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Last active December 13, 2022 00:35
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<b>tildeverse</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> we're a loose association of like-minded tilde communities. if you're interested in learning about *nix (linux, unix, bsd, etc) come check out our member tildes and sign up
<b>aussietilde</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>, otherwise known as aussietilde, is a shared, publicly accessible linux system, known as a tilde or pubnix. aussietilde is inspired by other tildes such as, the major difference being that aussietilde is physically located in australia, meaning way faster loading times and way
<b>BREADPUNK | BREADPUNK</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>a collaborative bread-positive space
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Ctrl-C Club!</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Read our fine wik
<b> | Home </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> is a small public linux shell host (or pubnix system) that is open to anyone who wants to learn, experiment, and socialize with other like minded p
<b> | environments</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> | environments for linux lovers - since 9/2019
<b>~fr: bidouille, entraide et résistances</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~fr est un serveur tilde fournissant des comptes shell et un ensemble (restreint) de services. Nous offrons un espace d'expérimentations et de partage entre utilisateurices. Notre espace est francophone et réside dans le cyberespace où sont bienvenues les personnes de tous genres, ethnies, orientations, et croy
<b>~ ~</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Resist the dazzling spectacle of mainstream social and news
<b>SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>meta ht</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> eta http-equiv=refresh content="0; url=
<b>Index of /</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Index of / Name Last modified Size Description 2020-05-02 19:20 37 &nbsp; 2020-05-02 19:20 52 &nbsp; 2020-05-02 19:20 41 &nbsp; readme.txt 2020-03-15 18:40 287 &nbsp; 2020-05-02 19:20 45 &nbsp; adi adsr aewens aidenz aldsaodl aniruddh an
<b>Bienvenido a</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Un tilde (o un pequeño pequeñisimo sistema UNIX de acceso público) en castel
<b>☣ thunix ☣ - main</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> mg src="/media/thunix.gif" alt="☣ thunix �
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Welcome to tilde
<b>Welcome to</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Questions? See the official FA
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> is a public-access UNIX system running FreeBSD. Here you can explore the FreeBSD operating system, emailing, your own web space, IRC, games, and much
<b> :: Public-access OpenBSD system</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Welcome to, a public-access UNIX system running OpenBSD. This is a space for people to explore the OpenBSD operating system, in addition to exploring the more social aspects of a multi-user UNIX system. Gopher and web space, IRC, games, and more are avai
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> This site is accessable by gopher or gemini protocol only. Please visit us at gopher:// , gemini:// or via web proxy . -=only slightly cooler than tilde. black =-
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Uma nuvem artesanal em território nacional
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> we are a community that exists on a linux server. founded 2014. run by ~vilmibm . population around 1,000.
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> no es una red social. Es una comunidad experimental para socializar, desarrollar habilidades digitales y colaborar a través de la shell del sistema.
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> HTTP POST files
<b> -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>masto instance for the tildeverse' name
<b>tilderoma</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>welcome to Pleroma! for the tildeverse
<b> | tildeverse irc network</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>the home of an irc network for tildes
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> --[time:0.0116][AGPLv3][cached:tr
<b>tildebin</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> tildebin body {padding-left:60px;padding-right:60px;} #ienotice {display:block;} Please enter the password for this paste: Decrypt Close Toggle navigation Loading… Retry New Clone Raw text QR code 5 minutes 10 minutes 1 hour 1 day 1 week 1 month 1 year Never Expires:
<b>tildeverse BBJ</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> introductions by ben @ 2018/06/11
<b>CryptPad: Collaboration suite, encrypted and open-source</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> OOPS In order to do encryption in your browser, Javascript is really really req
<b>~chat irc quote database</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> this is an irc quote database, in the style of , that aims to catalog moments on tilde
<b>TildeNet</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> TildeNet is a virtual network connecting different tilde servers. This allows for services to run in a tildeverse-wide intranet. We give away addresses in the reserved blocks ( space) for tilde server operators. Join us on the #tildenet channel on
<b>Tiny Tiny RSS : Login</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Tiny Tiny RSS : Login @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { body { background : #303030; } } body.css_loading * { display : none; } require({cache:{}}); const UtilityApp = { previousLogin: "", init: function() { /* invoked by UtilityJS */ require(['dojo/parser', "dojo/ready", 'dijit/form/Button','dijit/form/CheckBox', 'dijit/form/Form
<b>!DOCTYP</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>tildeverse suicide linux battle royale
<b>The Intentional Journal of the Tildeverse | open journal for tildes</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>the home of an open journal for tildes
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> __ _ __ __ / /_(_) /___/ /__ _ _____ _____________ ____ _________ _ / __/ / / __ / _ \ | / / _ \/ ___/ ___/ _ \ / __ \/ ___/ __ `/ / /_/ / / /_/ / __/ |/ / __/ / (__ ) __// /_/ / / / /_/ / \__/_/_/\__,_/\___/|___/\___/_/ /____/\___(_)____/_/ \__, /
<b>|--===TildeNIC ===--|</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> TildeNIC is where you can request your .tilde top level domain. To do so you would need to first change your dns over to one of the resolvers we offer or you can self-host one. Self-host information How to get your .tilde
<b>Page Redirection</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> window.location.href = "" Page Redirection If you are not redirected automatically, follow this news server wiki page .
<b>Drone CI</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Drone is a self-service Continuous Integration platform for busy development teams.
<b>tildeverse hardcore server</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>tildeverse hardcore server
<b>Tildeverse Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup Server</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> "A roguelike adventure through dungeons filled with dangerous monsters in a quest to find the mystifyingly fabulous Orb of Zot." - DC
<b>tildecraft</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> admined by sose - email them for an
<b> List Index - tildeverse lists </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> List Index - tildeverse lists Toggle navigation Postorius Lists Archives Login Sign Up Mailing Lists List name Post address Description aussie discussion list cosm
<b>tilderadio </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> tomasino will stream at Tue Oct 19 22:00 UTC (in 38 minutes and 27 seconds)
<b>tildeverse zine</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> this is the tildevers
<b>The Intentional Journal of the Tildeverse | open journal for tildes</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>the home of an open journal for tildes
<b>tildeverse RFCs | the tildeverse RFC system</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>the home of the tildeverse RFC system
<b>TIldeverse Searx</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>searx - a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine
<b><!DOCTY</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> tildeverse banner exchange tildeverse banner exchange Sign Up Now! Username Password Email Site URL Banner URL The banner must measure 468 x 60 pixels. Powered by Easy Banner
<b>tilde news</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> tilde news tilde news Recent Comments Search Login 1 Facebook is planning to rebrand the company with a new name business capitalism facebook social-media via anton 1 hour ago | cached | no comments 0 1 Trailblazing women who broke into engineering in the 1970s reflect on what&#39;s changed – and wh
<b>Tildeverse Wiki</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Welcome to the tildeverse
<b>How to join the webring</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> This webring can be joined by any user on tilde.clu
<b>webring - how to join</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b> webring</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Join the webring! You just need to paste this html into your website and off y
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> | Null Pointer
<b>Pleroma on</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> {"/api/pleroma/frontend_configurations":"eyJtYXN0b19mZSI6eyJzaG93SW5zdGFuY2VTcGVjaWZpY1BhbmVsIjp0cnVlfSwicGxlcm9tYV9mZSI6eyJhbHdheXNTaG93U3ViamVjdElucHV0Ijp0cnVlLCJiYWNrZ3JvdW5kIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9wbGVyb21hLmVudnMubmV0L21lZGlhLzE5NDI5NDM4NzJkNDZmOTRhYzMyZjBjNTA3ZmY0ZTVjNjk4MTE5MjI3Y2FmZDhmNGQ0YmEzNjU5MDFkZDY3NTguanBlZyIsImNvbGxhcHNlTWVzc2FnZVdpdGhTdWJqZWN0IjpmYWxzZSwiZm9ybWF0dGluZ09wdGlvbnNFbmFib
<b> | PrivateBin</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.
