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Created April 25, 2020 00:40
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// WebView.swift
// Core
// Created by Eric Vitiello on 1/28/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Eric Vitiello. All rights reserved.
import SwiftUI
import Combine
import WebKit
/// A container for using a WKWebView in SwiftUI
public struct WebView: View, UIViewRepresentable {
@ObservedObject var node: Node
public let view: WKWebView = WKWebView()
public var colorScheme: ColorScheme = .light
init(node: Node, colorScheme: ColorScheme) {
self.colorScheme = colorScheme
self.node = node
public func makeUIView(context: Context) -> WKWebView {
self.view.uiDelegate = context.coordinator
self.view.navigationDelegate = context.coordinator
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.systemBackground
self.view.isOpaque = false
return self.view
public func updateUIView(_ uiView: WKWebView, context: Context) {
self.updateContent(withString: self.node.renderedContent())
public func updateContent(withString content: String) {
self.view.loadHTMLString(content, baseURL: nil)
public func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
Coordinator(self, colorScheme: colorScheme, node: node)
/// Coordinator handles delegate communications for the WebView
public final class Coordinator: NSObject, WKUIDelegate, WKNavigationDelegate {
var control: WebView
var colorScheme: ColorScheme = .light
@ObservedObject var node: Node
var subscribers: [AnyCancellable] = []
init(_ control: WebView, colorScheme: ColorScheme, node: Node) {
self.control = control
self.colorScheme = colorScheme
self.node = node
let subscriber = node.$content.receive(on: RunLoop.main).sink(receiveValue: contentDidChange)
deinit {
for subscriber in subscribers { subscriber.cancel() }
var contentDidChange: (String) -> Void = { content in
Logger.log("Node Content Changed, rerendering.", severity: .Verbose)
public func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
let fileStem: String = (colorScheme == .dark) ? "markdown-dark" : "markdown-light"
let cssFileContent = self.cssFileContents(fileStem: fileStem)
let cssCommonFileContent = self.cssFileContents(fileStem: "markdown-common")
let jsString = "var styleCommon = document.createElement('style'); styleCommon.innerHTML = '\(cssCommonFileContent)'; document.head.appendChild(styleCommon); var style = document.createElement('style'); style.innerHTML = '\(cssFileContent)'; document.head.appendChild(style); var title = document.createElement('title'); title.innerHTML = 'Node Detail Content'; document.head.appendChild(title);"
webView.evaluateJavaScript(jsString, completionHandler: nil)
private func cssFileContents(fileStem: String) -> String {
Logger.log("Current Appearance: \(colorScheme)", severity: .Verbose)
guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: fileStem, ofType: "css") else { return "" }
let cssFileContent = try! String(contentsOfFile: path)
let cssString = cssFileContent.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).filter { !"\n\r".contains($0) }
return cssString
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