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Created November 6, 2012 18:57
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Aliased Attribute Extension
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<title>z-aliased-attr Test Suite</title>
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filter: ([?&]filter=([^&]+)/) || [])[1] || 'raw'
}).use("z-aliased-attr-test", function (Y) {
new Y.Test.Console().render();
YUI.add("z-aliased-attr-test", function (Y) {
var suite = new Y.Test.Suite("z-aliased-attr"),
testATTRS = {
a: {
aliased: 'alpha',
value: 'A'
b: {
value: 'B'
c: {
aliased: 'gamma',
lazyAdd: false,
value: 'C'
TestClass = Y.Base.create('testClass', Y.Base, [Y.Z.AliasedAttr], {}, { ATTRS: testATTRS }),
TestModel = Y.Base.create('testModel', Y.Model, [Y.Z.AliasedAttr], {}, { ATTRS: testATTRS });
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Aliased Attribute Lifecycle",
"_initAliasedAttrs should setup _attrNames property as an array": function () {
var instance = new TestClass();
Y.ObjectAssert.ownsKey('_attrNames', instance, "Didn't cache _attrNames property");
Y.Assert.isArray(instance._attrNames, "_attrNames wasn't an array");
"_initAliasedAttrs (Base) should filter protected attributes out of _attrNames array": function () {
var instance = new TestClass(),
names = instance._attrNames;
Y.ArrayAssert.containsItems(['a', 'b', 'c'], names, "Incorrect filtering: " + names);
"_initAliasedAttrs (Model) should filter protected attributes out of _attrNames array": function () {
var instance = new TestModel(),
names = instance._attrNames;
Y.ArrayAssert.containsItems(['id', 'a', 'b', 'c'], names, "Incorrect filtering: " + names);
"_initAliasedAttrs (Model) should filter custom idAttribute out of _attrNames array": function () {
// override Y.Model's default, 'id'
TestModel.prototype.idAttribute = 'a';
var instance = new TestModel(),
names = instance._attrNames;
Y.ArrayAssert.containsItems(['a', 'b', 'c'], names, "custom idAttribute not removed: " + names);
// reset TestModel to Y.Model's default
delete TestModel.prototype.idAttribute;
"_initAliasedAttrs should cache _getAliasedName function": function () {
var instance = new TestClass();
Y.ObjectAssert.ownsKey('_getAliasedName', instance, "Didn't cache _getAliasedName function");
Y.Assert.isFunction(instance._getAliasedName, "_getAliasedName function not created");
"getAlias() should be provided on instance": function () {
var instance = new TestClass();
Y.Assert.isFunction(instance.getAliased, "getAliased() missing on instance");
suite.add(new Y.Test.Case({
name: "Aliased Attribute Getters",
"getAliased() should return value when valid alias passed in": function () {
var instance = new TestClass();
Y.Assert.areSame('A', instance.getAliased('alpha'), "getAliased('alpha') did not return 'A'");
"getAliased() should return undefined when invalid alias passed in": function () {
var instance = new TestClass();
Y.Assert.isUndefined(instance.getAliased('beta'), "getAliased('beta') should not return 'B'");
"getAliased() should return value when valid non-alias passed in": function () {
var instance = new TestClass();
Y.Assert.areSame('B', instance.getAliased('b'), "getAliased('b') did not return 'B'");
"getAliased() should return ad-hoc value when valid non-alias passed in": function () {
var instance = new TestModel({
delta: 'D'
Y.Assert.areSame('D', instance.getAliased('delta'), "getAliased('delta') did not return 'D'");
"getAliased() should return correct values over several calls": function () {
var instance = new TestClass();
Y.Assert.areSame('A', instance.getAliased('alpha'), "getAliased('alpha') did not return 'A'");
Y.ArrayAssert.containsItems(['b', 'c'], instance._attrNames, "_attrNames 'a' not removed after success");
// during development, the search was corrupted by multiple failed searches
Y.Assert.isUndefined(instance.getAliased('beta'), "getAliased('beta') should not return 'B'");
Y.Assert.isUndefined(instance.getAliased('beta'), "getAliased('beta') should not loop twice");
Y.ArrayAssert.containsItems(['b', 'c'], instance._attrNames, "_attrNames changed after failures");
Y.Assert.areSame('C', instance.getAliased('gamma'), "getAliased('gamma') did not return 'C'");
Y.ArrayAssert.containsItems(['b'], instance._attrNames, "_attrNames 'c' not removed after success");
"stub": function () {
// var instance = new TestClass();
Y.namespace("Z")["z-aliased-attr-test-suite"] = suite;
}, "@VERSION@", { requires: ["test-console", "z-aliased-attr", "model"] });
YUI.add('z-aliased-attr', function (Y) {
Aliased Attribute Extension
This extension provides the "aliased" property to Attribute config.
