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Last active January 31, 2018 21:21
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How we would adjust pricing on store via a tag on the managed-services+ option
# This is the code in core that adjusts option pricing for discounts
def get_discount(self, option_price, discount_id):
from import CartDiscount
discount = CartDiscount.query.get(discount_id)
return discount.calculate(option_price) if discount else 0
# This would be new code that adjust the price for the order.
def get_discount(self, option_price, discount_id):
from import CartDiscount
discount = CartDiscount.query.get(discount_id)
discount = discount.calculate(option_price) if discount else 0
if ('manages-services+' in self.tags and option is 'managed-services':
discount = discount - 29
// This is the current logic for rendering the price
makePrice: ->
price = @props.option.total_price @props.selectedOptions.licenses_needed
setup = @props.option.setup
<span className="price">
// This would update the logic to adjust the price based on the managed-service+ tag
makePrice: ->
price = @props.option.total_price @props.selectedOptions.licenses_needed
setup = @props.option.setup
// Subtract 29 from the price if they have managed services selected on rapid restore.
if ('managed-service+' in tags and option has tag 'rapid restore') {
price = price - 29
<span className="price">
{if price or setup then "("}{if price then "$" + price + (if @props.option.is_ssl then "/annually" else "/mo.")}{if price and setup then " & "}{if setup then "$" + setup + " Setup Fee"}{if price or setup then ")"}
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