<b>getwtxt - twtxt Registry</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> A fast, resilient twtxt registry server written
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>searx - a privacy-respecting, hackable metasearch engine
<b>Tiny Tiny RSS : Login</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Tiny Tiny RSS : Login @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { body { background : #303030; } } body.css_loading * { display : none; } require({cache:{}}); const UtilityApp = { previousLogin: "", init: function() { /* invoked by UtilityJS */ require(['dojo/parser', "dojo/ready", 'dijit/form/Button','dijit/form/CheckBox', 'dijit/form/
<b>CryptPad: Collaboration suite, encrypted and open-source</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> OOPS In order to do encryption in your browser, Javascript is really really req
<b> - gitea </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for
<b> :: Wiki</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Welcome to the
<b>getwtxt - twtxt Registry</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> This is the twtxt registry for the public-access UNIX s
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>ben @ unix group my tilde page
<b>Luqaska's S**te</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> &copy;2021 Luqaska Co
<b>~lucas (</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>Picopub</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> A twtxt/picoblog feed gen
<b>marley</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> simplemente es marley
<b>toĉjo :D</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>this is toĉjo's shithole!!!!!!!!!!!
<b>El podcast de Texto-Plano - Conversaciones entre usuarios sobre la tecnología y la vida cotidiana</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Conversación, podcasts sobre software libre, privacidad, tecnología
<b>start [Texto-Plano]</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> mg src="/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=200&amp;tok=8aa541&amp;media=crt-texto-plano.png" class="mediaright img-responsive" alt="" width="200" /
<b> tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse
<b>BREADPUNK</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hello, and welcome to . We are a shared Unix computer focused on bread: baking it, eating it, using it as fiat currency in the event of a cataclysm, that sort of
<b>news | BREADPUNK</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Since has grown a lot since its founding last year, I've created a new /donate page. Breadpunk is, and will always be, 100% free to use, but we're a cooperative bunch here. 100% of donations will fund the operations and hosting costs of T
<b>docs | BREADPUNK</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> docs | BREADPUNK breadpunk join news docs donate 80 bakers / 7 online now docs breadtimer code of conduct history IRC magic tunnel manifesto nntp ssh the bread tool writing docs
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b> Short Stories</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> You shall read the rules
<b>zarate's page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> mg src="" border="0" width="88" height="31" alt="Tilde Club Badge
<b>Philips Personal Homepage</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hello my dear readers. I haven&#39;t been here for quite a long t
<b>Comments</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> To view the comments as JSON see her
<b>~michalr/blog2gmi - sourcehut git</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> mg alt=" status" src=""
<b>~michalr/telegram-covid-bot - sourcehut git</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Simple Ruby bot for fetching the data from JHU CSSE COVID-19 Repo and pushing to a specified Telegram group or ch
<b>💻 Lovetocode999</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hi, I am Elijah! I am a 17 year old developer living in Colorado Springs. I enjoy Linux, speedcubing (The sport of solving a Rubik's cube as fast as you can), coding, and mathematics. Here are some of the ways you can contact me: Email: lovetocode999 at ctrl-c dot club or lovetocode999 at tilde dot team XMPP: lovetocode999 at hmm dot st or lovetocode999 at chatserver dot space (note
<b>💽 A Few Short Scripts - lovetocode999</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> A few short scripts that I have written for my own personal use. Feel free to use this for yourself! ;) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A short script to convert entire gemini capsules to websites. Usage: &lt;Gemini source directory&gt; &lt;HTML source directory&gt; &lt;Capsule address&gt; &lt;Web
<b> |</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>simple static status page
<b>Thunix Wiki - main</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ☣ Thunix Wiki
<b>HedgeDoc - Collaborative markdown notes</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>The best platform to write and share markdown.
<b>Element</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Element Sorry, Element requires JavaScript to be enabled.
<b>Mobilizon on envs - Mobilizon</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Mobilizon is an online tool to help manage your events, your profiles and your groups.
<b>t works</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>t
<b>Repositorios de</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Repositorios de Repositorios de index Name Description Idle anthk blassic Blassic, the Classic Basic 7 months bliper-es Adaptación al castellano del gestor de blogs Bliper de 7 months bwbasic bwbasic: the bywater basic interpreter 7 months cpulimit He
<b>Basurero mental</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Corporacion de electricid
<b>~ffuentes</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Web de ~ffuentes en Espera una serie de temas variados en este blog desde cocina hasta política.
<b>/casa</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~
<b>~bru</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> No tengo nada en la WWW, pero tengo algunas cositas en mi gopherspac
<b>Perón en</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Presione aquí para escuchar este artícul
<b>midnight@texto-plano:~ $</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Estoy arreglando la casa todavía, proximamente estaré posteando textos en este es
<b>Mark Cornick</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Porque me pareció una buena idea en ese momento
<b>~leog en</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Puedes visitarlo desde tu emulador de terminal utilizando un cliente como gopher ejecu
<b>Texto-Plano</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> {"/api/pleroma/frontend_configurations":"eyJtYXN0b19mZSI6eyJzaG93SW5zdGFuY2VTcGVjaWZpY1BhbmVsIjp0cnVlfSwicGxlcm9tYV9mZSI6eyJhbHdheXNTaG93U3ViamVjdElucHV0Ijp0cnVlLCJiYWNrZ3JvdW5kIjoiL2ltYWdlcy9jaXR5LmpwZyIsImNvbGxhcHNlTWVzc2FnZVdpdGhTdWJqZWN0IjpmYWxzZSwiZGlzYWJsZUNoYXQiOmZhbHNlLCJncmVlbnRleHQiOmZhbHNlLCJoaWRlRmlsdGVyZWRTdGF0dXNlcyI6ZmFsc2UsImhpZGVNdXRlZFBvc3RzIjpmYWxzZSwiaGlkZVBvc3RTdGF0cyI6Z
<b>my page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hi, I've edited my default web page! :)
<b>Ubergeek's site - main</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> 💾 Ubergeek's Home Pag
<b>Beyond anything you can do : Thunix</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Open source Web Content Management System.
<b>Luqaska - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse
<b> - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse is a minimalist, non-commercial, shared linux system and will always be free to use. we are linux lovers, sysadmins, programmer and users who like build webpages, write blogs, chat online, play cool console games and so much more.
<b>GloRious UNIX</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> We are organization that develop free and and open source soft
<b> - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse Repositories for the project
<b> - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse these are repos and projects for
<b>tildeverse - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse a community of tilde-inspired pubnixes!
<b>Thunix Phoenix Project - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse The reborn Thunix project
<b>~vilmibm</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hi, i'm ~vilmi
<b> - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse is a tilde community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe.
<b>~lucas (</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>My page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Unix since 1989. C, Clojure, Go. Pet Shop Boys. Star Trek. NUFC. CBR13 github letterboxd soundcloud twitter Dance Dance Summer 2020 href="
<b> - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse the original tilde
<b> - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse git repos for the tilde
<b>Ben Harris - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse
<b>lucidiot - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse
<b>~creme | Sven Kinne</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> | ~creme | sven
<b>The Lounge</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> The Lounge The Lounge requires a modern browser with JavaScript en
<b>Filde</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~search for things throught these we
<b> /</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> welcome on - gemini __ ___ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ / /_ / -_) _ \ |/ (_-&lt;_ / _ \/ -_) __/ \__/_//_/___/___(_)_//_/\__/\__/ environments is a minimalist, non-commercial shared linux system and will always be free to use. we are linux lovers, sysadmins, programmer and users who like build webpages, write blogs, chat
<b>welcome to</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> welcome to __ ___ ___ _ _____ ___ ___ / /_ / -_) _ \ |/ (_-&lt;_ / _ \/ -_) __/ \__/_//_/___/___(_)_//_/\__/\__/ is a minimalist, non-commercial shared linux system and will always be free to use. we are linux lovers, sysadmins, programmer and users who like build w
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> | help
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> | matrix help
<b>ZNC - Web Frontend</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ZNC 1.8.2+deb2+b1 - https://znc.
<b>The Lounge</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> The Lounge The Lounge requires a modern browser with JavaScript en
<b>Dimension</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>An open source integrations manager for Matrix. Check out for more information.
<b>Cinny</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>A Matrix client where you can enjoy the conversation using simple, elegant and secure interface protected by e2ee with the power of open source.
