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Last active July 20, 2018 20:24
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Exercism.IO: Hello, World!
# This is how I managed to setup Boost and C++ on Ubuntu 16.04.
# It's meant for people who are trying to setup for the first time.
# I assume you are somewhat familar with Linux, so if any steps seems like magic, please ask for explanation.
# Let's work within /tmp/
cd /tmp
# This download the file `/tmp/boost_1_67_0.tar.bz2`
curl -sLO
# Unpack boost's source code
tar -xvf boost_1_67_0.tar.bz2
# Move the code to /usr/local/boost_1_67_0.
# You will now refer to it when asked for $BOOST_ROOT
sudo mv boost_1_67_0 /usr/local/
# Let's build Boost
cd /usr/local/boost_1_67_0
./bootstrap.h --with-libraries=all --prefix=/usr/local
sudo ./b2 install
# and wait for a long time
# If you are successful, checkout your /usr/local/lib folder,
# You should find a lot of `.a` and `.so` files prefixed with `libboost_`
# ---------------------------------------------
# now, let's get the hello-world exercise
cd ~/exercism
exercism fetch cpp hello-world
cd cpp/hello-world
# ---------- Dynamic linking, skip this if you can find /usr/local/lib/libboost_unit_test_framework.a ----------
# First, edit CMakeLists.txt to turn off static linking (??)
sed -i 's/set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS ON)/set(Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS OFF)/' CMakeLists.txt
# Tell boost to link to dynamic library (??)
sed -i '/#define BOOST_TEST_MAIN/ a#define BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK' "$hello_world_test.cpp"
# --------------------------------------
# Run cmake
cmake -DBOOST_ROOT=/usr/local/boost_1_67_0 -DEXERCISM_RUN_ALL_TESTS=yes .
# NOTE: I didn't create the build folder, like the exercism guide. Instead, I want the Makefile to be in the same folder
# # Write `hello_world.cpp`:
# #include <string>
# namespace hello_world {
# std::string hello() {
# return "Fail the test";
# }
# }
# run test
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There' s a typo on line 22. It should read ./ not ./bootstrap.h

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