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function Exception.traceback( level, count, userspace )
local trace = {}
level = (level or 1) + 1
if level > 2 then
local i = 1
while #trace < count do
local src = select( 2, pcall( error, "", level + i ) ):gsub( ": $", "" )
local __debug_line_tracker={
local function __get_src_and_line( line )
for i = 1, #__debug_line_tracker do
local t = __debug_line_tracker[i]
if line >= t[1] and line <= t[1] + t[2] then
return t[3], t[4] + line - t[1]
-- create a state to use when compiling the package
local substate = preprocess.create_state( file:match "(.+)/" or "" )
-- names that the package localises (used to add these to the package table)
local localised_names = {}
local localised = {}
-- copy minify status across
substate.microminify = state.microminify =
local function splitspaced( str )
local s, f = str:find "%S+"
local segments = {}
local i = 1
while s do
local seg = str:sub( s, f )
local pos = seg:find "'" or seg:find '"'
if pos then
local sheets
local __debug_err_map={
local __debug_err_pats={
["lua.arithmetic"]={{"attempt to perform arithmetic __(%w+) on (%w+) and (%w+)","failed to %1 ${1} (%2) and ${2} (%3)"}}
local __debug_line_tracker={
local function microminify( line, state )
local segments = {}
local i, n = 1, 1
local res = {}
local is_word = false
if state.in_string then
local pos = find_non_escaped( line, state.string_closer, 1 )
if pos then
local app = sheets.Application()
local container = app.screen + sheets.Container( 0, 0, app.screen.width, app.screen.height )
local right = container + sheets.Button( "51 - self.width", 1, "#self.text + 4", 3, "Right" )
:set_ID "right"
:set_width_transition( sheets.Transition.smooth )
local button1 = container + sheets.Button( 5, 0, "$$right.x - self.x", 5, "Hello world!" )
:set_ID "button1"
:set_x_transition( sheets.Transition.smooth )
local centred = container + sheets.Button( "(parent.width - self.width) / 4 - 0.75", 12, 20, 5, "I am quarter x" )
local app = sheets.Application()
local container = app.screen + sheets.Container( 0, 0, app.screen.width, app.screen.height )
local right = container + sheets.Button( "51 - self.width", 1, "#self.text + 4", 3, "Right" )
:set_ID "right"
local button1 = container + sheets.Button( 5, 0, "$$right.x - self.x", 5, "Hello world!" )
:set_ID "button1"
local centred = container + sheets.Button( "(parent.width - self.width) / 4 - 0.25", 12, 20, 5, "I am quarter x" )
local initial_anchor = container + sheets.Button( 20, 6, 20, 3, "!$.anchor == self & 'Initial anchor' | 'Non-anchor'" )
local function node_query_internal( query )
if query.type == QUERY_ID then
return ("'%s'"):format( query.value )
elseif query.type == QUERY_TAG then
return ("n:has_tag'%s'"):format( query.value )
elseif query.type == QUERY_ALL then
return "true"
elseif query.type == QUERY_CLASS then
-- TODO: check if type_of() accepts a string
local app = sheets.Application()
local button1 = app.screen + sheets.Button( 0, 0, 20, 5, "Hello world!" )
local right = app.screen + sheets.Button( 0, 1, 7, 3, "Right" )
local old = { [button1] = {}, [right] = {} }
right:set_ID "right"