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Created December 6, 2022 07:44
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import qualified Data.Text as T
main = do
input <- readFile "input.txt"
print $ solve input
type StackState = [[Char]]
data Action = Action {
num :: Int,
source :: Int,
dest :: Int
solve :: String -> String
solve str = (fmap head) finalState
initialState = parseInitialState $ head $ split "\n\n" str
moves = parseMoves $ head $ drop 1 $ split "\n\n" str
finalState = foldl performMove initialState moves
-- Parsing Initial State
split :: String -> String -> [String]
split delim str = fmap T.unpack $ T.splitOn (T.pack delim) (T.pack str)
parseInitialState :: String -> StackState
parseInitialState =
(foldl combineLines [])
. (fmap parseStateLine)
. init
. lines
combineLines :: StackState -> StackState -> StackState
combineLines (x : xs) (y : ys) = (x ++ y) : combineLines xs ys
combineLines x [] = x
combineLines [] y = y
parseStateLine :: String -> StackState
parseStateLine ('[' : c : ']' : ' ' : rest) = [c] : parseStateLine rest
parseStateLine ('[' : c : ']' : rest) = [c] : parseStateLine rest
parseStateLine (' ' : ' ' : ' ' : ' ' : rest) = [] : parseStateLine rest
parseStateLine [] = []
parseStateLine _ = undefined
-- Parsing Moves
parseMoves :: String -> [Action]
parseMoves = (fmap parseMove) . lines
parseMove :: String -> Action
parseMove line = Action {
num = read (section!!1) :: Int,
source = (read (section!!3) :: Int) - 1,
dest = (read (section!!5) :: Int) - 1
where section = words line
performMove :: StackState -> Action -> StackState
performMove state action = replaceListElement (source action) newSource $ replaceListElement (dest action) newDest state
contents = take (num action) (state !! (source action))
newSource = drop (num action) (state !! (source action))
newDest = reverse contents ++ (state !! (dest action))
replaceListElement :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
replaceListElement index newelem list = start ++ [newelem] ++ end
start = take index list
end = drop (index + 1) list
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