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Created June 24, 2020 23:23
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Strongly Typed Typechecker for Simply Typed Lambda Calculus in Haskell
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Type.Equality ((:~:)(Refl))
import GHC.Exts (IsString(..))
main :: IO ()
main = maybe (putStrLn "error") print
$ uncurry typecheck example
example :: (TEnv, UExp)
example =
-- In the context:
-- f : int -> int,
-- y : int
( TEnv
[ ("f", UTInt :-> UTInt)
, ("y", UTInt)
-- This term:
-- (\x:int. f (x + y)) 1
, (UELam "x" UTInt ("f" :@ ("x" + "y"))) :@ 1
-- Should have the type 'int':
-- f : (int -> int), y : int
-- |- (\x : int. f (x + y)) 1
-- :: int
type Name = String
newtype TEnv = TEnv [(Name, UType)]
instance Show TEnv where
show (TEnv bs) = intercalate ", "
$ fmap
(\ (x, t) -> concat
[ x
, " : "
, showsPrec (arrPrec + 1) t ""
lookupTEnv :: Name -> TEnv -> Maybe UType
lookupTEnv x (TEnv bs) = lookup x bs
insertTEnv :: Name -> UType -> TEnv -> TEnv
insertTEnv x t (TEnv bs) = TEnv ((x, t) : bs)
-- | Untyped expression
data UExp
-- | Integer literal
= UEInt Int
-- | Lambda abstraction (with explicitly typed binding)
| UELam Name UType UExp
-- | Function application
| UExp :@ UExp
-- | Variable
| UEVar Name
-- | Arithmetic
| UExp :+ UExp
| UExp :* UExp
| UExp :- UExp
infixl 6 :+
infixl 6 :-
infixl 7 :*
infixl 9 :@
-- | Convenience instance for variable names
instance IsString UExp where
fromString = UEVar
-- | Convenience instance for arithmetic operations
instance Num UExp where
fromInteger = UEInt . fromInteger
(+) = (:+)
(*) = (:*)
(-) = (:-)
abs = ("abs" :@)
signum = ("signum" :@)
negate = ("negate" :@)
instance Show UExp where
showsPrec p = \ case
UEInt n -> shows n
UELam x t e -> showParen (p > lamPrec)
$ showString "\\"
. showString x
. showString " : "
. showsPrec (arrPrec + 1) t
. showString ". "
. showsPrec appPrec e
e1 :@ e2 -> showParen (p > appPrec)
$ showsPrec appPrec e1
. showString " "
. showsPrec (appPrec + 1) e2
UEVar x -> showString x
e1 :+ e2 -> showParen (p > addPrec)
$ showsPrec addPrec e1
. showString " + "
. showsPrec (addPrec + 1) e2
e1 :* e2 -> showParen (p > mulPrec)
$ showsPrec mulPrec e1
. showString " * "
. showsPrec (mulPrec + 1) e2
e1 :- e2 -> showParen (p > subPrec)
$ showsPrec subPrec e1
. showString " - "
. showsPrec (subPrec + 1) e2
-- | Typed expression
data TExp (t :: UType) where
TEInt :: Int -> TExp 'UTInt
TELam :: Name -> TType a -> TExp b -> TExp (a ':-> b)
(::@) :: TExp (a ':-> b) -> TExp a -> TExp b
TEVar :: Name -> TExp a
(::+) :: TExp 'UTInt -> TExp 'UTInt -> TExp 'UTInt
(::*) :: TExp 'UTInt -> TExp 'UTInt -> TExp 'UTInt
(::-) :: TExp 'UTInt -> TExp 'UTInt -> TExp 'UTInt
infixr 6 ::+
infixl 6 ::-
infixl 7 ::*
infixl 9 ::@
-- | Untyped type
data UType
= UTInt
| UType :-> UType
infixr 9 :->
instance Show UType where
showsPrec p = \ case
UTInt -> showString "int"
a :-> b -> showParen (p > arrPrec)
$ showsPrec (arrPrec + 1) a
. showString " -> "
. showsPrec arrPrec b
lamPrec, addPrec, subPrec, mulPrec, arrPrec, appPrec :: Int
lamPrec = 0
addPrec = 6
subPrec = 6
mulPrec = 7
arrPrec = 9
appPrec = 10
-- | Typed type (promoted/singleton version of ‘UType’)
data TType (t :: UType) where
TTInt :: TType 'UTInt
(::->) :: TType a -> TType b -> TType (a ':-> b)
infixr 9 ::->
-- | Convert a typed expression back to an untyped one
demoteExp :: TExp t -> UExp
demoteExp = \ case
TEInt n -> UEInt n
TELam x t e -> UELam x (demoteType t) (demoteExp e)
e1 ::@ e2 -> demoteExp e1 :@ demoteExp e2
TEVar x -> UEVar x
e1 ::+ e2 -> demoteExp e1 :+ demoteExp e2
e1 ::* e2 -> demoteExp e1 :* demoteExp e2
e1 ::- e2 -> demoteExp e1 :- demoteExp e2
-- | Convert a typed type back to an untyped one
demoteType :: TType t -> UType
demoteType TTInt = UTInt
demoteType (a ::-> b) = demoteType a :-> demoteType b
-- | For pretty output in 'main'
data Judgement = TEnv :|- Annotated
infixl 0 :|-
instance Show Judgement where
show (tenv :|- e) = concat
[ show tenv
, " |- "
, show e
-- | A dependent pair of a typed expression, with a
-- representation of its type, allowing us to discover the
-- type of a typed term at runtime by pattern-matching.
