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Created October 15, 2020 17:54
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  • Save exit99/4de9a14d549debc606f82ad3623d7399 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save exit99/4de9a14d549debc606f82ad3623d7399 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{"swagger": "2.0", "basePath": "/api/v2", "paths": {"/bandwidth/device/{deviceId}": {"parameters": [{"required": true, "in": "path", "description": "ID of Device to View", "name": "deviceId", "type": "integer"}, {"default": "day", "required": true, "type": "string", "enum": ["day", "week", "month", "custom"], "in": "query", "description": "Preconfigured Time Periods for Graph Data", "name": "period"}, {"default": "eth0", "required": true, "type": "string", "enum": ["eth0", "eth1", "public", "private", "all"], "in": "query", "description": "Network Interface to use for Graph Data", "name": "interface"}, {"type": "boolean", "default": false, "in": "query", "description": "Include Historical Interface Data for Device for Resellers", "name": "historical"}, {"default": 300, "type": "integer", "required": true, "in": "query", "description": "Interval of Graph in Seconds", "name": "step"}, {"type": "integer", "default": 0, "in": "query", "description": "Start Time of Custom Time Period. (Unix Epoch Time)", "name": "start"}, {"type": "integer", "default": 1602779506, "in": "query", "description": "End Time of Custom Time Period (Unix Epoch Time)", "name": "end"}], "post": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Bandwidth"}}}}, "summary": "Returns RRDTool Xport based bandwidth data in JSON format", "operationId": "post_device_id_bandwidth_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Bandwidth"]}}, "/bandwidth/device/{deviceId}/image": {"parameters": [{"required": true, "in": "path", "description": "ID of Device to View", "name": "deviceId", "type": "integer"}, {"default": "day", "required": true, "type": "string", "enum": ["day", "week", "month", "custom"], "in": "query", "description": "Preconfigured Time Periods for Graph Data", "name": "period"}, {"default": "eth0", "required": true, "type": "string", "enum": ["eth0", "eth1", "public", "private", "all"], "in": "query", "description": "Network Interface to use for Graph Data", "name": "interface"}, {"type": "integer", "default": 0, "in": "query", "description": "Start Time of Custom Time Period. (Unix Epoch Time)", "name": "start"}, {"type": "integer", "default": 1602779506, "in": "query", "description": "End Time of Custom Time Period (Unix Epoch Time)", "name": "end"}], "post": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/BandwidthImage"}}}}, "summary": "Returns RRDTool Graph based bandwidth in PNG format", "operationId": "post_device_id_bandwidth_image_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Bandwidth"]}}, "/bandwidth/service/{serviceId}": {"parameters": [{"required": true, "in": "path", "description": "ID of Service to View", "name": "serviceId", "type": "integer"}, {"default": "day", "required": true, "type": "string", "enum": ["day", "week", "month", "custom"], "in": "query", "description": "Preconfigured Time Periods for Graph Data", "name": "period"}, {"default": "eth0", "required": true, "type": "string", "enum": ["eth0", "eth1", "public", "private", "all"], "in": "query", "description": "Network Interface to use for Graph Data", "name": "interface"}, {"default": 300, "type": "integer", "required": true, "in": "query", "description": "Interval of Graph in Seconds", "name": "step"}, {"type": "integer", "default": 0, "in": "query", "description": "Start Time of Custom Time Period. 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mask"}], "tags": ["Bare Metal Devices"]}, "post": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/BareMetalDevice"}}}, "summary": "Deploy a new bare metal server", "operationId": "post_bare_metal_device_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/BareMetalDeviceCreate"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Bare Metal Devices"]}}, "/bare-metal-devices/{deviceId}": {"parameters": [{"in": "query", "description": "Id of the deployment to interact with", "name": "deploymentId", "type": "string"}, {"name": "deviceId", "in": "path", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/BareMetalDevice"}}}, "summary": "Return bare metal device", "operationId": "get_bare_metal_device_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Bare Metal Devices"]}, "delete": {"responses": {"201": {"description": "Cancellation Started."}, "204": {"description": "Device Deleted"}, "401": {"description": "Not Allowed"}, "404": {"description": "Device Not Found"}}, "summary": "Cancel the specified bare metal device", "operationId": "delete_bare_metal_device_id_resource", "tags": ["Bare Metal Devices"]}, "put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/BareMetalDevice"}}}, "summary": "Update a bare metal device", "operationId": "put_bare_metal_device_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/BareMetalDeviceUpdate"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Bare Metal Devices"]}}, "/billing-info/": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/BillingInfo"}}}}, "summary": "Return a list with all Billing Info", "operationId": "get_billing_info_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["BillingInfo"]}}, "/cancellation/cancellation": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Cancellation"}}}}, "summary": "Returns the services cancellations of a client", "operationId": "get_cancellation_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Cancellation"]}, "post": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Cancellation"}}}, "summary": "Creates Cancellation for a