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Last active July 26, 2020 19:23
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  • Save ewasion/9d20a6084fbe1a8bf2e0478beaf30bcd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Eva's torrent highlighter
// ==UserScript==
// @name Eva's torrent highlighter
// @namespace
// @version 0.1.13
// @description Highlight torrent info.
// @author Eva
// @homepage
// @icon
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @grant none
// @match*
// @license GPL-3.0
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==
if(document.getElementById("content") != null && localStorage.getItem("userscript-highlight-installinfo") == null) {
const content = document.getElementById("content");
userscriptInfo = document.createElement("div"); = "userscript-highlight-installinfo";
userscriptInfo.innerHTML = `<style>#userscript-highlight-installinfo > h3 { color: #cacaca !important; } #userscript-highlight-installinfo > a { text-decoration: underline !important; color: #dad8d8 !important; } #userscript-highlight-installinfo > a:hover { color: #bababa !important; } #userscript-highlight-installinfo > span { position: absolute !important; top: 10px !important; right: 10px !important; border: 1px solid #cacaca !important; padding: 2px !important; }</style>
<h3>Eva's torrent highlighter</h3>
Thanks for installing my script!<br>
Before you write a post saying the script is broken, please read this.<br><br>
This userscript does not highlight anything by default, it just adds attributes which you can style.<br>
You will need an extension for userstyles.<br><br>
<a href="">Read the OP for more information.</a>
<span onclick="document.getElementById('content').removeChild(document.getElementById('userscript-highlight-installinfo'));localStorage.setItem('userscript-highlight-installinfo', 'yay');">&#10006;</span>`;"border", "1px solid yellow", "important");"padding", "10px", "important");"background", "black", "important");"color", "white", "important");"margin-bottom", "10px", "important");"position", "relative", "important");
content.insertBefore(userscriptInfo, content.children[0]);
const torrents = document.querySelectorAll("a[href*='torrents'][href*='.php?id='][href*='&torrentid=']:not([href*='#']):not([title])");, function(element, index) {
let link = element.innerHTML;
if(link == "[return]") return;
link = link.replace("»", "").trim();
link = link.split("] [").join("</span>] [<span>");
link = link.split("&nbsp;&nbsp;[").join("</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;[<span>");
link = link.split(" - ").join("</span> - <span>");
link = link.split(" | ").join("</span> | <span>");
link = link + "</span>";
link = link.replace("]</span>", "</span>]");
link = link.split(" (").join("</span> (<span>");
link = link.replace(")</span>", "(</span>");
link = link.replace(")</span>", "</span>)");
link = link.replace("(</span>", "</span>)");
link = link.replace("ISO</span> (<span>", "ISO</span> )<span>");
link = link.replace("VOB IFO</span> (<span>", "VOB IFO</span> )<span>");
link = link.replace("M2TS</span> (<span>", "M2TS</span> )<span>");
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link = link.replace(" (<span>", " (<span class='userscript-highlight-auto userscript-highlight-group'>");
link = link.replace("<span>ISO</span> )<span>", "<span>ISO</span> (<span class='userscript-highlight-auto userscript-highlight-region'>");
link = link.replace("<span>VOB IFO</span> )<span>", "<span>VOB IFO</span> (<span class='userscript-highlight-auto userscript-highlight-region'>");
link = link.replace("<span>M2TS</span> )<span>", "<span>M2TS</span> (<span class='userscript-highlight-auto userscript-highlight-region'>");
link = link.replace("</span> (<span class='userscript-highlight-auto userscript-highlight-group'>18+)", " (18+)");
link = link.replace("</span> (<span>18+)", " (18+)");
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element.innerHTML = (link.includes("&nbsp;&nbsp;") ? link.replace("<span>", "<span class='userscript-highlight-auto userscript-highlight-series'>") : link);
});".userscript-highlight > span"), function(element, index) {
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const html = element.innerHTML;
if(element.classList.contains("userscript-highlight-auto")) {
if(html == "Pruned!") {
matched = addInfo(element, "pruned");
} else if(html == "Snatched") {
matched = addInfo(element, "snatched");
} else {
matched = addInfo(element, element.className.split(" userscript-highlight-")[1], html);
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if(html == '<img src="/static/common/rmstr.png" alt="Remastered" title="This torrent is from a remastered source!">') matched = addInfo(element, "remaster");
if(html == '<img src="/static/common/flicon.png" alt="Freeleech!" title="This torrent is freeleech. Remember to seed!">') matched = addInfo(element, "freeleech");
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if(html == '<img src="/static/common/hentai.png" alt="Hentai" title="This torrent is of uncensored hentai (18+) material!">') matched = addInfo(element, "hentai", "Uncensored");
if(html == '<img src="/static/common/hentaic.png" alt="Hentai" title="This torrent is of censored hentai (18+) material!">') matched = addInfo(element, "hentai", "Censored");
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function addInfo(element, name, value = "", parent = true) {
element.dataset[name] = value;
if(parent) element.parentNode.dataset[name] = value;
return true;
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