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Forked from gallais/STLC.hs
Created November 3, 2020 04:05
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
module STLC where
-- Defining type and the corresponding singletons
data Type = TyNat | TyBool | TyFun Type Type
data SType (t :: Type) :: * where
STyNat :: SType TyNat
STyBool :: SType TyBool
STyFun :: SType a -> SType b -> SType (TyFun a b)
-- Contexts are lists of types
data Context = Null | Cons Context Type
data SContext (g :: Context) where
SNull :: SContext Null
SCons :: SContext g -> SType t -> SContext (Cons g t)
-- There is such a thing as context inclusion
-- and it is transitive
data Included (g :: Context) (h :: Context) where
Refl :: Included g g
Top :: Included g h -> Included g (Cons h t)
Pop :: Included g h -> Included (Cons g t) (Cons h t)
trans :: Included g h -> Included h i -> Included g i
trans Refl hi = hi
trans gh Refl = gh
trans gh (Top hi) = Top (trans gh hi)
trans (Top gh) (Pop hi) = Top (trans gh hi)
trans (Pop gh) (Pop hi) = Pop (trans gh hi)
-- Variable are fancy de Bruijn indices
-- and context inclusion induces a notion of weakening for variables
data Var (g :: Context) (n :: Type) where
Here :: Var (Cons g a) a
There :: Var g a -> Var (Cons g b) a
wkVar :: Included g h -> Var g a -> Var h a
wkVar Refl v = v
wkVar (Top inc) v = There $ wkVar inc v
wkVar (Pop inc) Here = Here
wkVar (Pop inc) (There v) = There $ wkVar inc v
-- Terms can be defined in a well-scoped, well-typed fashion
-- once more inclusion induces a notion of weakening.
data Term (g :: Context) (s :: Type) where
-- constants
TeTrue :: Term g TyBool
TeFalse :: Term g TyBool
TeZero :: Term g TyNat
TeSucc :: Term g TyNat -> Term g TyNat
-- combinators
TeIf :: Term g TyBool -> Term g a -> Term g a -> Term g a
TeVar :: Var g s -> Term g s
TeLam :: Term (Cons g a) b -> Term g (TyFun a b)
TeApp :: SType a -> Term g (TyFun a b) -> Term g a -> Term g b
wkTe :: Included g h -> Term g a -> Term h a
wkTe _ TeTrue = TeTrue
wkTe _ TeFalse = TeFalse
wkTe _ TeZero = TeZero
wkTe inc (TeSucc n) = TeSucc $ wkTe inc n
wkTe inc (TeIf b l r) = TeIf (wkTe inc b) (wkTe inc l) (wkTe inc r)
wkTe inc (TeVar v) = TeVar $ wkVar inc v
wkTe inc (TeApp a f t) = TeApp a (wkTe inc f) (wkTe inc t)
wkTe inc (TeLam b) = TeLam $ wkTe (Pop inc) b
-- We now build a Kripke model for these terms by induction
-- on the type. Unsurprisingly, weakening is once more definable
type family Value (g :: Context) (t :: Type) where
Value g TyNat = Term g TyNat
Value g TyBool = Term g TyBool
-- And now... because polymorphic types are not allowed here
-- we use `Argh`.
Value g (TyFun a b) = Argh g a b
newtype Argh g a b = Argh { runArgh :: forall h. SContext h -> Included g h -> Value h a -> Value h b }
wkVal :: SType s -> Included g h -> Value g s -> Value h s
wkVal STyNat inc v = wkTe inc v
wkVal STyBool inc v = wkTe inc v
wkVal (STyFun a b) inc v = Argh $ \ sh inc' w -> runArgh v sh (trans inc inc') w
-- The semantic counterpart of a context is an environment:
-- a list of values. Something something weakening.
data Environment (h :: Context) (g :: Context) where
EnvNull :: Environment h Null
EnvCons :: Environment h g -> SType t -> Value h t -> Environment h (Cons g t)
wkEnv :: Included h i -> Environment h g -> Environment i g
wkEnv _ EnvNull = EnvNull
wkEnv inc (EnvCons e s v) = EnvCons (wkEnv inc e) s (wkVal s inc v)
-- Given a (neutral) term we can produce a value
-- and, conversely, given a value we can extract
-- a (normal) term
reflect :: SContext g -> SType s -> Term g s -> Value g s
reflect _ STyNat  t = t
reflect _ STyBool t = t
reflect g (STyFun a b) t = Argh $ \ sh inc v -> reflect sh b (TeApp a (wkTe inc t) $ reify sh a v)
reify :: SContext g -> SType s -> Value g s -> Term g s
reify _ STyNat v = v
reify _ STyBool v = v
reify g (STyFun a b) v = TeLam eta
eta = reify (SCons g a) b $ runArgh v (SCons g a) (Top Refl) zero
zero = reflect (SCons g a) a $ TeVar Here
-- We are now ready to define the evaluation function.
-- First of all it is possible to lookup values in the environment
var :: Var g s -> Environment h g -> Value h s
var Here (EnvCons _ _ v) = v
var (There v) (EnvCons e _ _) = var v e
-- Second, it is possible to define a semantic version of IfThenElse
valueIf :: SContext g -> SType s -> Value g TyBool -> Value g s -> Value g s -> Value g s
valueIf _ _ TeTrue vl _ = vl
valueIf _ _ TeFalse _ vr = vr
valueIf g s ne vl vr = reflect g s $ TeIf ne (reify g s vl) (reify g s vr)
-- Finally we can traverse the term to produce a value
eval :: SContext h -> SType s -> Term g s -> Environment h g -> Value h s
-- constants
eval _ _ TeTrue _ = TeTrue
eval _ _ TeFalse _ = TeFalse
eval _ _ TeZero _ = TeZero
eval h _ (TeSucc n) e = TeSucc $ eval h STyNat n e
-- combinators
eval h s (TeIf b l r) e = valueIf h s (eval h STyBool b e) (eval h s l e) (eval h s r e)
eval h s (TeVar v) e = var v e
eval h (STyFun a b) (TeLam body) e = Argh $ \ sh inc v -> eval sh b body (EnvCons (wkEnv inc e) a v)
eval h b (TeApp a f t) e = runArgh (eval h (STyFun a b) f e) h Refl $ eval h a t e
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