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Created March 19, 2020 15:56
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SPARQL query of (old) BM data model, running locally, for the coins of Philip II from Le Rider 1977
PREFIX bmo: <>
PREFIX dcmitype: <>
PREFIX ecrm: <>
PREFIX foaf: <>
PREFIX object: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX skos: <>
PREFIX thes: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX thesDimension: <>
SELECT ?s ?regno ?ref ?image ?weight ?axis ?diameter ?objectId ?hoard WHERE {
?s ecrm:P108i_was_produced_by/ecrm:P9_consists_of/ecrm:P17_was_motivated_by <> ;
bmo:PX_display_wrap ?ref . FILTER regex(?ref, "le\\sRider\\s1977\\s[0-9]").
?s ecrm:P1_is_identified_by ?id1 .
?s ecrm:P1_is_identified_by ?id2 .
?id1 ecrm:P2_has_type <>;
rdfs:label ?regno .
?id2 ecrm:P2_has_type <> ;
rdfs:label ?objectId
FILTER (contains(str(?s), 'CGR'))
OPTIONAL {?s bmo:PX_has_main_representation ?image }
OPTIONAL { ?s ecrm:P43_has_dimension ?wDim .
?wDim ecrm:P2_has_type thesDimension:weight .
?wDim ecrm:P90_has_value ?weight}
OPTIONAL { ?s ecrm:P43_has_dimension ?wAxis .
?wAxis ecrm:P2_has_type thesDimension:die-axis .
?wAxis ecrm:P90_has_value ?axis}
OPTIONAL {?s ecrm:P43_has_dimension ?wDiameter .
?wDiameter ecrm:P2_has_type thesDimension:diameter .
?wDiameter ecrm:P90_has_value ?diameter}
OPTIONAL {?s bmo:PX_display_wrap ?hoard . FILTER contains(?hoard, "IGCH")}
} ORDER BY ?ref
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