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Created February 24, 2018 03:38
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const State = require('crocks/State')
const { get } = State
const assign = require('crocks/helpers/assign')
const concat = require('crocks/pointfree/concat')
const constant = require('crocks/combinators/constant')
const flip = require('crocks/combinators/flip')
const isString = require('crocks/predicates/isString')
const liftA2 = require('crocks/helpers/liftA2')
const mapReduce = require('crocks/helpers/mapReduce')
const objOf = require('crocks/helpers/objOf')
const propPathOr = require('crocks/helpers/propPathOr')
const unless = require('crocks/logic/unless')
const combineState =
const StateProp = s => ({
concat: ({ s: t }) => StateProp(combineState(s, t)),
fold: f => f(s),
evalWith: s.evalWith
StateProp.Empty =
const composeState = (...readers) =>
mapReduce(StateProp, flip(concat), StateProp.Empty, readers)
const getPropInner =
def =>
(isValid = constant(true)) =>
paths =>
(name = paths[paths.length - 1]) =>
get(propPathOr(def, paths))
.map(unless(isValid, constant(def)))
const getProp =
(name, path, def = 'Prop not found!', allowFalsey = true) =>
getPropInner(def)(x => allowFalsey && !!x )(path)(name)
const getPropAsString =
const getInvoice =
getProp('invoice', [ 'Invoice', 'summary' ], 'default')
const getHeader =
getProp('header', [ 'context', 'header' ], 'Default Header')
const data = {
Invoice: { summary: 'summed up nice' },
context: {
header: 'dat header'
composeState(getInvoice, getHeader)
//=> { header: 'dat header', invoice: 'summed up nice' }
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