device/service", "description": "reason options are:\n 'My current service is being upgraded',\n 'Hardware/software/network or power issues',\n 'I think I have found a better deal',\n 'I have experienced tech support problems',\n 'I am consolidating my Hivelocity accounts',\n 'I am a reseller and my customer cancelled',\n 'I am moving to a different technology solution: Public Cloud',\n 'I am moving to a different technology solution: Managed Hosting Company',\n 'A product difference (Example: AWS)',\n ''", "operationId": "post_cancellation_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/CancellationCreate"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Cancellation"]}}, "/cancellation/cancellation/{cancellationId}": {"parameters": [{"name": "cancellationId", "in": "path", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Cancellation"}}}, "summary": "Return any cancellation by ID", "operationId": "get_cancellation_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Cancellation"]}}, "/cancellation/device/{deviceId}": {"parameters": [{"name": "deviceId", "in": "path", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Cancellation"}}}, "summary": "Return the Cancellation found for a Device", "operationId": "get_cancellation_device_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Cancellation"]}}, "/cancellation/service/{serviceId}": {"parameters": [{"name": "serviceId", "in": "path", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Cancellation"}}}, "summary": "Return the Cancellation found for a Service", "operationId": "get_cancellation_service_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Cancellation"]}}, "/contact/": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Contact-dump"}}}}, "summary": "Return a list with all Contacts", "operationId": "get_contact_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Contact"]}, "post": {"responses": {"201": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Contact-dump"}}}, "summary": "Create a new Contact", "operationId": "post_contact_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/ContactCreate"}}, 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{"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Contact-dump"}}}, "summary": "Return details of a specific Contact", "operationId": "get_contact_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Contact"]}, "delete": {"responses": {"404": {"description": "Contact not found."}, "204": {"description": "Contact successfully deleted."}}, "summary": "Delete a Contact", "operationId": "delete_contact_id_resource", "tags": ["Contact"]}, "put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Contact-dump"}}}, "summary": "Edit a Contact", "operationId": "put_contact_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/ContactUpdate"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Contact"]}}, "/contact/{contactId}/password": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "\"ID of Contact to change password\"", "name": "contactId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "put": {"responses": {"400": {"description": "Invalid password for authentication."}, "200": {"description": "Password was changed."}}, "summary": "Change password for a Contact", "operationId": "put_password_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Password"}}], "tags": ["Contact"]}}, "/credit/": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Credit"}}}}, "summary": "Return a list with all Credits", "operationId": "get_credit_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Credit"]}, "post": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Credit"}}}, "summary": "Receive billing method id and amount and return the created Credit", "operationId": "post_credit_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/CreateCredit"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Credit"]}}, "/credit/total": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/TotalActiveCredit"}}}, "summary": "Return the client's total active credit amount", "operationId": "get_total_active_credit_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Credit"]}}, "/deploy/": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Deployment"}}}}, "summary": "Return a list with all client deployments", "operationId": "get_deployment_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Deployment"]}, "post": {"responses": {"201": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Deployment"}}}, "summary": "Start a new deployment", "operationId": "post_deployment_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "deploymentName", "in": "query", "type": "string"}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Deployment"]}}, "/deploy/{deploymentId}": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "Id of the deployment to interact with", "name": "deploymentId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Server configuration added to Deployment", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Deployment"}}, "400": {"description": "Your configuration have incompatible or unavailable options"}, "401": {"description": "Access to this Deployment not Allowed"}, "404": {"description": "Deployment Not Found"}}, "summary": "Receive product, quantity and options to be added on the deployment", "operationId": "put_deployment_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeploymentCustomization"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Deployment"]}, "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Deployment"}}}, "summary": "Return a dictionary with deployment information", "operationId": "get_deployment_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Deployment"]}, "delete": {"responses": {"204": {"description": "Deployment