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Last active July 12, 2023 18:11
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Constructing type from Corpus Nummorum endpoint
PREFIX crm: <>
PREFIX dcmitype: <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX nm: <>
PREFIX nmo: <>
PREFIX org: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX voidr: <>
PREFIX void: <>
CONSTRUCT { ?s a nmo:TypeSeriesItem ;
skos:prefLabel ?label ;
skos:definition ?label ;
dcterms:source ?source ;
nmo:hasMaterial ?mat ;
nmo:hasDenomination ?den ;
nmo:hasMint ?mint ;
nmo:hasRegion ?region ;
nmo:hasIssuer ?issuer ;
nmo:hasAuthority ?authority ;
nmo:hasStartDate ?start ;
nmo:hasEndDate ?end ;
nmo:hasObverse ?obv ;
nmo:hasReverse ?rev ;
void:inDataset <> .
?obv nmo:hasLegend ?obvLegend ;
dcterms:description ?obvType .
?rev nmo:hasLegend ?revLegend ;
dcterms:description ?revType}
?s a nmo:TypeSeriesItem ;
skos:prefLabel ?label ;
voidr:inDataset ?source .
OPTIONAL { ?s nmo:hasMaterial ?mat }
OPTIONAL { ?s nmo:hasDenomination ?den }
OPTIONAL { ?s nmo:hasMint ?mint }
OPTIONAL { ?s nmo:hasRegion ?region }
OPTIONAL { ?s nmo:hasIssuer ?issuer }
OPTIONAL { ?s nmo:hasAuthority ?authority }
OPTIONAL { ?s nmo:hasStartDate ?start }
OPTIONAL { ?s nmo:hasEndDate ?end }
OPTIONAL {?s nmo:hasObverse ?obv
OPTIONAL {?obv nmo:hasLegend ?obvLegend }
OPTIONAL {?obv dcterms:description ?obvType}}
OPTIONAL {?s nmo:hasReverse ?rev
OPTIONAL {?rev nmo:hasLegend ?revLegend }
OPTIONAL {?rev dcterms:description ?revType}}
}} LIMIT 1000
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