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Created July 1, 2016 11:28
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$ RUST_LOG="debug" RUST_BACKTRACE=1 ./ ~/Downloads/servo
./servo: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by ./servo)
./servo: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by ./servo)
./servo: /usr/lib/ no version information available (required by ./servo)
INFO:style::error_reporting: 51:3 Unsupported property declaration: 'width: fit-content;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 52:3 Unsupported property declaration: 'height: fit-content;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 60:1 Invalid rule: 'dialog::backdrop {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 69:3 Unsupported rule: 'dialog:modal {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 87:8 Unsupported property declaration: 'display: ruby;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 88:6 Unsupported property declaration: 'display: ruby-text;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 110:31 Unsupported property declaration: 'text-decoration: dotted underline;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 122:7 Unsupported property declaration: 'display-outside: break-opportunity;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 126:1 Invalid rule: '[dir]:dir(ltr), bdi:dir(ltr), input[type=tel]:dir(ltr) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 127:1 Invalid rule: '[dir]:dir(rtl), bdi:dir(rtl) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 153:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) h1 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 154:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) h1 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 155:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) h1 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 156:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) h1 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 157:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) h1 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 159:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) hgroup > h1 ~ h2 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 160:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) hgroup > h1 ~ h2 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 161:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) hgroup > h1 ~ h2 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 162:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) hgroup > h1 ~ h2 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 164:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) hgroup > h1 ~ h3 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 165:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) hgroup > h1 ~ h3 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 166:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) hgroup > h1 ~ h3 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 168:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) hgroup > h1 ~ h4 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 169:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) :matches(article, aside, nav, section) hgroup > h1 ~ h4 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 171:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(article, aside, nav, section) hgroup > h1 ~ h5 {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 179:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(dir, dl, menu, ol, ul) :matches(dir, dl, menu, ol, ul) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 190:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(dir, menu, ol, ul) :matches(dir, menu, ul) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 194:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(dir, menu, ol, ul) :matches(dir, menu, ol, ul) :matches(dir, menu, ul) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 211:3 Unsupported property declaration: 'visibility: collapse;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 229:1 Invalid rule: 'table:matches(
[rules=none i], [rules=groups i], [rules=rows i],
[rules=cols i], [rules=all i],
[frame=void i], [frame=above i], [frame=below i],
[frame=hsides i], [frame=lhs i], [frame=rhs i],
[frame=vsides i], [frame=box i], [frame=border i]
[rules=none i], [rules=groups i], [rules=rows i],
[rules=cols i], [rules=all i]
) > tr > :matches(td, th),
[rules=none i], [rules=groups i], [rules=rows i],
[rules=cols i], [rules=all i]
) > :matches(thead, tbody, tfoot) > tr > :matches(td, th) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 248:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(table, thead, tbody, tfoot, tr) > form {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 274:3 Unsupported property declaration: 'border-color: ThreeDFace;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 276:3 Unsupported property declaration: 'min-width: min-content;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 285:9 Unsupported property declaration: 'object-fit: contain;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 135:1 Invalid rule: '//
details {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 21:1 Invalid rule: 'ol[type=1], li[type=1] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 24:26 Unsupported property declaration: 'list-style-type: lower-roman;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 25:26 Unsupported property declaration: 'list-style-type: upper-roman;'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 35:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, th)[align=absmiddle i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 40:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)[align=left i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 41:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)[align=right i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 42:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)[align=center i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 43:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(p, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6)[align=justify i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 44:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, th)[valign=top i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 45:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, th)[valign=middle i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 46:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, th)[valign=bottom i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 47:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(thead, tbody, tfoot, tr, td, th)[valign=baseline i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 51:1 Invalid rule: 'table:matches([rules=none i], [rules=groups i], [rules=rows i], [rules=cols i], [rules=all i]) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 81:1 Invalid rule: 'table:matches([rules=none i], [rules=groups i], [rules=rows i]) > tr > :matches(td, th),
table:matches([rules=none i], [rules=groups i], [rules=rows i]) > :matches(thead, tbody, tfoot) > tr > :matches(td, th) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 86:1 Invalid rule: 'table[rules=cols i] > tr > :matches(td, th),
table[rules=cols i] > :matches(thead, tbody, tfoot) > tr > :matches(td, th) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 91:1 Invalid rule: 'table[rules=all i] > tr > :matches(td, th),
table[rules=all i] > :matches(thead, tbody, tfoot) > tr > :matches(td, th) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 103:1 Invalid rule: 'table[rules=groups i] > :matches(thead, tbody, tfoot) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 109:1 Invalid rule: 'table[rules=rows i] > tr,
table[rules=rows i] > :matches(thead, tbody, tfoot) > tr {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 125:1 Invalid rule: 'iframe[frameborder=0], iframe[frameborder=no i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 127:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(applet, embed, iframe, img, input[type=image i], object)[align=left i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 130:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(applet, embed, iframe, img, input[type=image i], object)[align=right i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 133:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(applet, embed, iframe, img, input[type=image i], object)[align=top i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 136:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(applet, embed, iframe, img, input[type=image i], object)[align=baseline i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 139:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(applet, embed, iframe, img, input[type=image i], object)[align=texttop i] {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 142:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(applet, embed, iframe, img, input[type=image i], object):matches([align=absmiddle i], [align=abscenter i]) {'
INFO:style::error_reporting: 145:1 Invalid rule: ':matches(applet, embed, iframe, img, input[type=image i], object)[align=bottom i] {'
WARN:html5ever::tree_builder::rules: FIXME: </script> not fully implemented
INFO:script_layout_interface::reporter: 4:3 Unsupported @font-face descriptor declaration: 'font-weight: normal;'
INFO:script_layout_interface::reporter: 5:3 Unsupported @font-face descriptor declaration: 'font-style: normal;'
INFO:script_layout_interface::reporter: 10:3 Unsupported property declaration: '-moz-appearance: none;'
INFO:script_layout_interface::reporter: 27:1 Invalid rule: '*::-moz-focus-inner {'
INFO:script_layout_interface::reporter: 73:1 Invalid rule: 'progress::-webkit-progress-inner-element,
progress::-webkit-progress-bar {'
INFO:script_layout_interface::reporter: 81:1 Invalid rule: 'progress::-webkit-progress-value {'
INFO:script_layout_interface::reporter: 85:1 Invalid rule: 'progress::-moz-progress-bar {'
INFO:script::dom::window: script: waiting on layout
WARN:html5ever::tree_builder::actions: stop_parsing not implemented, full speed ahead!
INFO:script::dom::window: script: waiting on layout
WARN:html5ever::tree_builder::actions: stop_parsing not implemented, full speed ahead!
INFO:script::dom::window: script: waiting on layout
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