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Created March 23, 2013 03:21
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* This file is part of Z-Reader (c) 2013
* Z-Reader is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Z-Reader is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Z-Reader. If not, see <>.
import scala.Enumeration
import net.liftweb._
import sitemap.Loc.Snippet
import util._
import Helpers._
import scala.Enumeration
package object Login {
* scope - space delimited set of permissions the application requests
* Indicates the Google API access your application is requesting.
* The values passed in this parameter inform the consent page shown to the user.
* There is an inverse relationship between the number of permissions requested
* and the likelihood of obtaining user consent.
* Every item from list would be translated to
object UserInfo extends Enumeration {
val email, profile = Value
val email =
val profile = UserInfo.profile
type UserInfo = UserInfo.Value
object ResponseType extends Enumeration {
val code, token = Value
val code = ResponseType.code
val token = ResponseType.token
type ResponseType = ResponseType.Value
object ApprovalPrompt extends Enumeration {
val auto, force = Value
val auto =
val force = ApprovalPrompt.force
type ApprovalPrompt = ApprovalPrompt.Value
object AccessType extends Enumeration {
val online, offline = Value
val online =
val offline = AccessType.offline
type AccessType = AccessType.Value
case class Snippet(val clientId : String,
val redirectUri : String,
val scope : Set[UserInfo] = Set(, UserInfo.profile),
val state : Option[String] = None,
val responseType : Option[ResponseType] = None,
val accessType : Option[AccessType] = None,
val approvalPrompt : Option[ApprovalPrompt] = None) {
def render = {
def always(name : String)(value : String) =
Some((name, value))
def option(name : String)(value : Option[String]) ={case v => (name, v)}
def enum[T <: Enumeration](name : String)(value : Option[T#Value]) ={case v => (name, v.toString)}
def string(name : String)(s : String) =
if (s.isEmpty) None else Some(name, s)
"a [href]" #> appendParams("",
string("scope") ("" + _.toString).mkString(" ")),
option("state") (state),
always("redirect_uri") (redirectUri),
enum("response_type") (responseType),
always("client_id") (clientId),
enum("access_type") (accessType),
enum("approval_prompt") (approvalPrompt)
def addScope(ui : UserInfo.Value) = this.copy(scope=this.scope+ui)
def delScope(ui : UserInfo.Value) = this.copy(scope=this.scope-ui)
def withState(s :String) = this.copy(state=Some(s))
def withResponseType(e : ResponseType.Value) = this.copy(responseType=Some(e))
def withAccessType(e : AccessType.Value) = this.copy(accessType=Some(e))
def withApprovalPrompt(e : ApprovalPrompt.Value) = this.copy(approvalPrompt=Some(e))
* state - any string
* This optional parameter indicates any state which may be useful to your application upon receipt of the response.
* The Google Authorization Server roundtrips this parameter, so your application receives the same value it sent.
* Possible uses include redirecting the user to the correct resource in your site, nonces,
* and cross-site-request-forgery mitigations.
* redirect_uri - one of your redirect_uris registered at the APIs Console at
* Determines where the response is sent.
* The value of this parameter must exactly match one of the values registered in the APIs Console
* (including the http or https schemes, case, and trailing '/').
* response_type - code or token
* Determines if the Google Authorization Server returns an authorization code, or an opaque access token.
* client_id - the client_id obtained from the APIs Console
* Indicates the client that is making the request.
* The value passed in this parameter must exactly match the value shown in the APIs Console at
* access_type - online or offline
* Indicates if your application needs to access a Google API when the user is not present at the browser.
* This parameter defaults to online.
* If your application needs to refresh access tokens when the user is not present at the browser, then use offline.
* This will result in your application obtaining a refresh token the first time your application exchanges an authorization code for a user.
* approval_prompt - force or auto
* Indicates if the user should be re-prompted for consent.
* The default is auto, so a given user should only see the consent page for a given set of scopes the first time through the sequence.
* If the value is force, then the user sees a consent page even if they have previously given consent to your application for a given set of scopes.
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