<b>!DOCTYP</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>A matrix chat application
<b>What Is My IP Address? - Yet Another ifconfig</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Get my IP Address
<b> BBJ</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> introduction by creme @ 2019/08/03
<b>Welcome to Modoboa</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Welcome to Modoboa Username Password Remember me Log in Forgot password? $(document).ready(function() { $('#id_username').focus(); });
<b> List Index - </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> List Index - Toggle navigation Postorius Lists Archives Login Sign Up Mailing Lists List name Post address Description main - general discussions team specific news, announcements and discussions &larr; Previous 1 Next &rarr;
<b>Drone CI</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Drone is a self-service Continuous Integration platform for busy development teams.
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~> BashBl
<b>Index of /</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Index of / Index of / Name Last modified Size Description tldp/ 2021-04-16 00:05 - Apache/2.4.51 (Debian) Server at Port 443
<b>Icecast Streaming Media Server</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Icecast Streaming Media Server Icecast2 Status Administration Server Status Version Mount Point /fallback.ogg M3U XSPF Stream Name: Stream Description: Unspecified description Content Type: application/ogg Stream started: Mon, 21 Jun 2021 20:07:04 +0000 Quality: 3.00 Listeners (current): 0 Listeners (peak):
<b> ( -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>2.24K Posts, 11 Following, 350 Followers · a lovely little public access unix group
<b> ( -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>1 Post, 1 Following, 2 Followers · ' name
<b>tilderadio ( -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>5.68K Posts, 4 Following, 258 Followers · dj announcements and occasional updates' name
<b>tildeclub ( -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>1.33K Posts, 3 Following, 136 Followers · Mastodon account for
<b>~konomo</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> View the source by pressing C
<b>🎃 spooKonomo 🎃 ( -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>41 Posts, 21 Following, 12 Followers · profesionel cat 😼🥛
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hello? h
<b> ml at tilde dot guru</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>~serxoz</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>~serxoz
<b>div sty</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> The meaning of life is 42 .
<b>RWX work</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> RWX work body { padding-top: 60px; padding-bottom: 40px; } .sidebar-nav { padding: 9px 0; } .tag-1 { font-size: 13pt; } .tag-2 { font-size: 10pt; } .tag-2 { font-size: 8pt; } .tag-4 { font-size: 6pt; } RWX work About cat1 Archive
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Snowflake is a system to defeat internet censorship. People who are censored can use Snowflake to access the internet. Their connection goes through Snowflake proxies, which are run by volunteers.: ~login/snowfla
<b>Index of /~r1k/</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Index of /~r1k/ Index of /~r1k/ ../ guru.txt 04-Aug-2021 11:25 1523 tilde-guru.txt 04-Aug-2021 11:31 6202 h
<b>~mrv</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hello, world! blog (mostly testing for now
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>rattlesnake @</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Plain text is doomed, excep
<b>the might zote</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> i've realized i don't have anything i want to say to p
<b>sarmonsiill |</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I've used *nix systems since the mid/late 90's. Always liked to play around with different operating systems such as plan9, minix, *bsd, *nix, etc. Also a programmer since the late 90's. Programming is also my day-
<b>Index of /</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Index of / Index of / ../ ATDT-ezine/ 31-Mar-2021 17:20 - anthk/ 14-Aug-2021 17:27 - bru/ 04-Jun-2021 19:43 - crazyjane/ 22-Jun-2021 00:27 - dgy/ 02-Sep-2021 16:58 - dtxdf/ 04-Oct-2021 23:11 - emilio/ 06-Mar-2021 23:37 - ffuentes/ 25-Aug-2021 02:07
<b>absucc/tildeweblogs: The software that uses my blog - tildeweblogs - tildegit</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>GloRious UNIX - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse We are working on Open Source software
<b>owen - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse hello most of my new stuff is on my git page,
<b>xfnw</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>xfnw's homepage
<b>g1n ( -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>44 Posts, 44 Following, 20 Followers · Founder of GRU. Arch Linux user. I installed LinuxFromScratch but still don&#39;t feel like guru linux user' name
<b>!DOCTYP</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> My main tilde pag
<b>~g1n on</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>~g1n on
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~> Our bl
<b>RWX work</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> RWX work body { padding-top: 60px; padding-bottom: 40px; } .sidebar-nav { padding: 9px 0; } .tag-1 { font-size: 13pt; } .tag-2 { font-size: 10pt; } .tag-2 { font-size: 8pt; } .tag-4 { font-size: 6pt; } RWX work About cat1 Archive
<b>Random brainwaves</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Random brainwaves
<b>GRU/orion: Simple OS to learn C - orion - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>orion - Simple OS to learn C
<b>GRU/gros: gros - OS on Rust - gros - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>gros - gros - OS on Rust
<b>GRU/gasm: GRU gasm - assembler - gasm - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>gasm - GRU gasm - assembler
<b>GRU/orsh: GRU orsh - simple shell in C - orsh - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>orsh - GRU orsh - simple shell in C
<b>GRU/grsh: grsh - simple shell written in rust - grsh - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>grsh - grsh - simple shell written in rust
<b>GRU/gxt: gxt - simple TUI text editor - gxt - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>gxt - gxt - simple TUI text editor
<b>GRU/coreutils: One more coreutils rewrite - coreutils - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>coreutils - One more coreutils rewrite
<b>GRU/hexutils: Simple tools to work with binary files and display them - hexutils - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>hexutils - Simple tools to work with binary files and display them
<b>Planeta Tilde</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Today we celebrated the 20th anniversary of ANSOL , the Portuguese Free Software Association. It has been an honor to be part of the history of this still young association, and here's hope for an active 20 years more - I'll gladly celebrate its
<b>lovetocode999/ A short script to convert entire gemini capsules to websites. - - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> - A short script to convert entire gemini capsules to websites.
<b> 🎮 Lovetocode999's Games</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> A few games that I have made. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Breakout Pong A hybrid of breakout and pong Breakout Pong -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back This is a web mirror of my gemini capsule, gemini:// If you don't know what gemini://
<b> 🎨 Lovetocode999's Ascii Art</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> All my ascii art (Not that I have much ;)). Hopefully I will make more in the future. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NeoVim Logo (used as the header for vim-startify) // /* ,(/(//, *### ((((((////. /####%* ,/(((((((/////* /######## /*///((((((//////. *#########/ //
<b> 🎵 Lovetocode999's Music</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> All the music I have written and shared. Unless otherwise noted, all my music is licensed under the CC BY-SA license. Downloading rather than opening in your browser is recommended for higher audio quality. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Duck in Time Theme Theme music for a game that I was a sound guy for, A Duck In Time. View in y
<b>Elijah Gregg - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse
<b>SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> (Jump to old version) a
<b>Home - SDF User Image Gallery</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Home - SDF User Image Gallery /* */ SDF User Image Gallery Photography, Art and Image Randomness Home Login Album list Last uploads Last comments Most viewed Top rated My Favorites Search Category Albums Files SDF User Image Gallery To create or manage your gallery login, type &#39;maint&#39; at the shell ...
<b> - Mastodon @ SDF</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>&quot;I appreciate SDF but it&#39;s a general-purpose server and the name doesn&#39;t make it obvious that it&#39;s about art.&quot; - Eugen Rochko' name
<b>SDF Pixelfed</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Federated Image Sharing
<b>SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>toobnix</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>a federated video service
<b> URL Shortening Service</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> URL: urls supported are: ftp, gopher, http, telnet Provided by the SDF Public Access UNIX
<b>SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b> SDF GIT Society </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Gitea (Git with a cup of tea) is a painless self-hosted Git service written in Go Gitea (Git with a cup of tea) is a painless self-hosted Git service written in Go
<b>SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> SDF Public Access UNIX System - Free Shell Account and Shell Access [ SDF Public Access UNIX System .. Est. 1987 ] join welcome faq status members projects store tour gopher abuse dialup minecraft social tilde nihongo europa webmail gallery usermap irc tutorials software telnet git ssh Project Description META TUTORIALS MetaARPA contributed and
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Snowflake is a system to defeat internet censorship. People who are censored can use Snowflake to access the internet. Their connection goes through Snowflake proxies, which are run by volunteers.: ~login/snowfla
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>!doctyp</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> &lt;- you are here
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b> nneon's tilde </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hello! This is going to get updated with a small blog section at some point, with some of my stuf
<b>Job Bautista's personal website</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I'm Job Bautista, currently a senior high school student in Philippine Christian University - Dasmarinas campus . I love playing video games, and I have an interest in programming. I can do basic bash scripting, as well as some JavaScript.
