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Last active February 23, 2021 10:44
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Partial application and Currying in JavaScript
// JavaScript
// Partial application
// prefilling argument
const add = (...args) => [...args].reduce((a, b) => a + b)
const addMore = add.bind(undefined, 3, 5, 10)
console.log('bind addMore(2)', addMore(2)) // bind addMore(2) 20
const mergeObject = (a, b) => Object.freeze({
keyX: `${a.keyA} ${a.keyB}`,
const defaultData = Object.freeze({
keyA: 'valueA',
keyB: 'valueB',
keyC: 'valueC',
let data = mergeObject.bind(null, defaultData)
let dataCurrent = Object.freeze(data({
keyA: 'newValueA',
console.log('bind mergeObject()', dataCurrent)
// bind mergeObject() {
// keyA: 'newValueA',
// keyB: 'valueB',
// keyC: 'valueC',
// keyX: 'valueA valueB'
// }
data = mergeObject.bind(null, dataCurrent)
dataCurrent = data({
keyB: 'newValueB',
console.log('bind mergeObject()', dataCurrent)
// bind mergeObject() {
// keyA: 'newValueA',
// keyB: 'newValueB',
// keyC: 'valueC',
// keyX: 'newValueA valueB'
// }
// Currying
// Simplify a function by breaking it down into multiple one-argument functions
const curryAdd = (x) => (y) => x + y
console.log('curryAdd(2)(3)', curryAdd(2)(3)) // curryAdd(2)(3) 5
// Currying and Partial application
const curryAddFlex = (x = 0, y = 0) => {
const total = x + y
return {
add: curryAddFlex.bind(null, total),
done: () => total
const cfa = curryAddFlex()
) // cfa.add(2).add(4).add(6).add(-4).done() 8
console.log('cfa.add(24).done()', cfa.add(24).done()) // cfa.add(24).done() 24
const cfa2 = curryAddFlex(10)
console.log(cfa2.add(10).add(50).done()) // 70
console.log(cfa2.add(10).done()) // 20
console.log(cfa2.add(10)) // { add: [Function: bound curryAddFlex], done: [Function: done] }
const iPerson = (data = {
firstName: undefined,
lastName: undefined,
}) => {
const person = {
const updateFirstName = (person, name) => { = name
return person
const updateLastName = (person, name) => { = name
return person
person.setFirstName = updateFirstName.bind(null, person)
person.setLastName = updateLastName.bind(null, person)
person.done = () =>
return person
const person = iPerson()
console.log(person.done()) // { firstName: undefined, lastName: undefined }
) // person().setFirstName('Jon').setLastName('Deo').done() { firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Deo' }
console.log(person.setFirstName('Jane').done()) // { firstName: 'Jane', lastName: 'Deo' }
class Person {
constructor(person = null) {
const defaultPerson = {
firstName: undefined,
lastName: undefined,
const { firstName, lastName } = { ...person, ...defaultPerson }
this.firstName = firstName
this.lastName = lastName
setFirstName(name) {
this.firstName = name
return this
setLastName(name) {
this.lastName = name
return this
const myPerson = new Person()
console.log(myPerson) // Person { firstName: undefined, lastName: undefined }
console.log(myPerson.setFirstName('Jon').setLastName('Deo')) // Person { firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Deo' }
// Factorial
const range = (a, b) => a > b ? [] : [a, ...range(a + 1, b)]
const multiply = arr => arr.reduce((p, a) => p * a)
const factorial = n => multiply(range(1, n))
console.log(multiply(range(1, 4)), factorial(5)) // 24 120
console.log(factorial(6)) // 720
// Random / Test
function getRandomInt(min, max, random = Math.random) {
return Math.floor(random() * (max - min)) + min
console.log(getRandomInt(0, 10, () => 0.7) === 7) // true
console.log(getRandomInt(0, 10, () => 0.2) === 2) // true
const getInt = getRandomInt.bind(null, 50, 100)
console.log(getInt(() => 0.5)) // 75
console.log(getInt()) // 50-100
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