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Last active August 25, 2020 12:56
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A fuzzy wrapper for the docker cli. Execute a docker command for all containers who match a search term. Do something sensible if no command or no search terms are provided.
docker_ps_formatted(){ docker ps -a --format "table {{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Ports}}" }
# dockerg [ARGS] SEARCH
# basically docker ps | grep SEARCH | xargs docker ARGS
# but all args are optional
# e.g. 'dockgerg bank' -> check which services are found; dockgerg logs --tail 15 bank -> log the service
# e.g. 'dockerg start Exited' -> start all containers with status 'Exited'
if [ "$#" -eq 0 ]; then docker_ps_formatted; return; fi
if [ "$#" -eq 1 ]; then docker_ps_formatted | grep $SEARCH; return; fi
ARGS=${@:1:$# - 1};
docker_ps_formatted | grep $SEARCH | awk "{print \$1}" | xargs docker $(echo $ARGS);
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