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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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  • Save evolve2k/63f446447510a275e1f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save evolve2k/63f446447510a275e1f1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Import without errors - when you ask for nested things.
# Actually Id also move all the rubbish out of the middle and make variables so it hurts your brain less.
# call the variables what you like, but see how it's like, sigh of releif.
# Make your brain pass the least amount of crap as possible.
# Encapsulation lets you hide ugly things inside nice little packages :)
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
domain_url = ""
listings = ".Item , .ViewLink"
title_field = ".Name"
date_field = "Date"
time_field = ".Time , span"
url_field = ".ViewLink"
url = ""
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
doc.css(listings).each do |event|
if event
if event.at_css(title_field)
title = (event.at_css(title_field).text || 'title unknown')
if event.at_css(time_field)
start_time = (event.at_css(time_field).text || nil)
if event.at_css(url_field)
url = domain_url + event.at_css(url_field)[:href] if event.at_css(url_field)
puts "#{title} - #{start_time} - #{url}"
require 'rubygems'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'open-uri'
url = ""
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(url))
doc.css(".Item , .ViewLink").each do |event|
if event
if event.at_css(".Name")
title = (event.at_css(".Name").text || 'title unknown')
if event.at_css(".Time , span")
start_time = (event.at_css(".Time , span").text || nil)
if event.at_css(".ViewLink")
url = "" + event.at_css(".ViewLink")[:href] if event.at_css(".ViewLink")
puts "#{title} - #{start_time} - #{url}"
end creating errors
The issue has to do with the ruby file loading up your fulls rails environment.
Now is the time to introduce rake (very briefly).
I suggest you read this short into to rake here:
Watch this vid by the creator if you are interested:
Do this.
1. rename your file from .rb to .rake
2. Add this around your code
# keep require statements up the top of the file.
task :import_docfest => :environment do
# All your current code goes in the middle, except the require statements which go above.
From the command line you now type.
$ rake import_docfest
The rake tool finds all the rake files and then finds a task matching your task name and runs it.
you can run this rake task from the root/base directory of your project, no need to mention the path anymore.
# When you want to query nested things.
# eg animal.fur.color # you can only ask for color if animal and animal.fur exist.
# So you need to use this sort of structure.
if animal
if animal.fur
# code here
puts animal.fur.color
# This can be tidied up to be:
if animal && animal.fur
puts animal.fur.color
# or even nicer using rubys if at the end trick:
puts animal.fur.color if animal && animal.fur
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