = Ember.ContainerView.extend({ |
content: null, |
value: null, |
valuePath: '', |
selected: null, |
isDropdownVisible: false, |
template: Ember.Handlebars.compile('{{view.content}}'), |
classNames: 'autocomplete', |
childViews: ['inputView', 'dropdownView'], |
emptyView: null, |
inputView: Ember.TextField.extend({ |
value: function(key, value) { |
var parentView = this.get('parentView'), |
valuePath; |
if (arguments.length === 2) { |
return value; |
} else { |
valuePath = parentView.get('valuePath').replace(/^content\.?/, ''); |
if (valuePath) { valuePath = '.' + valuePath; } |
return parentView.get('value' + valuePath); |
} |
}.property('parentView.value', 'parentView.valuePath'), |
keyUp: function(e) { |
var parentView = this.get('parentView'); |
// Only trigger search when it's not a special key. Having this |
// triggered when value changes gives us false positives as to |
// the user's true intensions. |
if (!parentView.constructor.KEY_EVENTS[e.keyCode]) { |
parentView.trigger('search', this.get('value')); |
} |
} |
}), |
dropdownView: Ember.CollectionView.extend({ |
classNames: 'dropdown', |
tagName: 'ul', |
contentBinding: 'parentView.content', |
selectedBinding: 'parentView.selected', |
templateBinding: 'parentView.template', |
isVisibleBinding: 'parentView.isDropdownVisible', |
emptyViewBinding: 'parentView.emptyView', |
itemViewClass: Ember.View.extend({ |
tagName: 'li', |
templateBinding: 'parentView.template', |
classNameBindings: ['selected'], |
selected: function() { |
var content = this.get('content'), |
value = this.get('parentView.selected'); |
return content === value; |
}.property('parentView.selected'), |
click: function() { |
var parentView = this.get('parentView.parentView'), |
content = this.get('content'); |
if (parentView) { |
parentView.trigger('select', content); |
} |
} |
}) |
}), |
keyDown: function(e) { |
var map = this.constructor.KEY_EVENTS, |
method = map[e.keyCode]; |
if (method && Ember.typeOf(this[method]) === 'function') { |
e.preventDefault(); |
this[method](e); |
} |
}, |
focusIn: function() { |
this.show(); |
}, |
focusOut: function() { |
setTimeout(Ember.$.proxy(this, 'hide'), 200); |
}, |
select: function(value) { |
this.set('value', value).hide(); |
}, |
search: function(term) { |
var controller = this.get('controller'); |
if (term) { |
controller.send('search', term, this); |
} |
}, |
confirm: function() { |
var selected = this.get('selected'); |
this.select(selected); |
}, |
clear: function() { |
this.setProperties({ |
value: null, |
selected: null |
}).hide(); |
}, |
next: function() { |
return this._move(+1, this.get('content.firstObject')); |
}, |
prev: function() { |
return this._move(-1, this.get('content.lastObject')); |
}, |
show: function() { |
this.set('isDropdownVisible', true); |
return this; |
}, |
hide: function() { |
this.set('isDropdownVisible', false); |
return this; |
}, |
_move: function(dir, def) { |
var selected = this.get('selected'), |
content = this.get('content'), |
index = content.indexOf(selected); |
if (index !== -1) { |
selected = content.objectAt(index + dir); |
} else { |
selected = def; |
} |
this.set('selected', selected).show(); |
return selected; |
}, |
contentDidChange: function() { |
this.show(); |
}.observes('content') |
}); |
Zalevent.Autocomplete.KEY_EVENTS = { |
38: 'prev', |
40: 'next', |
27: 'clear', |
13: 'confirm' |
}; |
where do you initiate the AutoCompleteController to pass it to your view?