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Created June 14, 2022 07:07
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// /*
// Unival Tree
// #1: 5
// 0
// | \
// 0 1
// | \
// 1 0
// |
// 1
// |\
// 1 1
// #2: 2
// 0
// | \
// 0 0
// |
// 1
// */
type Tree<'a> =
| Node of 'a * Tree<'a> list
| Leaf of 'a
let isUnival tree =
let rec inner tree =
match tree with
| Leaf value -> Result.Ok (1,value)
| Node (value,children) ->
let allUnival,count =
|> inner
|> List.fold (fun (check,total) x ->
match x with
| Ok (c,v) when v = value -> check, total + c
| Ok (c,v) -> false, total + c
| Error c -> false, total + c
) (true,0)
if allUnival
then Ok (count + 1, value)
else Result.Error count
inner tree |> function
| Ok (c,v) -> c
| Error c -> c
Leaf 0
|> isUnival |> printf "%i"
Node (0, [Leaf 0])
|> isUnival |> printf "%i"
Node (0, [Leaf 0; Leaf 1])
|> isUnival |> printf "%i"
Node (0, [
Node (0,[Leaf 0; Leaf 0])
Leaf 1
|> isUnival |> printf "%i"
Node (0, [
Node (0,[Leaf 0; Leaf 0])
Leaf 0
|> isUnival |> printf "%i"
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