<b>Architector #4's page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>A page of a random human being
<b>WIP</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Working in progress
<b>DHG's Home Page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> / RSS Blog
<b>meta na</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Username: @ist2 Devices: iPhone 7 : ed 0d f3 4a 40 55 8e 65 24 89 d9 29 7b 8f 0b f1 8a 76 f5 57 b6 bb 01 46 89 2c 33 b5 b6 fa 3b 7e li
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~kiedtl
<b>Mark Cornick</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Chaotic good. Professional cloud plumber and Kubernetes pilot. Unprofessional father/widower/DJ/soccer supporter. "It seemed like a good idea at the time." From Washington, D.C., but not a politician. He
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>bsdnd</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> bsdnd an experimental online community bringing together a love of D&D and th
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>Pinewood Postings</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> PowerOn was created by San Diego company Symitar for use in their credit union-centric banking platform and database "Episys". Originally titled "Report Generator", PowerOn was designed to allow credit unions custom reporting functionality. These custom reports were (and still are) referred to as "RepGens" which refers to PowerOn's predecessor Report Gener
<b>marisa&#x27;s website</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I also work on several other projects, including RustBridge and Rustlings .
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>~mattx</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Welcome to my tildepage. I don't really have much stuff
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>JonPizza</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>JonPizza's page on unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>MDwiki</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> An error oc
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>!DOCTYP</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hello everybody!, this is my website on more t
<b>LuqaScape</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Una carta de amor al viejo Internet. A love letter to the old Int
<b>Von | i am on the internet</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>e-calling card of Von (it's just here for web ranking, don't mind it)
<b>hi from han</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hi from han parakeet cam today i learned space to feel windows/窗 lotto scratch
<b>~bear</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>~bear</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~bear ~bear Last updated Oct 20, 2016 ^ | about | bookmarks projects where - where in the world ^ users are code on ^C - code by ^ members elsewhere - tool for writing, blogging, and publishing to other places on the web - place for publishing HTML
<b>~sanqui 2020</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hi! In this year of twenty twenty I felt my website was due a REHASH. What you are seeing now is the result of this endevor. One night of very confused CSS creation. Wanna read about me ? Were you looking for my previous masterpieces? Check them out here: older even older olderest What's going on here? As always, there is going to be an assorted collection of subpages that don't real
<b>!doctyp</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Thank you for being here. I hope you enj
<b>welcome to my ~ page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> welcome to my ~ page Welcome to my ~~~~~~~~ homepage Hi, I'm ~trevorb (or Trevor B, if you prefer). This is my Feels or TTBP blog. This is the image on the backdrop of my phone right now! I have a collection of over 500 backdrop images on my phone. A new one is selected at random every 3 hours. I can also trigger the change manually, if I want to, from a homescreen widget. This is al
<b>~lunasspecto (Dominique Cypr&egrave;s)</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> catch me on Mastodon: @lunasspecto@todon.
<b> :: navelgazing</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> :/ 2016-04-12 ZOMG 2015-08-04 Once more; this time with feeling... 2015-03-11 Oof &mdash; it's been a while. Let's get back into this, all right? 2014-12-11 A text -> web page program (blog engine, sure) written in Common Lisp should be called "CLOG", right? (format t "Hello, world!~%") rain@tilde:~/clog$ sbcl --script clog.lisp Hello, world! We made this maze just for
<b>~selfsame</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~ about tildeOS system information request an account shut down file new folder new file help ~wiki shanx's vim cheatsheet friends &#9829; ~buzzbuzz &#9787; ~vilmibm &#9682; ~audiodude &#8919; ~emiltayl &#9836; ~quephird &#9635; ~sanqui &#9808; ~karlen &#9728; ~um &#9730; ~dan &#8787; ~louis &#9732; ~datagrok &#7461; ~shanx &#
<b>la fantástica página web de José Ãngel</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> la fantástica página web de José Ãngel body,h1 {font-family: "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif} body, html {height: 100%} .bgimg { background-image: url('/w3images/forestbridge.jpg'); min-height: 100%; background-position: center; background-size: cover; } José Ãngel Estudiando Filosofía, Política y Economía entre Barcelona y Madrid. El resto del tiempo intento hacer
<b>José Ãngel Vicente Gómez</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> José Ãngel Vicente Gómez body { margin: 0 auto; max-width: 40em; width: 88%; } .night body { background-color: #001f3f; color: #fcffc9; } .transitional body { background-color: #f7f7f7; } body,h1 {font-family: "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif} body,p {font-family: "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif} body, html {height: 100%} class="w3-large w3-center" id="gree
<b>~chud</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I will put something here (promise made on aug 11
<b>Jay's Stuff</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hi, I'm Jay (they/
<b>m a r e a</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hey! I'm marea , I'm a web developer, programmer and somewhat creative person
<b>toasters in tilde world</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Welcome to my tilde page. There's my regular site if you want to see my projects and/or contact informati
<b>bird brain</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> sorry i haven't been here for a
<b> EPIC MORPHISM @ ~ TILDE . C L V B </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I am compiling a list of interested Fediverse-related software and projects (interesting desktop apps, libraries, bots, etc). You can find it
<b>Please use HTTPS. :)</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Just a moment while I make sure you are using the more secure version of this page&he
<b>Sith Lord's Site</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> These are some links to sites of int
<b>welcame</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hi, I'm Daniel, otherwise known as loudercake. I'm a teenager interested in drawing and
<b>:)</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I'm a person/artist/blob that does a bunch of
<b>m455</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> m455 * { font-size: 16px; font-family: monospace; } body { margin: 6ch; } a { color: blue; } ~m455 - projects // faces
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>drinkyt @ unix group my tilde page
<b>index</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hello, I’m dozens, welcome to my new website No Content . Feel free to have a look around. I have a blog where I write reviews and other stuff, an image gallery where I like to share photos, and you can check out some of my music a
<b> <HEAD> <TITLE>billinja@~</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> billinja@~ billinja@~ Welcome to my personal spot on ~team. You may or may not find relatively boring things about me here. Title Description Link Personal Site My personal site. Not much here. Homepage
<b>()</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> a quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog last updated 2021-09-21
<b>im fucking ~desvox</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> get your shit together stop using this old ass browser im fucking ~desvox @keyframes rainbow { 10% {color: red} 25% {color: orange} 40% {color: green} 55% {color: blue} 70% {color: purple} 85% {color: white} 100% {color: cyan} } body { background: url("https://tilde
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>~emilis</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~emilis body { background-color: #333; color: lime; font-family: Ubuntu, sans-serif; } Under construction
<b>It's Deadguy</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>deadguy's home page @ unix group
<b>engo pl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>engo planeado volver a poner cosas aca, pero por el momento estoy trabajando en rediseñar la pagina y encontrar un mejor sistema de publicacion. Me pueden leer en gopher mientras t
<b>The .Files</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~club webring: &nbsp; Previous Site &nbsp; Random Site &nbsp; Next Site a
<b>TextAargh</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> several attempts at coming up with a decent looking text art logo for the . file
<b>TextAargh</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> several attempts at coming up with a decent looking text art logo for the . file
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>~digi</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~digi Personal Page of ~digi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ |_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _| _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ _| || |_ |_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _|_ __ _|_ _
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>~damillora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Virtual content creator that believes in a WWW free of corporate control, occasionally makes programs and web sites, very specific japanese pop culture appre
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>e1e0</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> there's nothing really interesting to see here. I usually have my stuff at my personal server: e1e0.n
<b> </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ./20/02/
<b>Firepal3D</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Firepal3D @font-face { font-family: "Roboto Mono"; src: url("RobotoMono-VariableFont_wght.ttf"); } * { font-family: monospace; } table { color: grey; font-size: 12px; } span { color: rgb(100%,60%,10%); filter: drop-shadow(0 0 4px rgb(100%,50%,50%)) } a, abbr { color:rgb(50%,30%,50%); filter:drop-shadow(0 0 4px rgb(0%,0%,100%)); } a:hover { color:yellow; filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2px rgb(0%,
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> / RSS Blog
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>LEI - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse {#dev, #web, #design}
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>elcome </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>elcome to Kn
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>~koi</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> i am a 17 year old non binary person (he/they) who does programming and music produ
<b>~pg</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>~pg</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>~truth</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~truth do you know the truth?
