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Created January 7, 2021 15:22
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Alors oui bon... booooh.... On va passer en Laplace hein
import re
def to_unicode_superscript(n: int) -> str:
result = str()
for c in str(n):
result += {
"1": "¹",
"2": "²",
"3": "³",
"4": "⁴",
"5": "⁵",
"6": "⁶",
"7": "⁷",
"8": "⁸",
"9": "⁹",
"0": "⁰"
return result
def laplace(equation: str, conditions_initialles_nulles = True) -> str:
immédiat = []
for term in equation.split():
if (match := re.match(r"(?u)(\w(?:[_\w]+)?)('*)\(t\)", term)):
la_vie = match[1]
derivation_count = len(match[2])
oui_bon = ""
if derivation_count:
oui_bon = "p"
if derivation_count >= 2:
oui_bon += to_unicode_superscript(derivation_count) + " "
on_va_pas_se_compliquer = "ε" if la_vie[0] == "ε" else la_vie[0].upper()
immédiat += [oui_bon + on_va_pas_se_compliquer + la_vie[1:] + "(p)"]
immédiat += [term]
return ' '.join(immédiat)
def on_va_passer_en_laplace():
equation = input("Équation: ")
# Because people can't be bothered to put freaking spaces between operators so that it looks nice
for operator in '+×*=-/<>≥≤≠':
equation = equation.replace(f" {operator} ", operator) # This is required to prevent double spaces when spaces are already there
equation = equation.replace(operator, f" {operator} ")
conditions_initialles_nulles = input("Conditions initiales nulles? ").lower().strip() != "non"
if conditions_initialles_nulles:
print("<Couprie> Alors oui booooh, on va passer en Laplace")
print("<Couprie> Alors oui bon, en SI on se complique pas la vie hein, les conditions initiales sont nulles")
print("<Python> M-M-Mais")
print(">>> conditions_initialles_nulles = True")
print(f"{equation} ···𝓛··> {laplace(equation)}")
while True:
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