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Created January 28, 2022 22:58
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* This sample code comes with the shipping web service of La Poste Colissimo
* The example builds a request, send it to the web service, then parse its response and save the generated label to the
specified location
* @author La Poste Colissimo -
define("SERVER_NAME", ''); //TODO : Change server name
define("LABEL_FOLDER",'./labels/'); //TODO : Change OutPut Folder: this is where the label will be saved
//Build the input request : adapt parameters according to your parcel info and options
$requestParameter = array(
'contractNumber' => 'MY_LOGIN', //TODO : Change contractNumber
'password' => 'MY_PASSWORD', //TODO : Change password
'outputFormat' => array(
'outputPrintingType' => 'ZPL_10x15_203dpi'
'letter' => array(
'service' => array(
'productCode' => 'DOM',
'depositDate' => '2017-04-30'
'parcel' => array(
'weight' => '3',
'sender' => array(
'address' => array(
'companyName' => 'companyName',
'line2' => 'main address',
'countryCode' => 'FR',
'city' => 'Paris',
'zipCode' => '75007'
'addressee' => array(
'address' => array(
'lastName' => 'lastName',
'firstName' => 'firstName',
'line2' => 'main address',
'countryCode' => 'FR',
'city' => 'Paris',
'zipCode' => '75017'
//+ Generate SOAPRequest
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" />');
$children = $xml->addChild("soapenv:Body");
$children = $children->addChild("sls:generateLabel", null, '');
$children = $children->addChild("generateLabelRequest", null, "");
$requestSoap = $xml->asXML();
//- Generate SOAPRequest
//+ Call Web Service
$resp = new SoapClient ( SERVER_NAME .'/sls-ws/SlsServiceWS?wsdl' );
$response = $resp->__doRequest ( $requestSoap, SERVER_NAME .'/sls-ws/SlsServiceWS', 'generateLabel', '2.0', 0 );
//- Call Web Service
//+ Parse Web Service Response
$parseResponse = new MTOM_ResponseReader($response);
$resultat_tmp = $parseResponse->soapResponse;
$soap_result = $resultat_tmp["data"];
$error_code = explode("<id>", $soap_result);
$error_code = explode("</id>", $error_code[1]);
//- Parse Web Service Response
//+ Error handling and label saving
if ($error_code[0]=="0") {
//+ Write result to file <parcel number>.extension in defined folder (ex: ./labels/6A12091920617.zpl)
$resultat_tmp = $parseResponse->soapResponse;
$soap_result = $resultat_tmp["data"];
$resultat_tmp = $parseResponse->attachments;
$label_content = $resultat_tmp[0];
$my_datas = $label_content["data"];
//Save the label
$my_extension_tmp = $requestParameter["outputFormat"]["outputPrintingType"];
$my_extension = strtolower(substr($my_extension_tmp,0,3));
$pieces = explode("<parcelNumber>", $soap_result);
$pieces = explode("</parcelNumber>", $pieces[1]);
$parcelNumber=$pieces[0]; //Extract the parcel number
$my_file = fopen($my_file_name, 'a');
if (fputs($my_file, $my_datas)){ //Save the label in defined folder
echo "fichier ".$my_file_name." ok <br>";
} else {
echo "erreur ecriture etiquette <br>";
} else { //Display errors if exist
$error_message = explode("<messageContent>", $soap_result);
$error_message = explode("</messageContent>", $error_message[1]);
echo 'error code : '.$error_code[0]."\n";
echo 'error message : '.$error_message[0]."\n";
class MTOM_ResponseReader {
const CONTENT_TYPE = 'Content-Type: application/xop+xml;';
const UUID = '/--uuid:/'; //This is the separator of each part of the response
const CONTENT = 'Content-';
public $attachments = array ();
public $soapResponse = array ();
public $uuid = null;
public function __construct($response) {
if (strpos ( $response, self::CONTENT_TYPE ) !== FALSE) {
$this->parseResponse( $response );
} else {
throw new Exception ( 'This response is not : ' . CONTENT_TYPE );
private function parseResponse($response) {
$content = array ();
$matches = array ();
preg_match_all ( self::UUID, $response, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE );
for($i = 0; $i < count ( $matches [0] ) -1; $i ++) {
if ($i + 1 < count ( $matches [0] )) {
$content [$i] = substr ( $response, $matches [0] [$i] [1], $matches [0] [$i + 1] [1] - $matches [0]
[$i] [1] );
} else {
$content [$i] = substr ( $response, $matches [0] [$i] [1], strlen ( $response ) );
foreach ( $content as $part ) {
if($this->uuid == null){
$uuidStart = 0;
$uuidEnd = 0;
$uuidStart = strpos($part, self::UUID, 0)+strlen(self::UUID);
$uuidEnd = strpos($part, "\r\n", $uuidStart);
$this->uuid = substr($part, $uuidStart, $uuidEnd-$uuidStart);
$header = $this->extractHeader($part);
if(count($header) > 0){
if(strpos($header['Content-Type'], 'type="text/xml"')!==FALSE){
$this->soapResponse['header'] = $header;
$this->soapResponse['data'] = trim(substr($part, $header['offsetEnd']));
} else {
$attachment['header'] = $header;
$attachment['data'] = trim(substr($part, $header['offsetEnd']));
array_push($this->attachments, $attachment);
* Exclude the header from the Web Service response
* @param string $part
* @return array $header
private function extractHeader($part){
$header = array();
$headerLineStart = strpos($part, self::CONTENT, 0);
$endLine = 0;
while($headerLineStart !== FALSE){
$header['offsetStart'] = $headerLineStart;
$endLine = strpos($part, "\r\n", $headerLineStart);
$headerLine = explode(': ', substr($part, $headerLineStart, $endLine-$headerLineStart));
$header[$headerLine[0]] = $headerLine[1];
$headerLineStart = strpos($part, self::CONTENT, $endLine);
$header['offsetEnd'] = $endLine;
return $header;
* Convert array to Xml
* @param unknown $soapRequest
* @param unknown $soapRequestXml
function array_to_xml($soapRequest, $soapRequestXml) {
foreach($soapRequest as $key => $value) {
if(is_array($value)) {
$subnode = $soapRequestXml->addChild("$key");
array_to_xml($value, $subnode);
$subnode = $soapRequestXml->addChild("item$key");
array_to_xml($value, $subnode);
else {
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