<b>t89a4f2</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> &lt;- back to tilde.te
<b>jan6</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> jan6 table{border:2px solid darkgray} td{border:2px solid lightgray;padding:0.5ch} table tbody tr td[title="modification date"]{width:19ch} table tbody tr td[title="size"]{width:8ch;text-align:right;white-space:pre} modification date size filename 2021-10-24 12:58:43 4 kB '.' 2021-12-14 01:51:51 4 kB '..' 2021-09-30 16:00:53 4 kB '.git' 2019-12-03 21:18:04 27
<b>Barron Bones</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>page tries to use minimal html in body, 80 char width limit
<b>t89a4f2</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> &lt;- back to tilde.te
<b>~sndr's gopherhole</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~sndr's gopherhole Sorry your browser does not support inline frames. Maybe you should try to go directly to the source? gopher://
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>my tildelog</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I've been following postmarketOS for a while. I intend to install it on my NEC Terrai
<b>welcome to my ~ page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> check out my fee
<b>~sebboh on TTBP</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>centralfeels</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>quotes</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> quotes :root { --bg: white; --fg: black; --bd: var(--fg); } body { background-color: var(--bg); color: var(--fg); font-family: monospace; font-size: 1.3em; } .quote { text-align: center; margin: 1.5em; display: flex inline-block; align-items: center; justify-content: center; } .inner { border: 2px solid var(--bd); p
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>i there</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>i
<b>roro~tilde/team</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>mwt's page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>mwt's page on
<b>marisa&#x27;s website</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I also work on several other projects, including RustBridge and Rustlings .
<b>hi</</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hi
<b> nneon's tilde </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hello! This is going to get updated with a small blog section at some point, with some of my stuf
<b>Ali Murteza Yesil</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> All work licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 unless otherwise s
<b>~lytedev |</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> 👋 🎉 -- 💙 -->
<b>llt</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b> Hi</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hi! I'm lowpoly And it is nice to meet you :)
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>helo this is my site yes
<b>~mattx</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Welcome to my tildepage. I don't really have much stuff
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>Whale cum to tilde tam</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Whale cum to tilde tam helo_wrold!
<b>Analytics</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Enter URL to see stat
<b>~slip</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hi, welcome to my ~team page. I program things fo
<b>Vâ—á´¥â—V------------------------------------------------------------------If you read this you owe me $4</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> My name is Joe. I like computers, baduk , video games, and atte
<b>Repositories</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Repositories Repositories Name Description Owner Last commit blix nixos-based pentesting iso xfnw 2021-03-11 23:41 dotfiles my dotfiles xfnw 2021-09-26 14:12 gem a fork of khuxkm&#39;s gemini to web proxy 2021-07-10 17:42 radio a few small liquidsoap and bash scripts to make nice tilderadio shows xfnw 2020-07-06 20:27
<b>LazyDog's Mechanical Keyboard Mod Kit for the AlphaSmart3000</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Got an AlphaSmart 3000 but disappointed with the mushy keyboard? Want a solution for distraction-free writing that's cheaper than a Freewrite and more practical than a typewriter? Like weird old technology? Look no further! This kit allows you to ditch the AlphaSmart 3000's mini rubber domes and replace them with the clicky, tactile, or linear mechanical keyswitches of your c
<b>Vâ—á´¥â—V</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Vâ—á´¥â—V Bogl September 6, 2021 New Car May 30, 2021 Dark Out May 6, 2021 There was a stack of pizza boxes in my room in the corner March 28, 2021 Today's Accidents March 18, 2021 Hopeless January 19, 2021 Okay I actually quit now November 26, 2020 Dream September 9, 2020 Hating Yrself August 27, 2020 During Daylight, Actually
<b>Joe ( -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>779 Posts, 281 Following, 59 Followers · i post cringe' name
<b>take that, cezanne</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> take that, cezanne ART t . c - Home
<b>searpl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>a search engine
<b>searpl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> searpl searpl Description a small php sqlite search engine. see it in action Repository Clone this repository using: git clone Branches main : make sorting case-insensitive xfnw &lt;; Wed 16 Dec 2020 02:02:31 AM UTC Generated by gweb , a fork of git2html
<b>~behold, the sea~</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~behold, the sea~ window.onload = function(){ setInterval(function(){ var tildeSize = Math.floor(Math.random()*667); var tildeColorR = Math.floor(Math.random()*256); var tildeColorG = Math.floor(Math.random()*256); var tildeColorB = Math.floor(Math.random()*256); var tildeStyle = ""; tildeStyle += "color: rgb(" + tildeColorR + "," + tildeColorG + "," + tildeColorB + "); "; tild
<b>Comments</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> To view the comments as JSON see her
<b><!DOCTY</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> This is a static list of the pages modified in /home/*/public_html/* . It updates every hour. sadikkuzu worked on socials.html at 2021-12-15 14:00 sadikkuzu worked on index.html at 2021-12-15 14:00 sadikkuzu worked on 2021-12-15.html at 2021-12-15 14:00 bear worked on where.html at 2021-12-15 13:46 phoebos worked on map.html at 2021-12-15 13:45 pine worked on loc.html at 2021-12-15
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> body { counter-reset: footnotecounter; /* Create a footnote counter scope */ background-color: white; font-family: courier; } a.foot { text-decoration: none; outline: none; } a.upfoot { text-decoration: none; outline: none; } a.foot:before { font-size: smaller; margin-left: .5em; vertical-align: super; /* sets the footnote above the baseline */ content: count
<b> nethack scores</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Some of our users are discovering nethack! Here are their st
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~A
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~A
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>Philips Personal Homepage</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hello my dear readers. I haven&#39;t been here for quite a long t
<b>Bake 90s theme</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> If you are curious how to get this theme for use on bake (or not), this is fo
<b>gweb</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> gweb gweb Description gweb is a fork of git2web. it adds some improvments on syncronization and fixes a few bugs. docs Repository Clone this repository using: git clone Branches main : do not checkout non HEAD commits to save computation and space xfnw &lt;; Sat 18 Jul 2020 09:02:37 PM UTC Generated by gweb , a fork of git2html
<b>~Greymtr</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~Greymtr greymtr links blog about ht
<b>Chat Logs</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Chat Logs body { background-color: #fff; font-family: Fixed, monospace; font-size: 13px; } h1 { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 24px; text-align: center; } a, .time { color: #525552; text-decoration: none; } a:hover, .time:hover { text-decoration
<b>Color Game</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Color Game h2 { color: white; margin-top: 500px; margin-left: 35%; } The Great RGB Guessing Game New Colors Easy Hard Simple guessing game by sata
<b>~Webfutures</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~Webfutures "we cannot have a conversation about something whilst it remains unseen" "Æ̋̌ÄÑÑÌâ€ÃŒâ€ÃŒâ€ºÃ¡Ì´Ì¦Ì¬ÌºÌ°Ã–̺̥ÃÂ̤ÇÌÂ̼Î̪ÌÂ̼È̦̯t̅̾̚Ã¥ã̓îæçã̒ÃÂÌ‹ÌÂÃÂË̶âḀ̮̭̩̬̀ÌÂÃÅ¡ÃŒÂ̞̖̗Ç̯̪Ç̜hãèîÃÆ’
<b>~bdy</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ############################### ########## 20-20k Hz ########## #########################
<b>My page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> this is the in
<b>BOOK CLUB</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Currently re
<b>Welcome</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. Come, even though you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, and come yet again. Ours is not a caravan of de
<b>The Extraface page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Going to figure out how to create a blog here soon, but you gotta start somewhere. Static fo
<b>faff @</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hewwo
<b>OberstKrueger</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hello, After being aware of the Tildeverse for many years, I felt it was time that I take an evening, request an account, and get working on a page here. I am OberstKrueger, both a Unixer and programmer by hobby
<b>Harper Reed's</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b> Counter</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> A counter for all your
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Insert "under construction" gif
<b>fishes gone deep :) dima's tilded.</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> fishes gone deep :) dima's tilded. This month in no particular order: - had my nails done - went to Seoul - where everyone looks like a fashion [ 'pa-shan ] blogger - and takes selfies making either a victory sign or a frame sign - smelled ginkgo tree for the first time - voted in Bulgarian parliamentary elections; I am the 9%. Me too :) - loved/hugged/kissed people
