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Last active April 2, 2021 08:15
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Todo WebAPI in Fsharp
module TodoBasic
open System
open System.Text.Json.Serialization
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Routing
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting
open Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics
open Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Features
open Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
open FSharp.Control.Tasks
module Data =
type Todo =
{ Id: int
mutable Name: string
mutable IsComplete: bool }
type TodoDbContext() =
inherit DbContext()
val mutable todos: DbSet<Todo>
member this.Todos
with public get () = this.todos
and public set x = this.todos <- x
override __.OnConfiguring(optionsBuilder: DbContextOptionsBuilder) =
|> ignore
module Web =
type Router =
{ get: string -> (HttpContext -> Task) -> unit
post: string -> (HttpContext -> Task) -> unit
delete: string -> (HttpContext -> Task) -> unit }
let createRouter (builder: IEndpointRouteBuilder) =
{ get =
fun pattern action ->
builder.MapGet(pattern, RequestDelegate action)
|> ignore
post =
fun pattern action ->
builder.MapPost(pattern, RequestDelegate action)
|> ignore
delete =
fun pattern action ->
builder.MapDelete(pattern, RequestDelegate action)
|> ignore }
module Handlers =
let getTodos (ctx: HttpContext) =
unitTask {
use db = new TodoDbContext()
let! todos = db.Todos.ToListAsync()
return! ctx.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(todos)
let getTodo (ctx: HttpContext) =
unitTask {
let id =
ctx.GetRouteValue "id" |> Convert.ToInt32
use db = new TodoDbContext()
let! todo = db.Todos.FindAsync(id)
match box todo with
| null -> ctx.Response.StatusCode <- 404
| _ -> do! ctx.Response.WriteAsJsonAsync(todo)
let createTodo (ctx: HttpContext) =
unitTask {
let! todo = ctx.Request.ReadFromJsonAsync<Todo>()
use db = new TodoDbContext()
let! _ = db.Todos.AddAsync(todo, ctx.RequestAborted)
let! __ = db.SaveChangesAsync(ctx.RequestAborted)
ctx.Response.StatusCode <- 204
let updateCompleted (ctx: HttpContext) =
unitTask {
let id =
ctx.GetRouteValue "id" |> Convert.ToInt32
use db = new TodoDbContext()
let! todo = db.Todos.FindAsync(id)
match box todo with
| null -> ctx.Response.StatusCode <- 404
| _ ->
let! inputTodo = ctx.Request.ReadFromJsonAsync<Todo>()
todo.IsComplete <- inputTodo.IsComplete
let! __ = db.SaveChangesAsync()
ctx.Response.StatusCode <- 204
let deleteTodo (ctx: HttpContext) =
unitTask {
let id =
ctx.GetRouteValue "id" |> Convert.ToInt32
use db = new TodoDbContext()
let! todo = db.Todos.FindAsync(id)
match box todo with
| null -> ctx.Response.StatusCode <- 404
| _ ->
let _ = db.Todos.Remove(todo)
let! __ = db.SaveChangesAsync()
ctx.Response.StatusCode <- 204
let handleExn (errorApp: IApplicationBuilder) =
(fun ctx ->
ctx.Response.StatusCode <- 500
let exceptionHandlerPathFeature : IExceptionHandlerPathFeature =
let error = exceptionHandlerPathFeature.Error
let problemDetail =
{| ``type`` = error.GetType().Name
title = error.Message
detail = error.StackTrace |}
module App =
let configureRoutes (builder: IEndpointRouteBuilder) =
let { get = get
post = post
delete = delete } =
createRouter builder
get "/api/todos" getTodos
get "/api/todos/{id:int}" getTodo
post "/api/todos" createTodo
post "/api/todos/{id:int}" updateCompleted
delete "/api/todos/{id:int}" deleteTodo
let main args =
.ConfigureWebHostDefaults(fun webHost ->
(fun app ->
|> ignore)
|> ignore)
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