Deleted"}, "401": {"description": "Access to this Deployment not Allowed"}, "404": {"description": "Deployment Not Found"}}, "summary": "Delete the specified deployment", "operationId": "delete_deployment_id_resource", "tags": ["Deployment"]}, "post": {"responses": {"201": {"description": "Deployment Started"}, "401": {"description": "Access to Deployment not Allowed"}, "404": {"description": "Deployment Not Found"}}, "summary": "Input a billing info id to process and finish a deployment", "operationId": "post_deployment_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeploymentStart"}}], "tags": ["Deployment"]}}, "/device/": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Device"}}}}, "summary": "Returns Active Devices and basic MetaData", "operationId": "get_device_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/ipmi/thresholds": {"put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DevicesIPMIThresholds"}}}, "summary": "Updates IPMI thresholds for device list", "operationId": "put_ipmi_devices_thresholds_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/UpdateDevicesIPMIThresholds"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/tags": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceTag"}}}, "summary": "Get all device tags for current client", "operationId": "get_client_device_tag_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/tags-order": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceTag"}}}, "summary": "Get device tags order for current user", "operationId": "get_client_device_tag_order_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}, "put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceTag"}}}, "summary": "Update device tags order for current user", "operationId": "put_client_device_tag_order_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceTag"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/tags-order/all": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceTag"}}}, "summary": "Get all device tags order", "operationId": "get_all_device_tag_order_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "ID of Device to View / Update", "name": "deviceId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Device"}}}, "summary": "Returns detailed information for a Single Device", "operationId": "get_device_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}, "put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Device"}}}, "summary": "Updates Device MetaData for a Single Device", "operationId": "put_device_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceUpdate"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/events": {"parameters": [{"name": "deviceId", "in": "path", "required": true, "type": "string"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceEvent"}}}}, "summary": "Returns all Events found for a single device", "operationId": "get_device_id_event_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/initial-password": {"parameters": [{"required": true, "in": "path", "description": "ID of Device to retrieve initial password", "name": "deviceId", "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DevicePassword"}}}, "summary": "Returns initial password for the device", "operationId": "get_initial_password_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/interfaces": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "ID of Device to view Network Interfaces.", "name": "deviceId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceInterface"}}}}, "summary": "Returns a list of all Network Interfaces bound to a Device", "operationId": "get_network_interface_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/ipmi": {"parameters": [{"required": true, "in": "path", "description": "ID of Device to retrieve IPMI info.", "name": "deviceId", "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceIPMIInfo"}}}, "summary": "Returns IPMI info data", "operationId": "get_ipmi_info_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/ipmi/thresholds": {"parameters": [{"required": true, "in": "path", "description": "ID of Device to View", "name": "deviceId", "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceIPMIThresholds"}}}, "summary": "Returns IPMI thresholds data", "operationId": "get_ipmi_thresholds_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}, "put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceIPMIThresholds"}}}, "summary": "Updates IPMI thresholds data", "operationId": "put_ipmi_thresholds_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceIPMIThresholds"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/ipmi/valid-login": {"parameters": [{"required": true, "in": "path", "description": "ID of Device to check IPMI credentials", "name": "deviceId", "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/IPMIValidLogin"}}}, "summary": "Returns if device have valid credentials for IPMI login", "operationId": "get_ipmi_valid_login_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/ipmi/whitelist/": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "ID of the Device to put IP in Whitelist", "name": "deviceId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "post": {"responses": {"400": {"description": "The request has problems. Revise it and try again."}, "202": {"description": "The request was accepted."}}, "summary": "Include the custip (custom IP) on IPMI WhiteList", "operationId": "post_device_ipmi_whitelist_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceIPMIWhitelistIP"}}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/ipmi/whitelist/{actionId}": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "ID of the Device to add IP in Whitelist", "name": "deviceId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}, {"name": "actionId", "in": "path", "required": true, "type": "string"}], "get": {"responses": {"404": {"description": "Action ID wasn't found."