<b>My page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hello world! My main site is at roytang.n
<b>My page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hopefully you
<b>My page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Let here be dr
<b>pie's page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> a member of the updated ~rin
<b>rotating tilde of doom</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> rotating tilde of doom html, body, table { width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 0; margin: 0; } body { color: papayawhip; background-color: #663399 /*rebeccapurple*/; font-family: "Courier New", monospace; animation: color 22.9s linear infinite; -webkit-animation: color 22.9s linear infinite; } div a { text-decoration: none; color: inherit
<b>~deepend's ~tilde website</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~deepend's ~tilde website
<b>welcome to my ~ site</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hi! i'm magical, and this is my tilde site. here's some stuff on it: chip - my old chip's challenge site blog - a blog which you definitely should not read. warning warning keep out. fractal - mandelbrot fractal in javascript 150 - animations of the first 150 pokemon, from b/w kyou - today's date in 日本語 joyo - practice kanji else
<b> wiki</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> here's the articles on our
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> this is an alternate box running freebsd for
<b>xfnw</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> bsd seems nice but i think i still prefer arch
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>I've moved!</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I've moved my website onto a new domain and new infrastructure. If you want to, click here to visit it. Now powered by Endless Hosti
<b>Jenny Blog Test</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Jenny Blog Test html { -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale; } body { background-color: white; color: #444; font-size: 16px; padding: 1em; font-family: 'Roboto', monospace; line-height: 1.5em; } a { color: inherit; } .posts { list-style: none; padding: 0; margin: 1em 0; line-height:
<b>~login's page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~login's page i think, therefore
<b>Julian Marcos</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>julian my ttm page
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>julian @ Tilde Team *NIX Group my tilde page
<b>julian/bsd-public_html: Bsd Repo of Public_html - bsd-public_html - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>bsd-public_html - Bsd Repo of Public_html
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>nil</</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>elcome </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>elcome to kne
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> This is my backup
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I have a few Mastodon acc
<b>khuxkm fbexl ( -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>554 Posts, 89 Following, 72 Followers · I do things. Sudoer on IRCOp on servers.' name
<b>khuxkm fbexl ( -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>554 Posts, 89 Following, 72 Followers · I do things. Sudoer on IRCOp on servers.' name
<b>body st</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> DONUT INSERT CONTENT HERE --if php works here, I might put the directory listing here to
<b>chicago hot dog zone</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>A website about the Chicago-style hot dog
<b>~jeschust on bsd</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Visit my si
<b>ivy's homepage</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> always tired, always a plant, always gr
<b>ivy</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> human sac
<b>ivy's blog</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> That did not age well a
<b> avalyn at tilde dot team</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b> avalyn at bsd dot tilde dot team</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> bookmarks lynx_bookmarks.html isins ctrl-c avalyn anleihen ctrl-c matthias anleihen sdf lw anleihen sdf ml anleihen ctrl-c avalyn ctrl-c mat
<b>~truth</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~truth do you know the truth?
<b>index of /home/novaburst/public_html </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Blog:
<b>Topics | mirror:world (ミラーワールド)</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Topics | mirror:world (ミラーワールド) mirror:world (ミラーワールド) feed Main topics Books Computing Gaming Gemini Gopher Introduction Life Logarion Lyrics Notes OCaml Off-topic Programming Rants Latest 2021-12-15 ayu(1) - an actually boring password manager 2021-12-17 BSD review 2021-12-11 Aya Hirano, Minori Chihara, Yuuko Gotou
<b>~novaburst(7)</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~novaburst(7) ~novaburst(7) FreeBSD Miscellaneous Information Manual ~novaburst(7) Nova [&#x30DF;&#x30E9;&#x30FC;&#x30EF;&#x30FC;&#x30EB;&#x30C9;] ~novaburst &#x2014; Apprentice of everything, master of nothing. Contact E-mail: bm92YWJ1cnN0IEAga2FsbGkgW2RvdF0gc3QK IRC: novaburst
<b>「ã“ã“ã§ç”Ÿãã¦ã‚‹ã€ - I am alive here</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Nova's home page
<b>Index of /~novaburst/</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Index of /~novaburst/ Index of /~novaburst/ ../ 12-Dec-2021 00:00 - alpine/ 11-Sep-2021 18:20 - 12-Dec-2021 00:00 - 12-Dec-2021 00:01 - kimiko-OS/ 21-Sep-2021 23:52 - logarion/ 17-Nov-2021 17:17 - pix/ 10-Nov-2021 13:53
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>Cosmic Voyage - Messages from Humanity's Stellar Diaspora</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Cosmic Voyage is a public-access unix system and 'tilde' community based around a collaborative science-fiction universe. Users write stories as the people aboard ships, colonies, and outposts, using the only remaining free, interconnected network that unites the dispersed peoples of the stars.
<b>tildeverse/ nullpointer simple file sharer - - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> - nullpointer simple file sharer
<b>tildeverse/among-sus: cli among us game - among-sus - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>among-sus - cli among us game
<b>tildeverse/bannerexchange: BannerExchange - bannerexchange - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>bannerexchange - BannerExchange
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>team/bbj.php: A PHP read-only client for BBJ. - bbj.php - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>bbj.php - A PHP read-only client for BBJ.
<b>team/forum: elixir/phoenix app - forum - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>forum - elixir/phoenix app elixir/phoenix app
<b>tildetv</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>tildetv is an alternative way to enjoy visual media on the internet.
<b>town/tildetv-frontend - tildetv-frontend - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>tildetv-frontend
<b>cafe/site: website repo - site - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>site - website repo
<b>My fancy blog</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> This is a very convenient script that you could bind to a hotkey that lets you select any emoji from a rofi menu. The selected emoji is then copied to the clipboard and automatically pasted wherever yo
<b>Table of Content</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ==========================================================
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hey! i'm a linux sysadmin and programmer, i built ! i created this system to further improve my linux skills, and create something fun in the pr
<b>Commonhealth of Casakhstan</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> The Commonhealth of Casakhstan started as as a group of basements in a
typical American neighborhood, connected together using tunnels. We evicted our
own landlords, killed the HOA , and took back control over our lives.
In the event of the landlords, or of other neoliberal constructs, coming back
for us, our basement headquarters will prote
<b>Commonhealth of Casakhstan - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse
<b>Quotes</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Quotes Quotes &lt;m455&gt; tomorrow i'll have to open up my work computer and see what i'm actually doing &lt;m455&gt; what a piece of shit my server is &lt;wsinatra&gt; crepes are the supreme polygon &lt;elioat&gt; I lost my 5th level sword deep in a project &lt;nihilazo&gt; bread is just friends that you eat &lt;lucidiot&gt; thinking about C makes me segfault. &lt;wsinatra
<b>Channels</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Anyone can create a channel on the server by joining it. It is recommended, but not required, to name a channel after something basement-related. You can add page to this wiki to describe your channel's
<b>Fediverse Software Mirrors - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse Mirrors for each and every federated social media software. Most of them are from GitHub.
<b> - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse WIP tilde server!
<b> - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse is a minimalist, non-commercial, shared linux system and will always be free to use. we are linux lovers, sysadmins, programmer and users who like build webpages, write blogs, chat online, play cool console games and so much more.
<b> - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse Repositories for the project
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>LOLCODE Preservation Project</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Language Interpret
<b>LOLCode Preservation Project - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse An attempt at keeping LOLCode alive, as Justin Meza hasn&#39;t been active since April 2017.
<b>lcpp/lci: A LOLCODE interpreter written in C. - lci - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>lci - A LOLCODE interpreter written in C.
<b> - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse the original tilde
<b>ubergeek/wiki.php: A simple cms/wiki based on markdown. - wiki.php - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>wiki.php - A simple cms/wiki based on markdown. A simple cms/wiki based on markdown.
