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Created February 21, 2017 18:05
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local __debug_line_tracker={
local function __get_src_and_line( line )
for i = 1, #__debug_line_tracker do
local t = __debug_line_tracker[i]
if line >= t[1] and line <= t[1] + t[2] then
return t[3], t[4] + line - t[1]
line = line - t[1]
return "unknown source", 0
local __debug_ok, __debug_err = pcall( function()
a = 1
end )
if not __debug_ok then
if type( __debug_err ) == "string" then
local e = select( 2, pcall( error, "@", 2 ) )
local src = e:match "^(.*):%d+: @$"
local line, msg = __debug_err:match( src .. ":(%d+): (.*)" )
if line then
local src, line = __get_src_and_line( tonumber( line ) )
return error( src .. "[" .. line .. "]: " .. (__get_err_msg and __get_err_msg( src, line, msg ) or msg), 0 )
return error( __debug_err, 0 )
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