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Last active July 19, 2020 00:52
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roots_sh_jacobi using mpmath ref scipy ticket 12425
import numpy as np
from mpmath import mp
from scipy import special
def an_func(a, b, k):
if a + b == 0:
if k == 0:
return (b-a)/(2+a+b)
return 0
if k == 0:
return (b-a)/(2+a+b)
return (b*b - a*a) / ((2*k+a+b)*(2*k+a+b+2))
def bn_func(a, b, k):
ret = 2 / (2*k+a+b)*mp.sqrt((k+a)*(k+b)/(2*k+a+b+1))
if k == 1:
return ret
return ret * mp.sqrt(k*(k+a+b)/(2*k+a+b-1))
def roots_sh_jacobi_mpmath(n, p, q, dps=None):
if dps is not None:
mp.dps = dps
# map p and q to a and b
a = p - q
b = q -1
# build the needed matrix
c = mp.matrix(n)
for k in range(n):
c[k, k] = an_func(a, b, k)
if k > 0:
bn = bn_func(a, b, k)
c[k-1,k] = bn
c[k,k-1] = bn
# find estimates of the roots
vals = mp.eigsy(c, eigvals_only=True)
# clean up roots with find root
x = np.zeros(n, object)
f = lambda x: mp.jacobi(n, a, b, x)
for k, root in enumerate(vals):
x[k] = mp.findroot(f, root)
# now find the weights
mu0 = mp.power(2, a+b+1) * mp.beta(a+1, b+1)
fm = np.zeros(n, object)
dy = np.zeros(n, object)
for k in range(n):
fm[k] = mp.jacobi(n-1, a, b, x[k])
dy[k] = (n + a + b + 1) * mp.jacobi(n-1, a+1, b+1, x[k]) / 2
fm /= abs(fm).max()
dy /= abs(dy).max()
w = 1 / (fm * dy)
w *= mu0 / sum(w)
# convert back to shifted
x = (x + 1)/2
w /= mp.power(2,p)
mu0 /= mp.power(2,p)
return x, w, mu0
def roots_jacobi(n, alpha, beta, mu=False):
m = int(n)
if n < 1 or n != m:
raise ValueError("n must be a positive integer.")
if alpha <= -1 or beta <= -1:
raise ValueError("alpha and beta must be greater than -1.")
if alpha == 0.0 and beta == 0.0:
return special.roots_legendre(m, mu)
if alpha == beta:
return special.roots_gegenbauer(m, alpha+0.5, mu)
mu0 = 1.0 # 2.0**(alpha+beta+1)*cephes.beta(alpha+1, beta+1)
a = alpha
b = beta
if a + b == 0.0:
an_func = lambda k: np.where(k == 0, (b-a)/(2+a+b), 0.0)
an_func = lambda k: np.where(k == 0, (b-a)/(2+a+b),
(b*b - a*a) / ((2.0*k+a+b)*(2.0*k+a+b+2)))
bn_func = lambda k: 2.0 / (2.0*k+a+b)*np.sqrt((k+a)*(k+b) / (2*k+a+b+1)) \
* np.where(k == 1, 1.0, np.sqrt(k*(k+a+b) / (2.0*k+a+b-1)))
f = lambda n, x: special.eval_jacobi(n, a, b, x)
df = lambda n, x: 0.5 * (n + a + b + 1) \
* special.eval_jacobi(n-1, a+1, b+1, x)
return special.orthogonal._gen_roots_and_weights(m, mu0, an_func, bn_func, f, df, False, mu)
def roots_sh_jacobi(n, p1, q1, mu=False):
if (p1-q1) <= -1 or q1 <= 0:
raise ValueError("(p - q) must be greater than -1, and q must be greater than 0.")
x, w, m = roots_jacobi(n, p1-q1, q1-1, True)
x = (x + 1) / 2
scale = 1.0 # 2.0**p1
w /= scale
m /= scale
if mu:
return x, w, m
return x, w
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