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PHP: install `imagick`, `rar`, `pcov`

PHP install imagick, rar and pcov on Windows

To enable no built-in extensions, you have to install them manually.


I use scoop to install some dependencies, you could install it or use another way to install it.


You could install locally these dependencies to have binaries

scoop install imagemagick ghostscript ffmpeg

Download binary from

Example with for PHP 8.1 and Imagick v3.7.0, I choose from

Choose wisely your version

  • php_imagick-3.7.0 is imagick version from GitHub
  • 8.1 is PHP version, choose a version that match with yours.
  • nts is for non thread safe, you can choose ts for thread safe if you installed PHP thread safe
  • x64 is for 64 bits CPU, choose x86 for 32 bits CPU

Extract archive locally.

  • Find php_imagick.dll into archive and move it to C:\Users\USERNAME\scoop\apps\php-nts\current\ext
  • Locate all other .dll files and move it to C:\Users\USERNAME\scoop\apps\php-nts\current
  • Add extension=imagick to C:\Users\USERNAME\scoop\apps\php8.1-nts\current\php.ini at the top of the file

Check if imagick works (with grep from scoop)

php -m | Select-String -Pattern "imagick"


Download binary from

Example with for PHP 8.1 and RAR v4.2.0, I choose from

  • Extract archive locally.
  • Find php_rar.dll into archive and move it to C:\Users\USERNAME\scoop\apps\php-nts\current\ext
  • Add extension=rar to C:\Users\USERNAME\scoop\apps\php8.1-nts\current\php.ini at the top of the file

Check if rar works (with grep from scoop)

php -m | Select-String -Pattern "rar"

You could install locally this dependency to have binary

scoop install unrar


Download binary from

Example with for PHP 8.1 and PCOV v1.0.11, I choose from

  • Extract archive locally.
  • Find php_pcov.dll into archive and move it to C:\Users\USERNAME\scoop\apps\php-nts\current\ext
  • Add extension=pcov to C:\Users\USERNAME\scoop\apps\php8.1-nts\current\php.ini at the top of the file

Check if pcov works (with grep from scoop)

php -m | Select-String -Pattern "pcov"

How to choose a version?

It could be difficult to choose a version of extension, so I will explain how to choose a version.

PHP Version

php -i | find "PHP Version"
PHP Version => 8.1.17

PHP version is PHP 8.1, so I take the php_imagick-*-8.1-*.zip version.


If you don't find your PHP version in all versions, your PHP version could be too recent, you have to wait before imagick release for your PHP version.

Thread Safety

php -i | find "Thread Safety"
Thread Safety => disabled

Thread Safety is disabled, so I take the php_imagick-*-nts-*.zip version (nts for Non Thread Safe).


You have to install grep with scoop

php -i | Where-Object { $_ -like "*Architecture*" }
Architecture => x64

Architecture is x64, so I take the php_imagick-* version.

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