This is largely a convenience for referring to attributes internally
by more descriptive names than their URL parameter-safe name.
var PieModel = Y.Base.create('pieModel', Y.Model, [Y.Z.AliasedAttr], {}, {
c: {
aliased: 'crust',
value: 'flaky'
slices: {
value: 8
var applePie = new PieModel({ flavor: 'apple' });
applePie.get('c'); // => 'flaky'
applePie.getAliased('crust'); // => 'flaky'
applePie.getAliased('slices'); // => 8 (note fall-through)
applePie.getAliased('s'); // => undefined
applePie.getAliased('flavor'); // => 'apple' (supports ad-hoc attributes)
var appleJSON = applePie.toJSON();
// appleJSON = {
// flavor: 'apple',
// c: 'flaky',
// slices: 8
// }
@author Daniel Stockman
@since 2012/09
var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
hashArray = Y.Array.hash,
objectKeys = Y.Object.keys,
YBase = Y.Base;
// add "aliased" to attribute config whitelist
YBase._ATTR_CFG = YBase._ATTR_CFG.concat("aliased");
YBase._ATTR_CFG_HASH = hashArray(YBase._ATTR_CFG);
@class AliasedAttr
@namespace Z
@extensionfor Base
function AliasedAttr() {}
AliasedAttr.prototype = {
Call _initAliasedAttrs during initializer. This must
be run after the host class initializer, therefore it
cannot be called from this extension's constructor.
@method initializer
initializer: function () {
Cache attribute names and bind a memoized _getAliased
method into _getAliasedName.
@method _initAliasedAttrs
_initAliasedAttrs: function () {
Y.log('_initAliasedAttrs', 'debug', 'AliasedAttr');
this._attrNames = this._getAttrNames();
this._getAliasedName = Y.cached(Y.bind(this._getAliased, this));
Caches the list of attribute names that we may need
to operate on. Protected class attributes are removed
from this list, as they will never be aliased.
@method _getAttrNames
_getAttrNames: function () {
Y.log('_getAttrNames', 'debug', 'AliasedAttr');
var attrNames = objectKeys(;
return this._filterAttrNames(attrNames);
Duplicate Model's toJSON() filtering when caching the
list of attribute names. The initialized and destroyed
attribute names are always removed, and the Model-specific
values only if the host is a Model.
@method _filterModelAttrs
@param {Array} attrNames
@return {Array} with the undesired attribute names removed.
_filterAttrNames: function (attrNames) {
Y.log('_filterAttrNames', 'debug', 'AliasedAttr');
var hashed = hashArray(attrNames);
// remove default attributes that are never aliased
delete hashed.destroyed;
delete hashed.initialized;
// remove model metadata if necessary
if (this._isYUIModel) {
delete hashed.clientId;
if (this.idAttribute !== 'id') {
return objectKeys(hashed);
Utility method to retrieve the attribute name associated
with a given alias. This method is bound to the instance
during initialization, wrapped in a Y.Cached() function.
Each time an attribute name is successfully matched, that
name is removed from the private _attrNames array to prevent
redundant searching (the value is cached, anyway).
@method _getAliased
@param {String} alias
@return {String} the aliased attribute name, if any
_getAliased: function (alias) {
Y.log('_getAliased ' + alias, 'debug', 'AliasedAttr');
var stateData =,
attrNames = this._attrNames,
idx = 0,
len = attrNames.length;
for (; idx < len; idx += 1) {
attrName = attrNames[idx];
// ensure that the state object actually owns the property
if (, attrName)) {
// get the data directly, bypassing State#getAll(name, true)
datum = stateData[attrName];
// check for the 'aliased' property, regardless of laziness
if (datum && (datum.lazy && datum.lazy.aliased === alias || datum.aliased === alias)) {
// remove attrName from filtering array, so it is no longer tested
attrNames.splice(idx, 1);
return attrName;
Retrieve an aliased attribute value by it's alias
instead of the actual name.
If the alias does not exist, attempt to retrieve the
attribute value with the alias provided.
@method getAliased
@param {String} alias
@return {Mixed}
getAliased: function (alias) {
Y.log('getAliased ' + alias, 'debug', 'AliasedAttr');
var attrName = this._getAliasedName(alias);
if (attrName) {
return this.get(attrName);
return this.get(alias);
Y.namespace('Z').AliasedAttr = AliasedAttr;
}, '3.7.3', {
requires: [
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