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Created September 28, 2023 16:31
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Test: Weight Validation
// Simple test to validate weights resulting from weight functions, generated by benchmarking, against various known limits.
// NOTE: this is simply to provide a rough indication of dispatchable weights in relation to block limits, which can be useful for:
// - ensuring a dispatchable does not exceed block, max extrinsic limits and regression testing
// - evaluating if some optimisation results in net reduction in weight usage
// - getting a feel for weights early during pallet development and monitoring through optimisation
// Is only as good as the corresponding runtime configuration (i.e. test placed within pallet with mock runtime vs placed within runtime with actual runtime config).
// Also ensure the limits are relevant to your implementation, they may have changed with newer versions and will definitely change with async backing.
// Finally, it uses the generated weight functions directly and therefore does not cater to any post-dispatch weight adjustment resulting from a dispatchable.
fn weights() {
use crate::weights::WeightInfo;
use frame_support::weights::{constants::WEIGHT_REF_TIME_PER_SECOND, Weight};
// max block: 0.5s compute with 12s average block time
const MAX_BLOCK_REF_TIME: u64 = WEIGHT_REF_TIME_PER_SECOND.saturating_div(2); //
const MAX_BLOCK_POV_SIZE: u64 = 5 * 1024 * 1024; //
const MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT: Weight = Weight::from_parts(MAX_BLOCK_REF_TIME, MAX_BLOCK_POV_SIZE);
// max extrinsics: 75% of block
const NORMAL_DISPATCH_RATIO: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(75); //
let max_total_extrinsics = MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT * NORMAL_DISPATCH_RATIO;
// max extrinsic: max total extrinsics less average on_initialize ratio and less base extrinsic weight
const AVERAGE_ON_INITIALIZE_RATIO: Perbill = Perbill::from_percent(5); //
const BASE_EXTRINSIC: Weight =
Weight::from_parts(WEIGHT_REF_TIME_PER_NANOS.saturating_mul(125_000), 0); //
let max_extrinsic_weight = max_total_extrinsics
assert_eq!(max_extrinsic_weight, Weight::from_parts(349_875_000_000, 3_670_016));
println!("max block weight: {MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT}");
println!("max total extrinsics weight: {max_total_extrinsics}");
println!("max extrinsic weight: {max_extrinsic_weight}\n");
let mut total = Weight::zero();
for (function, weight) in vec![
// Examples: call available weight functions with various parameters (as applicable) to gauge weight usage in comparison to limits
("do_something", Weights::do_something()),
("do_some_things (zero)", Weights::do_some_things(0)),
("do_some_things (max)", Weights::do_some_things(<Test as Config>::MaxThings::get())),
] {
println!("{function}: {weight:?}",);
"\tpercentage of max extrinsic weight: {:.2}% (ref_time), {:.2}% (proof_size)",
(weight.ref_time() as f64 / max_extrinsic_weight.ref_time() as f64) * 100.0,
(weight.proof_size() as f64 / max_extrinsic_weight.proof_size() as f64) * 100.0,
"\tmax tx per block: {} (ref_time), {} (proof_size)",
max_extrinsic_weight.ref_time() / weight.ref_time(),
max_extrinsic_weight.proof_size() / weight.proof_size()
total += weight;
// output total weight, useful for evaluating net weight changes when optimising
println!("\ntotal weight: {total:?}");
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