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Created October 31, 2014 13:37
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How to use the python swift client.
# Create a new user with permissions
1. Get the `super_admin_key` from `/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf`
2. Make sure your admin is working:
swift -A https://<url>:8080/auth/v1.0 -U ADMIN_ACCOUNT:ADMIN_USER -K ADMIN_PASSWORD stat -v --insecure
3. Create user
swauth-add-user -A https://<url>:8080/auth/ -K SUPERADMINKEY ACCOUNT USER PASSWORD
(ACCOUNT should probably match the ADMIN_ACCOUNT. As the USER is in the ADMIN_ACOUNT just with different permissions)
4. Check the user was created: Do #2 with the new ACCOUNT USER & PASSWORD
*Note: Be sure not to accidently do `-a`. This gives admin privledges.*
5. Create a container using the [python-swiftclient](
6. Update the container's permissionsm (Add ACLs)
swift -A https://<url>:8080/auth/v1.0 -U ADMIN_ACCOUNT:ADMIN_USER -K ADMIN_PASSWORD -v --insecure post -r 'ACCOUNT:USER' CONTAINER_NAME
`-w` for write, `-r` for read
7. Verify Permissions (ACLs)
$ swift -A https://<url>:8080/auth/v1.0 -U ADMIN_ACCOUNT:ADMIN_USER -K ADMIN_PASSWORD -v --insecure stat CONTAINER_NAME
... [other output here] ...
# Deleting stuff
$ swift -A https://<url>:8080/auth/v1.0 -U ADMIN_ACCOUNT:ADMIN_USER -K ADMIN_PASSWORD -v --insecure delete [CONTAINER_NAME, OBJECT_NAME, ETC]
$ swauth-delete-user -A https://<url>:8080/auth/ -U ADMIN_ACCOUNT:ADMIN_USER -K ADMIN_PASSWORD ACCOUNT USER
# Adding permissions via python-swiftclient:
CONNECTION_OBJECT.put_container('CONTAINERNAME', headers={'X-Container-Read':'ACCOUNT:USER'})
Or `X-Container-Write`
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