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Created May 30, 2024 12:09
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load("@aspect_bazel_lib//lib:write_source_files.bzl", "write_source_files")
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", "gomock")
_MOCKGEN_TOOL = Label("@org_uber_go_mock//mockgen")
_MOCKGEN_MODEL_LIB = Label("@org_uber_go_mock//mockgen/model")
def go_mock(name, deps, interfaces = [], **kwargs):
Macro to create a Go mock of a given interface(s) and copy the file back
to the source tree using our copy conventions.
kwargs["mockgen_model_library"] = "@org_uber_go_mock//mockgen/model"
name = "mock_" + name,
out = "mock_" + name + ".go.tpl",
interfaces = interfaces,
library = deps,
mockgen_tool = _MOCKGEN_TOOL,
package = paths.basename(native.package_name()),
self_package = paths.join("", native.package_name()),
name = "mock_" + name + ".update",
files = {
name + ".generated.go": ":mock_" + name,
suggested_update_target = "//tools:codegen",
visibility = ["//tools:__subpackages__"],
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