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Last active June 15, 2016 05:35
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zsh rm function, replaces default rm with srm (including daemonizing long delete operations with screen)
function rm () {
if [ -z $1 ] ; then
echo "Error: No file specified\n"
return 1;
if [[ -f $1 ]]; then
FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$1")
if [[ $FILESIZE -gt 10485760 ]]; then
screen -dmS srm zsh -c "srm -rvzf $1; notify-send \"File-remove operation on file '$1' has completed.\"; beep -f 900 -l 100 -D 50; beep -f 1800 -l 200"
echo "This file-remove operation will take a while, so it's been executed in the background (screen).\n"
screen -ls | grep srm
srm -rvzf $1; echo "File-remove operation on file \"$1\" completed.\n"
echo "Error: File \"$1\" does not exist.\n"
return 1;
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