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Created April 4, 2013 13:41
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private def exchange(request : Req)(code : String) : Option[Token] = {
val client = new DefaultHttpClient
val request = new HttpPost(entryURL)
val params = List(
("code", code),
("client_id", settings.clientId),
("client_secret", settings.clientSecret),
("redirectUri", settings.redirectUri),
("grantType", "authorization_code")).
map(p => new BasicNameValuePair(p._1, p._2))
request.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(params.asInstanceOf[java.util.List[NameValuePair]]))
val response = client.execute(request)
def toString(entity : HttpEntity) : String = {
val stream = entity.getContent
val content = io.Source.fromInputStream(stream).getLines.mkString
case class TokenParser(access_token : String,
refresh_token : Option[String],
expires_in : Integer,
token_type : String) {
def toToken : Option[Token] = token_type match {
case "Bearer" => Some(Token(
accessToken = access_token,
refreshToken = refresh_token,
expiresIn = expires_in,
tokenType = TokenType.Bearer))
case _ => None
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