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Created February 11, 2017 22:23
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  • Save exentio/1145128e1e43f64766bce7fe81fa053a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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$ sudo pacman -Qo /etc/fonts/conf.d/
[sudo] password for ex:
/etc/fonts/conf.d/ is owned by cantarell-fonts 1:0.0.25-3
/etc/fonts/conf.d/ is owned by cups-filters 1.13.3-1
/etc/fonts/conf.d/ is owned by fontconfig 2.12.1-4
/etc/fonts/conf.d/ is owned by ttf-dejavu 2.37-1
/etc/fonts/conf.d/ is owned by ttf-gelasio-ib 1.00-7
/etc/fonts/conf.d/ is owned by ttf-ubuntu-font-family 0.83-2
/etc/fonts/conf.d/ is owned by wine 2.1-1
$ sudo pacman -Qo /etc/fonts/conf.avail/
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by cantarell-fonts 1:0.0.25-3
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by fontconfig 2.12.1-4
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by fonts-meta-extended-lt 2-2
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by ttf-caladea 20130214-1
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by ttf-carlito 20130920-1
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by ttf-dejavu 2.37-1
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by ttf-droid 20121017-5
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by ttf-freefont 20120503-4
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by ttf-gelasio-ib 1.00-7
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by ttf-inconsolata 20151221.480630d-1
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by ttf-liberation 2.00.1-7
/etc/fonts/conf.avail/ is owned by wine 2.1-1
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