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Last active May 26, 2021 14:48
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notes about Odoo structure
ODOO building blocs
I expose Odoo 14 models structure here. Have a look to reference for further informations.
1. Models: represents a business object
They are built around three main base ORM classes BaseModel, AbstractModel and Model
Models are not directly accessible; one should use recordsets to do so.
1.1 RecordSets (mix between class and sets)
They are all instances of a model at the same time.
In a given model, "self" is a recordSet. Recordsets can be: filtered, mapped, sorted, searched, copied, added and so on.
1.2 Environnement variable ( self.env)
Due to it, we can access any given recordset in a model.
In fact, the self element contains a given model recordsets.
Those recordsets can have duplicate values, although their name suggest the contrary. With the env, one can change user or context with ease
Example: self.env("res.partner"): gets the recordset of the res.partner model. It implicitly passes 3 params:
- cr: db cursor
- uid: current user id
- context: the current context dictionnary ( used to pass data between views and models or models and models)
With the env, one can also have access to ref and current user like so:
- self.env.ref(model.external_id_in_view_or_data_file, False)
- self.env.user
- and much more: see
1.3 Inheritance
Odoo has composition based inheritance, (direct and polymorphic) apart from classical python inheritance.
It is mainly used in model definition.
1.4. Decorators:
They are simple python decorators
- prerequisites:
- python rehearsal:
- odoo custom modules:
- official odoo documentation:
- Oddo 14 ORM ref:
- Odoo v8+ new api:
- Odoo v8+ online reference:
- Odoo v8+ new ORM API:
- misc:
- Odoo ORM advanced concepts:
- Odoo context and domain:
- Odoo self.env.ref:
- Odoo Action to return to Tree or Form View, dynamically:
Side note:
- Domain: list of criteria, each criterion being a triple (either a list or a tuple) of (field_name, operator, value).
It can be used in:
- in views as a filter to display data
- as a directive with the eval keyword
- in fields definition
The syntax goes like this: domain= "[("field_name", "operator", "value"), ("field_name", "operator", "value") ]"
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