<b>ubergeek/proboard: proboard BBS - proboard - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>proboard - proboard BBS
</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>Sonic X Uncensored Archive</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>Writing -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I write things. Sometimes they're good, sometimes they're bad, and sometimes I forget about them and never update
<b>proof's BREADPUNK site</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Welcome. I expect to publish the fresh content at gemini://
<b>PIZZAPUNK</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Find my pizza log on Gemi
<b>BREADPUNK</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hello, and welcome to my BREADPUNK page! I need to ssh in and change th
<b>el crumbo</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I actually can't eat real bread because I have celiac disease, I just make it for my spouse (I wear a n95 &#128567; face mask to keep me safe). Usually focaccia or boul
<b>acdw's breadpunk bakery</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> My name is breadw . I run . I also have a personal website and I'm a member of the ~town , where I'm known as acdw stro
<b>south london - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>tildelinux - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse Tildelinux is a Debian-based GNU&#43;Linux distribution focused on connection to and interaction with tildes, shared *nix systems in the style of
<b>GRU/liblinux: GRU liblinux - C library for easier calling linux syscalls from C - liblinux - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>liblinux - GRU liblinux - C library for easier calling linux syscalls from C
<b>youngchief btw ツ - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse Doing cool things on the net.
<b>youngchief btw ツ - - gitea </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for Doing cool things on the net.
<b>youngchief btw ツ :verified: ( -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>20 Posts, 61 Following, 12 Followers · Hi! Learn about me on my website.' name
<b>tildevision - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>git hosting for the tildeverse stream content directly into your eyes
<b>youngchief/MinecraftPlus: Fetched source code for Minecraft Plus ( for mirroring and archiving purposes! - MinecraftPlus - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>MinecraftPlus - Fetched source code for Minecraft Plus ( for mirroring and archiving purposes! Fetched source code for Minecraft Plus ( for mirroring and archiving purposes!
<b>GRU/orion: Simple OS to learn C - orion - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>orion - Simple OS to learn C
<b>southlondon/site: the site. - site - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>site - the site.
<b>southlondon/library: docs and help for southlondon things - library - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>library - docs and help for southlondon things
<b>sloum/bombadillo: Bombabillo is a non-web client for the terminal, supporting Gopher, Gemini and much more. - bombadillo - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>bombadillo - Bombabillo is a non-web client for the terminal, supporting Gopher, Gemini and much more.
<b>.tilde/.tilde: The .tilde TLD project&#39;s BIND9 conf files - .tilde - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>.tilde - The .tilde TLD project&#39;s BIND9 conf files
<b>Free University of Computer Knowledge</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Thank you for taking the time to navigate our website
<b>~lucidiot</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> homepage botany ideas contact
<b>~lucitoast’s breadsite</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> lucidiot's cybrec
<b>~lucidiot’s wiki</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> lucidiot's cybrec
<b>welcome to my ~ page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> (Epigraph to Bernard Bolzano's Contributions to a Better-Grounded Presentation of Mathematic
<b>join the ~ring</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Browse a list of all the ~ring member
<b>!DOCTYP</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> body { background-color: black; height: 100%; min-height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; left: 0; right: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; overflow: hidden; color: white; } #dvd { background-color: white; background-image: url('dvd.gif'); width: 128px;
<b>~aaa's blog</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> A very pretentious and somewhat emotional blog post written by me. This is sort of an introduction to the community. Don&rsquo;t judge, you were also 15
<b>team/bashblog: customized fork of bashblog - bashblog - tildegit </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>bashblog - customized fork of bashblog
<b> wiki</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> here's the articles on our
<b>Donate to Tilde Club</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Your donation here supports , and any other services that are run by tilde
<b>My page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Just log in with your secure internet shell to change this
<b>div sty</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> The meaning of life is 42 .
<b>~serxoz</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>~serxoz
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~kiedtl
<b>cursed_font - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> mg src="//" alt="cursed_fo
<b>archive - kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Kiëd Llaentenn © 2019-2021 — CC BY-NC-ND 4
<b>linux @ kmach - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> mg src="" alt
<b>3dot14: my setup - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> mg src="/images/3dot14-norm.jpg" alt
<b>Useful tools - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> This page has been moved to gemin
<b>KISS Linux - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I've switched to KISS Linux , a simple distro focused on the concept of &quot;less is more&quot;. It's basically a musl-based version of CRUX
<b>On Shell Replacements - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> NOTE: by referring to &quot;shell&quot;, I am specifically talking about the Korn shell and it's variants, including bash and POSIX
<b>I'm done with DWM - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> DWM is a pretty good window manager. Glorious master-slave tiling layout, builtin floating, hackable source, nice community, great selection of patches, fast, and suckless st
<b>Program eloquence considered harmful - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Let's compare some error messages -- specifically, the ones that occur when you try to execute a nonexistent command in Windows PowerShell and GNU
<b>Status update: 2020-05-12 - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Well, I'm back on DWM. AwesomeWM's Lua extensibility and ability to simply run pkill -1 awesome to reload the configuration is a huge improvement over DWM for me, but unfortunately it was extremely laggy on my RPi. I don't want to be using Awesome on my main laptop and DWM on my RPi, so I decided to stick with DWM on both machines. I may write an Xresources patch for DWM, though, to ease my p
<b>Status update: 2020-05-20 - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> That Emacs experiment didn't go so well. Frankly, I was rather impressed with org-mode and Evil, but startup times were dismal. I don't want to wait even two seconds for vim to start, let alone the ~5 seconds it takes Emacs. (On my Rasberry Pi it was even slower -- almost 30 secon
<b>Crawling the Gemspace - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> A few days ago, I discovered gemini for the first time. Wondering exactly how large it was, I thought I'd write a quick and dirty crawler for it, which you can find her
<b>IRC's Flaws - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> IRC is quite an ancient protocol, having begun nearly 35 years ago 1 . As such, it is one of those technologies that evolved to keep up with changing requirements. For the longest time, IRC didn't have features considered necessary by today, such as SASL (aka authentication-without-sending-passwords-to-random-bots) or TLS/SSL support. Features like end-to-end encryption are still not widely use
<b>Thoughts on Hare - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> It seems like every year there's a new wannabe-C-replacement. I do write a lot of C for hobby projects, so I'm acutely aware of C's many defects (to name a few: a hacky error handling system, no proper namespacing, no tagged unions, an absolutely miserable macro system, &a
<b>Making a Roguelike - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I've been working on a roguelike for the past three months (since May 1, 2021), making this sideproject the one I've worked on the longest before losing interest. It's a reboot of my last attempt, which stalled last year due to overengineering, bad design choices, and extremely unrealistic
<b>Optimizing A* - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> As I've said in my last post here, I've been working on a roguelike for the past three months. A few days ago I had to stop my feature creep spree and do some optimizations due to the large lag between turns that I noticed was steadily increasing. While I knew a good deal of the lag was being caused by the lighting system (due to the fact that I now use Dijkstra 1 instead of raycasting to &quo
<b>cel7: a fantasy console-like - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> We've all seen the popular fantasy consoles like PICO-8 and its lesser-known dumb ripoff cousin, TIC-80 . These VM-like programs typically run small scripts that manipulate a display and a rudimentary sound system to create tiny games with a very retro-ish feel, in imitation of real consoles like the SNES. To enhance this retro vibe, these consoles have some severe limitations: a &quot;token limi
<b>C's assert() under the hood - ~kiedtl</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Here's a quick rundown of how C's assert() works. Consider the output of a failed assert() tion in some C
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>~cherryblossom on
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> unix group
<b>cmccabe's handful of files on</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> cmccabe's handful of files on ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _ ____ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ ___ ___ __ _| |__ ___ / __ \ ___ __| |/ _| / __| '_ ` _ \ / __/ __/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ / / _` | / __|/ _` | |_ | (__| | | | | | (_| (_| (_| | |_) | __/ | | (_| | \__ \ (_| | _| \___|_| |_
