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Last active April 28, 2020 10:08
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screeps stack trace resolver

Stack trace resolver for screeps

If you run this from the builtin terminal in IntellJ you will get clickable links to the source.


kotlin resolver.main.kts -- -h

You need the -- to separate the arguments to kotlin from the arguments to the script.

Full example:

> Name: screeps-kotlin-starter
> ProjectDir: ~/screeps-kotlin-starter
> enter a stacktrace (reading until EOF or empty line):

          IllegalArgumentException: oh no we crashed!
            at IllegalArgumentException_init_0 (kotlin:3551:32)
            at (main:396:11)
            at (main:317:82)
            at manageCity (main:275:57)
            at runEconomy (main:244:10)
            at Object.loop (main:49:5)
            at __mainLoop:1:52
            at __mainLoop:2:3
            at Object.exports.evalCode (<runtime>:15584:76)


curl > resolver.main.kts

You need to install the kotlin executable version 1.3.70 or newer (check with kotlin -help) e.g. brew install kotlin or sdk install kotlin

#!/usr/bin/env kotlin
import com.atlassian.sourcemap.Mapping
import com.atlassian.sourcemap.SourceMap
import com.atlassian.sourcemap.SourceMapImpl
import com.atlassian.sourcemap.Util
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.core.CliktCommand
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.flag
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.option
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.prompt
import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.types.path
import java.nio.file.Path
data class ProjectLayout(
val mainModuleName: String,
val sourceMapDirectory: String,
val sourceDirectory: String,
val buildDirectory: String,
val jsDirectory: String
data class StackFrame(
val module: String,
val symbol: String,
val line: Int,
val column: Int
class RunResolver : CliktCommand() {
val name: String by option(
help = "The name of the file published as main.js in screeps. It is usually the name of the project in settings.gradle"
val projectDirectory: Path by option("--projectDirectory", "-d", help = "Project directory").path(mustExist = true)
val debug: Boolean by option("--debug").flag()
val quiet: Boolean by option("-q", "--quiet", help = "non interactive.").flag(default = false)
val stacktrace: String? by option(help = "stacktrace")
companion object {
const val SOURCE_MAP = ""
fun calculatePosition(rawSourceMap: SourceMap, stackFrame: StackFrame): Mapping? {
return calculatePosition(rawSourceMap, stackFrame.line, stackFrame.column)
fun calculatePosition(rawSourceMap: SourceMap, line: Int, column: Int): Mapping? {
return rawSourceMap.getMapping(line, column)
fun resolveSourceFile(source: String, projectLayout: ProjectLayout): String {
if (source.contains("/src")) {
return projectLayout.sourceDirectory + source.substringAfter("/src")
if (source.contains("js/packages/")) {
// TODO it is a library
return source
return source
fun loadSourceMap(path: String?, offset: Int = 1): SourceMap? {
if (path == null) {
return null
val file = File(path)
if (!file.exists()) {
return null
val sourceMap = SourceMapImpl(file.readText())
if (offset == 0) {
return sourceMap
} else {
return Util.offset(sourceMap, offset)
fun debug(string: String? = null) {
if (debug) {
fun resolveModulePath(
moduleName: String,
projectLayout: ProjectLayout
): String? {
val effectiveModuleName = when {
moduleName == "main" -> projectLayout.mainModuleName
moduleName.startsWith("__") -> projectLayout.mainModuleName
moduleName == "<runtime>" -> null
else -> moduleName
} ?: return null
return projectLayout.sourceMapDirectory + "/" + effectiveModuleName + SOURCE_MAP
fun recoverStacktrace(stacktrace: String, projectLayout: ProjectLayout): String {
fun parseLine(line: String): StackFrame {
// ...
// at (main:391:68)
// at __mainLoop:1:52
// ...
var remaining = line.trim().removePrefix("at ")
val symbolName = if (remaining.first() == '_') "" else remaining.substringBefore(" ")
remaining = remaining.removePrefix(symbolName).trim()
// remaining = "__mainLoop:1:52" or "(main:391:68)"
remaining = remaining.removePrefix("(").removeSuffix(")")
// remaining = "__mainLoop:1:52" or "main:391:68"
val (module, lineNo, columNo) = remaining.split(":")
return StackFrame(module, symbol = symbolName, line = lineNo.toInt(), column = columNo.toInt())
val sourceMaps: MutableMap<String?, SourceMap?> = mutableMapOf()
return stacktrace.lines().joinToString(System.lineSeparator()) { line ->
val canParse = line.trim().startsWith("at ")
if (!canParse) {
return@joinToString line
val frame = parseLine(line)
val path = resolveModulePath(frame.module, projectLayout)
val sourceMap: SourceMap? = sourceMaps.getOrPut(path) {
debug("loading module '${frame.module}' from $path")
if (sourceMap == null) {
debug("skipping $frame because does there is no source map for the module")
return@joinToString line
var position = calculatePosition(sourceMap, frame)
if (position == null) {
calculatePosition(sourceMap, frame.copy(line = 1, column = 1))
debug("stackframe=${frame}, position = ${position}, sourcesymbol=${position?.sourceSymbolName}")
val sourceFile = resolveSourceFile(position?.sourceFileName ?: "", projectLayout)
// needs to be of the form
// <projectDir>/src/test/kotlin/Stacktrace.kt: (<line>, <column>):
val ideaClickableLink = sourceFile + ": (${position?.sourceLine}, ${position?.sourceColumn}):"
line.substringBeforeLast(" (") + " " + ideaClickableLink
override fun run() {
val projectLayout = ProjectLayout(
debug("using $projectLayout")
val sourceMapDir = File(projectLayout.sourceMapDirectory)
if (!sourceMapDir.isDirectory || sourceMapDir.list()!!.none { it.endsWith(SOURCE_MAP) }) {
error("no source maps found in $sourceMapDir")
var input = stacktrace
if (input == null) {
if (!quiet) {
println("enter a stacktrace (reading until EOF or empty line):")
val buffer = StringBuffer()
do {
val line = readLine()?.also {
} while (!line.isNullOrBlank())
input = buffer.toString()
debug("translating stacktrace...")
val translation = recoverStacktrace(input.trimIndent(), projectLayout)
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