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Last active September 6, 2020 05:08
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Existentials in C# (Haskell Translation)
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.IORef
-- INPUT: void M(ICounter)
-- Usage: m intCounter
m :: ICounter -> IO ()
m (ICounter start next done) = do
putStrLn "start"
x <- newIORef start
fix \ loop -> do
putStrLn "done?"
isDone <- done <$> readIORef x
if isDone
then do
putStrLn "yup, bye"
else do
putStrLn "nope, next"
modifyIORef' x next
-- OUTPUT: void M(ICounterWrapper)
-- Usage: m' intCounterWrapper
m' :: ICounterWrapper -> IO ()
m' wrapper = unwrap wrapper mWitness
-- Without wrapper, equivalent to taking 'ICounterWitness<void>' directly.
-- Usage: m'' mWitness
m'' :: ICounterWitness (IO ()) -> IO ()
m'' witness = invoke witness intCounter'
-- OUTPUT: struct MWitness : ICounterWitness<void>
mWitness :: ICounterWitness (IO ())
mWitness = ICounterWitness \ (ICounter' start next done) -> do
putStrLn "start"
x <- newIORef start
fix \ loop -> do
putStrLn "done?"
isDone <- done <$> readIORef x
if isDone
then do
putStrLn "yup, bye"
else do
putStrLn "nope, next"
modifyIORef' x next
-- OUTPUT: interface ICounterWrapper
-- Not necessary, just hides the result type.
newtype ICounterWrapper
= ICounterWrapper { unwrap :: forall r. ICounterWitness r -> r }
-- OUTPUT: interface ICounterWitness<ResultType>
-- Polymorphism here makes 'T' existential from the POV of who calls 'invoke'.
newtype ICounterWitness r
= ICounterWitness { invoke :: forall t. ICounter' t -> r }
-- INPUT: interface ICounter<virtual T>
-- OUTPUT: interface ICounter<T>
-- Only difference is that we move the type parameter from an existential to a
-- universal and let the witness's polymorphism up there ↑ existentialise it.
data ICounter where ICounter :: forall t. { start :: t, next :: t -> t, done :: t -> Bool } -> ICounter
data ICounter' t where ICounter' :: { start' :: t, next' :: t -> t, done' :: t -> Bool } -> ICounter' t
-- INPUT: class Counter : ICounter<int /* existential */>
-- OUTPUT: class Counter : ICounter<int /* universal */>, ICounterWrapper
intCounter :: ICounter
intCounter' :: ICounter' Int
-- The implementations are identical, the only difference is that one is typed
-- as an existential packing:
-- > pack { t = Int }
-- > in (0 :: Int, succ :: Int → Int, (== 42) :: Int → Bool)
-- > :: ∃t. t × (t → t) × (t → Bool)
-- While the other is typed as a regular old record construction:
-- > (0 :: Int, succ :: Int → Int, (== 42) :: Int → Bool)
-- > :: Int × (Int → Int) × (Int → Bool)
intCounter = ICounter { start = 0 , next = succ, done = (== 42) }
intCounter' = ICounter' { start' = 0 :: Int, next' = succ, done' = (== 42) }
-- Not necessary.
intCounterWrapper :: ICounterWrapper
intCounterWrapper = ICounterWrapper { unwrap = \ w -> invoke w intCounter' }
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