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Created February 6, 2013 19:44
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This private message has a few quick tips to get you started:
### Keep Scrolling
There is no next page button or page numbers -- to keep reading, just keep scrolling down, and more content will load!
As new replies come in, they will appear automatically at the bottom of the topic. No need to refresh the page or re-enter the topic to see new posts.
### How Do I Reply?
- To reply to a specific post, use the Reply button at the bottom of that post.
- If you want to reply to the overall *theme* of the topic, rather than any specific person in the topic, use the Reply button at the very bottom of the topic.
- If you want to take the conversation in a different direction, but keep them linked together, use Reply as New Topic to the right of the post.
### Who is Talking to Me?
When someone replies to your post, quotes you, or mentions your @username, a notification will appear at the top of the page. Click or tap the notification number to see who's talking to you, and where. Join the conversation!
- To mention someone's name, start typing `@` and an autocompleter will pop up.
- To quote an entire post, use the Import Quote button on the composer toolbar.
- To quote just a section of a post, highlight it, then click the Reply button that appears over the highlight.
### Look at That Post!
To let someone know that you enjoyed their post, click the like button at the bottom of the post. If you see a problem with a post, don't hesitate to click the flag button and let the moderators -- and your fellow community members -- know about it.
### Where am I?
- To get back to the home page at any time, **click the icon at the upper left.**
- To search, visit your user page, or otherwise navigate, click on the icons at the upper right.
- While reading a topic, you can move to the top by clicking its title at the top of the page. To reach the *bottom*, click the down arrow on the topic progress indicator at the bottom of the page, or click the last post field on the topic summary under the first post.
subject_template: "You've been approved on %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
You're approved to join %{site_name}, welcome to our discussion forum!
We believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.
Enjoy your stay!
subject_template: "Welcome to %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
Hi there!
Thanks for joining %{site_name}, and welcome to our discussion forum!
We believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.
Enjoy your stay!
subject_template: "Welcome to %{site_name}!"
text_body_template: |
Thanks for accepting your invitation to %{site_name}, and welcome to our discussion forum!
We've automatically generated a username for you: **%{username}**, but you can change that any time by visiting [your user profile][prefs].
To log in again, either:
1. Use Facebook, Google, Twitter, or many other supported credentials -- but that credential must resolve to the **same email address** that you received your original invitation email at. Otherwise we won't be able to tell it is you!
2. Create a unique password for %{site_name} on [your user profile][prefs], then log in with that.
We believe in [civilized community behavior](/faq) at all times.
Enjoy your stay!
[prefs]: %{user_preferences_url}
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