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Last active May 30, 2016 23:13
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newTextBody(string text)
- creates a new text object with the given starting text
- note: use :format() once created
:format(int i = 1, int j = #lines)
- updates the formatting on the range of lines given
:insert(int n, string line)
- inserts a new line and updates formatting
:remove(int n)
- removes a ling and updates formatting
:set(int n, string line)
- updates a line to a new value and updates the formatting
:get(int n)
- returns the raw line
:getFormatted(int n)
- returns the formatted line
:formatLine(table state, string line)
- (callback) returns a formatted string for that line
local function copyt( t )
local t2 = {}
for k, v in pairs( t ) do
t2[k] = type(v) == "table" and copyt(v) or v
return t2
local function comparet( a, b )
for k, v in pairs( a ) do
if b[k] ~= v then return true end
for k, v in pairs( b ) do
if a[k] ~= v then return true end
local function newTextBody(text)
local lines = {}
local t = {}
for line in text:gmatch "[^\n]*" do
lines[#lines + 1] = line
t.state = {}
t.lines = lines
t.fmtlines = fmtlines
t.states = { [0] = t.state }
function t:format( i, upper )
upper = upper or i or #self.lines
i = i or 1
while i <= upper do
local state = copyt( self.states[i - 1] ) -- this is for keeping track of things like (isInClass) to highlight keywords like 'super', 'private', etc
self.fmtlines[i] = self:formatLine( state, self.lines[i] )
if i == upper and comparet( state, self.states[i] ) then -- if the line caused the next to have a changed state
upper = upper + 1
self.states[i] = state
i = i + 1
function t:insert( n, line )
table.insert( self.lines, n, line )
table.insert( self.fmtlines, n, "" )
table.insert( self.states, n, {} )
return self:format( n )
function t:remove( n )
table.remove( self.lines, n )
table.remove( self.fmtlines, n )
table.remove( self.states, n )
return self:format( n )
function t:set( n, line )
self.lines[n] = line
return self:format( n )
function t:get( n )
return self.lines[n]
function t:getFormatted( n )
return self.fmtlines[n]
function t:formatLine( state, line )
return line -- with fancy text formatting
return t
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