}, "200": {"description": "The state of action! The possible values are Running or Succeeded."}}, "summary": "Retrieve the state of the action to add the IP into Whitelist", "operationId": "get_device_ipmi_whitelist_action_resource", "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/ipmi/whitelist/{actionId}/public-ip": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "ID of the action to add IP in Whitelist", "name": "actionId", "required": true, "type": "string"}, {"in": "path", "description": "ID of the Device to add IP in Whitelist", "name": "deviceId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"404": {"description": "Action ID wasn't found."}, "200": {"description": "The Whitelist Public IP."}}, "summary": "Retrieve the Public IP using the Device ID and the Action ID that was used to add it to Whitelist", "operationId": "get_device_ipmi_whitelist_public_ip", "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/power": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "ID of Device to View / Update", "name": "deviceId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DevicePower"}}}, "summary": "Get device's current power status", "operationId": "get_power_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}, "post": {"responses": {"202": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DevicePower"}}}, "summary": "Apply action to device power", "operationId": "post_power_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "action", "in": "query", "type": "string", "pattern": "boot|reboot|shutdown", "required": true, "description": "Must be one of boot|reboot|shutdown"}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/device/{deviceId}/tags": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "ID of Device to View / Update", "name": "deviceId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceTag"}}}, "summary": "Get device tags", "operationId": "get_device_tag_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}, "put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceTag"}}}, "summary": "Update device tags", "operationId": "put_device_tag_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/DeviceTag"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Device"]}}, "/inventory/product": {"parameters": [{"default": "MAIN", "type": "string", "enum": ["MAIN", "MASSIVESTORAGE", "GPU", "OUTLET", "LANDING"], "in": "query", "description": "Filter products by 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"description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Invoice"]}}, "/order/": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Order-dump"}}}}, "summary": "Return a list with all Orders", "operationId": "get_order_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Order"]}}, "/order/{orderId}": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "\"ID of Order to View\"", "name": "orderId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Order-dump"}}}, "summary": "Return details of a specific Order", "operationId": "get_order_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Order"]}}, "/permission/": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success"}}, "summary": "Endpoint to get All Permissions", "operationId": "get_permission_all_resource", "tags": ["Permission"]}}, "/permission/contact": {"post": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/PermissionReturn"}}}}, "summary": "Endpoint to assign a new Permission to a Contact", "operationId": "post_permission_assign_contact_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Permission"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Permission"]}}, "/permission/contact/{contactId}": {"parameters": [{"name": "contactId", "in": "path", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success"}}, "summary": "Endpoint to get Contact Permissions", "operationId": "get_permission_contact_resource", "tags": ["Permission"]}}, "/permission/user": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success"}}, "summary": "Endpoint to get User Permissions", "operationId": "get_permission_user_resource", "tags": ["Permission"]}}, "/product/list": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/ProductInfo"}}}}, "summary": "Return structured sps stock data in a list", "operationId": "get_product_list_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Product"]}}, "/product/match": {"post": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/ProductMatchResult"}}}, "summary": "Return a list of Products matching the provided lshw output of a server", "operationId": "post_product_match_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/ProductMatch"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Product"]}}, "/product/{productId}/operating-systems": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "ID of the Product", "name": "productId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Option"}}}}, "summary": "Return List of operating systems found for a Product", "operationId": "get_product_operating_systems_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Product"]}}, "/product/{productId}/options": {"parameters": [{"default": "upgrade", "in": "query", "description": "Get results grouped by 'upgrade' or without grouping.", "name": "groupBy", "type": "string"}, {"in": "path", "description": "ID of the Product", "name": "productId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Product data was found", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Options"}}}, "summary": "Return List of Options found for a Product", "operationId": "get_product_option_resource", "tags": ["Product"]}}, "/profile/": {"parameters": [{"in": "query", "description": "\"ID