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Last active July 22, 2024 12:10
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Summarize recent changes in WikiPathways
// This JavaScript code helps summarize recent changes for WikiPathways
// See output at e.g.
// To run:
// - Go to
// - Open Developer Tools in your web browser
// - Update the `dates` array below
// - Execute code, e.g. by putting cursor at end of last line and pressing Return / Enter
// The output can be pasted into the "Recent changes" section for new Weekly Review Report entries
// Cavaet: The RecentPathwayChanges page seems to only show up to < 600 changes.
dates = ['14 July', '15 July', '16 July', '17 July', '18 July', '19 July', '20 July']
// Get all edit summaries ("edits") in "Recent Pathway Changes" page
allEdits = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('ol.special > li')).map(edit => edit.textContent.replace(/[\u200E]/g, ''))
// Filter all edits to only those that occurred during dates of interest
edits = allEdits.filter(edit => dates.find(date => edit.includes(`: ${date}`)))
// Get edit counts by organism, author, and description
by = {organism: {}, author: {}, description: {}}
authorAndDescriptionRegEx = /: \d+ \w+ \d+ by (\w+) \((.*)\)/;
edits.forEach((edit) => {
organism = edit.split(':')[0].split('. . ')[1];
(organism in by.organism) ? by.organism[organism]++ : by.organism[organism] = 1
const [_, author, description] = edit.match(authorAndDescriptionRegEx);
(author in ?[author]++ :[author] = 1;
(description in by.description) ? by.description[description]++ : by.description[description] = 1;
// Summarize top entries in each dimension
summary = [];
['organism', 'author', 'description'].forEach(key => {
max = 10
sortedBy = Object.entries(by[key]).sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])
lines = sortedBy.slice(0, max).map(e => `* ${e[0]}: ${e[1]}\n`)
if (sortedBy.length > max) {
lines.push(`* *Others: ${sortedBy.length - max}*`)
summary.push(`\n**By ${key}**\n`)
summary = summary.concat(lines)
console.log.apply(null, summary)
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