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Last active September 14, 2018 16:43
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Add shortcuts/names to paths for quick navigation.
GoTo allows you to set a nickname/shortcut to a path so that you can easily navigate to it later.
$ goto [options] - CDs to your previous location
$ goto <name> [options] - CDs to the location saved in the goto shortcut <name>. Prompts to set the shortcut if it is not already set
-o, --open - CDs to the location saved in the goto shortcut <name> and opens the location in finder. Prompts to set the shortcut if it is not already set
-oo, --open-only - Opens the location saved in the goto shortcut <name> in finder. Prompts to set the shortcut if it is not already set
-s <name>, --set <name> <path> - Set the shortcut <name> to location <path>. Uses current location if no path specified
-u <name>, --unset <name> - Removes (unsets) the shortcut <name>
-ua, --unset-all - Removes (unsets) all goto shortcuts
-l, --list - Print a list of all goto shortcuts
-e, --export - Exports all shortcuts for importing later (overwrites previous export)
-i, --import - Imports all shortcuts that were exported
-h, --help - Opens the help URL (this page)
1. Download the executable file to a folder (recommended '~/bin')
2. Add the path to the folder to your PATH in your .bash_profile (export PATH=$PATH:~/bin)
3. Add an alias to your .bash_profile to run the command in the current shell: ( goto(){ . .goto $@; } )
4. Restart your terminal or run '. ~/.bash_profile'
setupgoto () { goto -s work ~/Documents/Appcelerator_Studio_Workspace; goto -s sdk ~/Library/Application\ Support/Titanium/mobilesdk; goto -s cli ~/.appcelerator/install; }; setupgoto;
Run the 'Sample Setup Command' to load a few shortcuts into 'GoTo'.
You can set up your terminal window to automatically run 'goto -i' when it starts. This will load any GoTo shorcuts that you have exported into each terminal window you open.
open=0; case "$1" in "") cd - 1>/dev/null;; -h|--help) HELP=''; echo -ne '\t'$'\e[37m''Opening help URL: '"$HELP"'\n'$'\e[0m'; open "$HELP"; exit;; -l|--list) for i in ${!Goto*}; do echo -ne '\t'$'\e[37m'; str=$(echo "$i" | sed 's/Goto//g'); echo "$str"' : '"${!i}"$'\e[0m'; done;; -e|--export) rm ~/.gotoExport 2>/dev/null; for i in ${!Goto*}; do str=$(echo "$i" | sed 's/Goto//g'); echo "$str"' : '"${!i}" >>~/.gotoExport; done; echo -e '\t'$'\e[37m''Shortcuts exported'$'\e[0m';; -i|--import) if [[ ! -e ~/.gotoExport ]]; then echo -e '\t'$'\e[37m''Nothing to import'$'\e[0m'; exit; fi; while read line; do name='Goto'${line%% :*}; loc=${line##*: }; export $name="$loc"; echo -e '\t'$'\e[37m'$line$'\e[0m'; done < ~/.gotoExport;; -u|--unset) if [[ "$2" == "" ]]; then exit; fi; echo -ne '\t'$'\e[37m''Unset : '; tmp='Goto'$2; unset ${tmp}; echo -e $'\e[37m'$2$'\e[0m';; -ua|--unset-all) echo -ne '\t'$'\e[37m''Unset : '; for i in ${!Goto*}; do unset "$i"; str=$(echo "$i" | sed 's/Goto//g'); echo -n $'\e[37m'"$str"', '$'\e[0m'; done; echo;; -s|--set) if [[ "$2" == "" ]]; then exit; fi; tmp='Goto'$2; if [[ "$3" != "" ]]; then export ${tmp}="$3"; else export ${tmp}=$(pwd); fi; echo -e '\t'$'\e[37m'$2' : '${!tmp}$'\e[0m';; -o|--open) ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$2" -o; exit;; -oo|--open-only) ${FUNCNAME[0]} "$2" -oo; exit;; *) tmp='Goto'$1; if [[ "${!tmp}" == "" ]]; then echo -e '\t'$'\e[37m'$1' : Not set'$'\e[0m'; read -p $'\e[32m''?'$'\e[0m'' Set '$1' to current location? (y/N) ' -r; if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then ${FUNCNAME[0]} -s "$1"; fi; fi; if [[ "${!tmp}" != "" ]]; then case "$2" in -o|--open) open=1;; -oo|--open-only) open=2;; -s|--set) ${FUNCNAME[0]} -s "$1"; exit;; -u|--unset) ${FUNCNAME[0]} -u "$1"; exit;; esac; if [[ "$open" != 2 ]]; then cd "${!tmp}"; fi; fi; esac; if [[ "$open" == 1 ]]; then open .; elif [[ "$open" == 2 ]]; then open "${!tmp}"; fi;
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