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Created March 15, 2009 00:15
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Save evocateur/79238 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fix Consolas's line-height on OS X
# Requires ftxdumperfuser from
# Usage: fixconsolas [files ...]
# When called with no arguments, it attempts to operate on every TrueType
# file in the current directory.
# References:
# test for ftxdumperfuser in PATH
ftxdumperfuser &>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 127 ]; then
echo "The ftxdumperfuser utility was not found!"
echo "Please download and install to continue:"
echo ""
exit $?
# protect against spaces in filenames
# hat tip Alexey Blinov
# and
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
# when no arguments passed,
# set positional parameters
# to ttf in current directory
set -- $(ls *.[Tt][Tt][Ff])
unset IFS # reset to default
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Error: No TrueType font files found!"
echo "Usage: `basename $0` [Consolas.ttf]"
exit $E_NOARGS
ASC="1884" # ascender
DSC="514" # descender, already negative in file
GAP="0" # lineGap
D='[0-9]\{1,\}' # BRE equivalent of PCRE \d+
# iterate through positional parameters
for font
# error-checking, what a concept
if [ ! -e "$font" ]; then
echo "$font does not exist."
# dump hhea table
ftxdumperfuser -t hhea "$font" | \
# replace desired values
sed \
-e "/ascender=/s/$D/$ASC/" \
-e "/descender=/s/$D/$DSC/" \
-e "/lineGap=/s/$D/$GAP/" | \
# fuse hhea table back into font
ftxdumperfuser -F -t hhea "$font"
echo "Fixed $font"
exit $?
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jrnewell commented Mar 31, 2018

In case anyone wants a python solution, this worked for me

import os
import sys

from fontTools import ttLib

def run(argv):
    if len(argv) != 2:
        print("USAGE: %s <font-file>" % argv[0])

    fontpath = argv[1]
    tt = ttLib.TTFont(fontpath)
    tt['hhea'].lineGap = 0
    tt['hhea'].ascent = 1884
    tt['hhea'].descent = -514

def get_nolinegap_filepath(fontpath):
    fontpath_list = os.path.split(fontpath)
    font_dirname = fontpath_list[0]
    font_basename = fontpath_list[1]
    basepath_list = font_basename.split(".")
    outfile_basename = basepath_list[0] + "-nolinegap." + basepath_list[1]
    return os.path.join(font_dirname, outfile_basename)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Save as file and install dependency:

pip install fonttools

Will save the output <font-file>-nolinegap.ttf

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In case anyone wants a python solution...

Awesome, that fixed consolas for me in Emacs/X11, where the glyphs appeared shifted upwards, touching the top of the mode line.
I prefer the following parameters, which fix the shift and only slightly increase the line height:

shift_down = 100
extra_ascent = 100
tt['hhea'].ascent += shift_down + extra_ascent
tt['hhea'].descent += shift_down
# tt['hhea'].lineGap in unchanged

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