data Annotated where
(:::) :: forall t. TExp t -> TType t -> Annotated
infixl 1 :::
instance Show Annotated where
show (e ::: t) = concat
[ show (demoteExp e)
, " :: "
, show (demoteType t)
-- | Abstract/hidden type
data Type where
Type :: forall t. TType t -> Type
-- | Given an environment of the types of free variables,
-- and an untyped expression, try to produce a judgement
-- that the expression is well typed in the environment,
-- annotated with a type to prove it
typecheck :: TEnv -> UExp -> Maybe Judgement
typecheck tenv expr = (tenv :|-) <$> check expr
check = \ case
-- For simple terms we just annotate the type
UEInt n -> pure (TEInt n ::: TTInt)
-- For more complex terms we check subterms, then
-- match to produce type-level equalities, then return
-- an annotated term
e1 :@ e2 -> do
e1' ::: a ::-> b <- check e1
e2' ::: a' <- check e2
Refl <- equateTypes a a'
pure (e1' ::@ e2' ::: b)
-- We need the explicit type of the binder to check
-- the body here; without it, we'd need to infer it
UELam x t e -> case liftType t of
Type a -> do
let tenv' = insertTEnv x t tenv
_tenv' :|- e' ::: b <- typecheck tenv' e
Refl <- equateTypes a b
pure (TELam x a e' ::: a ::-> b)
-- We just look up variables in the environment, and
-- lift their types to the type level
UEVar x -> do
a <- lookupTEnv x tenv
case liftType a of
Type a' -> pure (TEVar x ::: a')
-- Arithmetic expressions are monomorphic and
-- uncurried; that is, we have this typing rule:
-- Γ ⊢ e₁ : int Γ ⊢ e₂ : int
-- ────────────────────────────
-- Γ ⊢ e₁ + e₂ : int
-- Not this one:
-- ───────────────────────────
-- Γ ⊢ (+) : int -> int -> int
-- You can construct the curried form from the
-- primitive one, though:
-- UELam "x" UTInt (UELam "y" UTInt ("x" :+ "y"))
e1 :+ e2 -> do
e1' ::: TTInt <- check e1
e2' ::: TTInt <- check e2
pure (e1' ::+ e2' ::: TTInt)
e1 :* e2 -> do
e1' ::: TTInt <- check e1
e2' ::: TTInt <- check e2
pure (e1' ::* e2' ::: TTInt)
e1 :- e2 -> do
e1' ::: TTInt <- check e1
e2' ::: TTInt <- check e2
pure (e1' ::- e2' ::: TTInt)
-- | Lift a type to the type level
liftType :: UType -> Type
liftType UTInt = Type TTInt
liftType (a :-> b) = case liftType a of
Type a' -> case liftType b of
Type b' -> Type (a' ::-> b')
-- | Check two types for equality, returning 'Just' a proof
-- that they're equal, or else 'Nothing'
equateTypes :: TType a -> TType b -> Maybe (a :~: b)
equateTypes TTInt TTInt = pure Refl
equateTypes (a ::-> b) (a' ::-> b') = do
Refl <- equateTypes a a'
Refl <- equateTypes b b'
pure Refl
equateTypes _ _ = Nothing
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