<b>2020-07-01 Pubnix Admin Interviews, #001, Ben Harris</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> 2020-07-01 Pubnix Admin Interviews, #001, Ben Harris Pubnix Admin Interivews - #1, Ben Harris, This is the first edition of Pubnix Admin Interviews in which I will be interviewing pubnix system administrators far and wide. This inaugural interview is with Ben Harris (~ben), a software developer from Michigan who started just over three years ago and who also founded t
<b><head><Title>2020-07-07 Pubnix Admin Interviews - Ben Morrison -</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> 2020-07-07 Pubnix Admin Interviews - Ben Morrison - Pubnix Admin Interviews - #2, Ben Morrison, This is the second part of an interview series with pubnix admins. This series
is part of the Pubnix History Project, an effort to explore and document the
history of an interesting aspect of the non-commercial internet. More
information about the interview se
<b>Pubnix Admin Intervews - Interview #3, Ryan Sayre of</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Pubnix Admin Intervews - Interview #3, Ryan Sayre of Pubnix Admin Interviews - #3, Ryan Sayre, The previous two Pubnix Admin Interviews were with admins from Tilde servers. This time, we interview Ryan Sayre (kraptv) of Portland, OR. Ryan is part of the admin team that runs[1], a system that got its start as an internet services co-op. Skylab has been arou
<b> <</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>
<b>icmp:// status page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Status on last indexing (18 Dec 02:18 UTC) → 100% uptime (1 month) · 146 ms average response time · 1.0 Apdex (0.5s)
<b> status page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Status on last indexing (18 Dec 02:03 UTC) → 97.51% uptime (1 month) · 214 ms average response time · 0.99 Apdex (0.5s)
<b> status page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Status on last indexing (18 Dec 02:29 UTC) → 100% uptime (1 month) · 124 ms average response time · 1.0 Apdex (0.5s)
<b> status page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Status on last indexing (18 Dec 02:43 UTC) → 100% uptime (1 month) · 270 ms average response time · 0.98 Apdex (0.5s)
<b> status page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Status on last indexing (18 Dec 02:07 UTC) → 100% uptime (1 month) · 128 ms average response time · 1.0 Apdex (0.5s)
<b> status page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Status on last indexing (18 Dec 02:03 UTC) → 98.61% uptime (1 month) · 105 ms average response time · 1.0 Apdex (0.5s)
<b>tcp:// status page</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Status on last indexing (18 Dec 02:24 UTC) → 100% uptime (1 month) · 147 ms average response time · 1.0 Apdex (0.5s)
<b>who's on tilde club</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> who's on tilde club body > div { font-size: 24pt; width: 240px; display: inline-block; padding: 8px; border-style: outset; border-width: 4px; } div div { font-size: 12pt; } gzj idle: 0.06s gingertek idle: 0.47s mondadientes idle: 0.07s shotgunsurgery idle: 0.05s roly idle: 0.06s fourhoarder idle: 0.08s pallas idle: 0.30s silent700 idle: 0.03s zerodni idle
<b>Disk Usage Leaderboard</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Current as of 2021-12-18 02:55:18 +0000 server time. Updated every five mi
<b>Talking cows all the way down</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Talking cows all the way down body, html { height: 100%; position: relative; } body { transform-origin: 50% 27%; } body > cow { /* the outer cow is transformed for the initial "recursive cowsay" animation */ -webkit-animation: cowsay-say-thyself 1s 30 linear; -moz-animation: cowsay-say-thyself 1s 30 linear; } cow { white-space: pre; font-family: mon
<b>literal webring \o/</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> I dunno, refresh it sometimes.
<b>sixfoot6oftruth</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> This is a small internet place. There are many like it, but this is
<b>Luqaska's S**te</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> &copy;2021 Luqaska Co
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> i am overwhelmed lately by how abundant my lif
<b>~ party</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~ party ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
<b>~mathowie's blog</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ~mathowie's blog .blog-entry-body {
<b>~leon</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Oh, hello, nice to meet you. Welcome to my website! My name is Leon. I am a 15-year-old computer nerd from Germany and have recently discovered this place. A month ago I switched from Windows 10 to Linux (currently using Pop OS) and so far I love it. In the course of this month, I learned a lot about alternative sof
<b>Tommy&#39;s Site</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Jane Doe&#39;s Portfolio!
<b>Alaska Trip 2021</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Alaska Trip 2021 body { background: #222; color: #eee; margin-top: 20px; font-family: Arial, "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, sans-serif; } a { color: #FFF; } a:hover { color: yellow; text-decoration: underline; } .thumbnails img { height: 8
<b>~lei</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>Papers
<b>blog // ~ben</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> a blog about tildes and
<b>learngit</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>None
<b>Pattern Book</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> This is a collection of experiences I have noticed in my experiences with software development s
<b>Winning Solitaire</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Winning Solitaire body {
<b>some fonts</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> &lt;- ba
<b>cgi-bin</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> here are some scripts i've been playin
<b> traffic statistics</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> traffic statistics traffic stats &lt;- back
<b>Server&nbsp;Statistics</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Server&nbsp;Statistics @font-face {font-family: 'fa';src: url(data:application/font-woff;charset=utf-8;base64,d09GRgABAAAAAC2sAAsAAAAALWAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABPUy8yAAABCAAAAGAAAABgDxIPHGNtYXAAAAFoAAABbAAAAWzzYPN8Z2FzcAAAAtQAAAAIAAAACAAAABBnbHlmAAAC3AAAJ7QAACe0PqRPf2hlYWQAACqQAAAANgAAADYSBhrHaGhlYQAAKsgAAAAkAAAAJAhUBIZobXR4AAAq7AAAAMwAAADMpCoCC2xvY2EAACu4AAAAaAAAAGjyrvuebWF4cAA
<b></b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Upload error: Image upload f
<b>Multivar TestGen</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> These presets will display the combinations as a bulleted list with Jira formatting. Feel free to change them as needed
<b>good podcasts</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> good podcasts some good podcasts these are some of my favorite podcasts to listen to 1619 - examining the propaganda of american history 20k hz - stories behind the world's most recognizable and interesting sounds 99% invisible - how design shapes our lives a way with words - interesting discussions on language anthropocene reviewed - 2 topics rated on a 5-star scale ask me
<b>suckmore</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> is full of nazis, even though they claim to be “apolitical†this is a collection of links that i’ve gathered over the
<b> avatars</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> change your ~/public_html/avatar.png from the default to appea
<b> taglines</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> create a oneline ~/public_html/tagline.txt to appea
<b> pronouns</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> put your pronouns in ~/.pronouns to appea
<b> resumes</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> create a oneline ~/public_html/resume.txt with a link to your resume to appea
<b>tilde.json explorer</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> here is the info for tild
<b>tracery</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> tracery is a cool tool to generat
<b>Index of /~ben/img/</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Index of /~ben/img/ Index of /~ben/img/ ../ avatar2.png 22-Feb-2018 06:20 39518 blinkenlights.png 18-May-2020 00:25 22940 egg.jpg 24-Apr-2020 05:06 15852 fiber.png 13-Sep-2020 18:43 20887 sudont.jpg 02-Jan-2020 23:16 145082 05-Jun-2020 18:22 173760 h
<b>The Web Is Fucked | tilde news</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br>3 comments
<b> <</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> ***adrian_ali*** hola, soy adrian ali y esta es mi pagina (en construccion) en el servidor de es la primera comunidad de computo de acceso libre en idioma castellano. algunos links que me parece interesante compartir: Pagina principal de texto-plano Historia de los Tilde contacto: aali arroba mi direccion gopher: goph
<b>~/.robrtsql</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> welcome to robrtsql&apos;s hom
<b>Hola </b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> Hola soy bazza hago dibujos, programas y rob
<b>XenonNSMB's ~site</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> XenonNSMB's ~site * { font-family:"Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, "sans-serif"; } .notepad { font-family:Consolas, "Andale Mono", "Lucida Console", "Lucida Sans Typewriter", Monaco, "Courier New", "monospace" !important; } .pagetitle { border: 10px solid #1C4BC4; border-radius: 40px; width: 30%; background-color:#1577E5; color: white; } /* #startbutton { position: absolute;
<b>~vilmibm</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hi, i'm ~vilmi
<b>link hr</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> (see for
<b>a garden of forking paths</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> i once owned a book about hypertext pedagogy. it was a thick tome praising the virtues of a technology now blamed for our societal lack of focus and general madness. i get hungry often. it is often important to numb the spice . i was watching a tape about mind mapping the other day. it made me want html authoring software whose interface was oriented around mind maps. Once upon a time I
<b>~vilmibm's tilde town shrine</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> hello! i am ~vilmibm , the creator and maintainer of
<b>web log of tilde town</b><br><a href=''><i></i></a><br> the 4th issue of the zine is out! check it out~
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