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Created November 30, 2009 10:03
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1. Create a new rails app
Rails twatter
1b. Initialise git
git init
git add .
git commit -a -m 'Initial Comit, empty rails app'
2. generate cucumber files
script/generate cucumber
3. Generate RSpec files
script/generate rspec
4. Create your first cucumber feature
go to /features/
In /features/, create a new file called 'create_message.feature' using your favorite text editor
Feature: Users can post messages to Twatter
In order communicate with other Twatter users
As a user
I want to be able to easily add new twat posts
Scenario: Create a message
Given Im on the twats page
When I fill in "Message" with "First Post LOL"
And I press "Post"
Then I see "First Post LOL" under messages
4b. Update git
git commit -a -m 'Added first feature'
5. Run Tests, watch them fail.
(The malteaser challeng! More you 'shoot and aim' the more chocolate you get)
Rake cucumber
You will get an error along these lines:
schema.rb doesn't exist yet. Run "rake db:migrate" to create it then try again. If you do not intend to use a database, you should instead alter /home/richie/projects/twatter/config/environment.rb to prevent active_record from loading: config.frameworks -= [ :active_record ]
Can you guess what to do next?
rake db:migrate
6. Now run cucumber again
Rake cucumber
You should get a bunch of coloured output to the command line.
Find the first error at the top of the output:
Scenario: Create a message # features/create_a_message.feature:7
Given Im on the twats page # features/create_a_message.feature:8
Undefined step: "Im on the twats page" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/create_a_message.feature:8:in `Given Im on the twats page'
7. Now we need to do the minimum to get this to pass:
Basically, lets explain to cucumber what 'twats page' means.
goto /features/support open paths.rb
when /the home\s?page/ #existing
'/' #existing
when /the new twat page/
8. Run cucmber again
Rake cucumber
Scenario: Create a message # features/create_a_message.feature:7
Given Im on the new twat page # features/create_a_message.feature:8
Undefined step: "Im on the new twat page" (Cucumber::Undefined)
features/create_a_message.feature:8:in `Given Im on the new twat page'
Now we have defined 'new_twats_path' we need to setup the routes so that they go somewhere.
twatter/config open routes.rb
You can remove everything from the routes file we don't need any of it for now.
ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|
map.resources :twats
9. Rake cucumber
Create new twats controller
script/generate rspec_controller twats
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