of Contact to manage Profile\"", "name": "contactId", "type": "string"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Profile"}}}, "summary": "Get Profile of current user or a contact with id", "description": "The id is optional and if it is necessary must be sent as URL param.", "operationId": "get_profile_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Profile"]}, "put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Profile"}}}, 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"description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Profile"]}}, "/service/": {"parameters": [{"default": "all", "required": true, "type": "string", "enum": ["all", "active", "deactivated", "pending", "suspended", "cancelled"], "in": "query", "description": "The current status of the service", "name": "status"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Service-dump"}}}}, "summary": "Return a list of all account services", "operationId": "get_service_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Service"]}}, "/service/{serviceId}": {"parameters": [{"name": "serviceId", "in": "path", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Service-dump"}}}, "summary": "Return a dictionary with data from a specific account service", "operationId": "get_service_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Service"]}}, "/ssh_key/": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/SshKeyResponse"}}}}, "summary": "Gets all public ssh key", "operationId": "get_ssh_key_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["SshKey"]}, "post": {"responses": {"201": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/SshKeyResponse"}}}, "summary": "Adds public ssh key", "operationId": "post_ssh_key_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/SshKey"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": 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"Create a new Public API Token for the current user", "operationId": "post_token_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/PublicApiToken-load"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Token"]}}, "/token/{token}": {"parameters": [{"required": true, "in": "path", "description": "Public API Token", "name": "token", "type": "string"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/PublicApiToken-dump"}}}, "summary": "Returns Public API Token", "operationId": "get_token_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Token"]}, "delete": {"responses": {"400": {"description": "Unable to remove the Public API Token."}, "201": {"description": "Public API Token successfully removed."}}, "summary": "Deletes the Public API Token", "operationId": "delete_token_id_resource", "tags": ["Token"]}, "put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/PublicApiToken-dump"}}}, "summary": "Updates the Public API Token", "operationId": "put_token_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/PublicApiToken-load"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Token"]}}, "/webhooks/": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Webhook"}}}}, "summary": "Returns your active Webhooks", "operationId": "get_webhook_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Webhook"]}, "post": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Webhook"}}}, "summary": "Create a new Webhook for a Webhook Event", "operationId": "post_webhook_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/WebhookCreate"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Webhook"]}}, "/webhooks/events": {"get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"type": "array", "items": {"$ref": "#/definitions/WebhookEvent"}}}}, "summary": "Returns all available Webhook Events", "operationId": "get_webhook_event_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Webhook"]}}, "/webhooks/trigger": {"parameters": [{"in": "query", "description": "The name of the webhook to trigger.", "name": "webhookName", "type": "string"}], "post": {"responses": {"202": {"description": "Accepted."}}, "summary": "Queues a webhook for the event script action that was triggered", "operationId": "post_event_script_action_trigger_resource", "tags": ["Webhook"]}}, "/webhooks/{webhookId}": {"parameters": [{"in": "path", "description": "ID of Webhook to View / Update", "name": "webhookId", "required": true, "type": "integer"}], "get": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Webhook"}}}, "summary": "Returns detailed information for a Single Webhook", "operationId": "get_webhook_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Webhook"]}, "delete": {"responses": {"204": {"description": "Webhook was deleted."}}, "summary": "Deletes a single webhook", "operationId": "delete_webhook_id_resource", "tags": ["Webhook"]}, "put": {"responses": {"200": {"description": "Success", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/Webhook"}}}, "summary": "Updates a Single Webhook", "operationId": "put_webhook_id_resource", "parameters": [{"name": "payload", "required": true, "in": "body", "schema": {"$ref": "#/definitions/WebhookUpdate"}}, {"name": "X-Fields", "in": "header", "type": "string", "format": "mask", "description": "An optional fields mask"}], "tags": ["Webhook"]}}}, "info": {"title": "Hivelocity API", "version": "2.0", "description": "Interact with Hivelocity"}, "produces": ["application/json"], "consumes": ["application/json"], "securityDefinitions": {"apiKey": {"type": "apiKey", "in": "header", "name": "X-API-KEY"}}, "security": [{"apiKey": []}], "tags": [{"name": "Bandwidth", "description": "Request RRDTool Based Bandwidth Data from a Resource."}, {"name": "Bare Metal Devices", "description": "Endpoints to handle provisioning bare metal. 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