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Last active January 9, 2019 21:32
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Bugle (Powershell Task Runner)
New-Alias Bugle Invoke-Local
function Invoke-Local(){
[Parameter(Position=0,mandatory=$true)][string] $task,
[Parameter(Position=1)][string[]] $parms,
[string] $file = ".\build.ps1"
if($task[0] -eq "_"){
Write-Error "Scripts starting with _ are considered private"
if(!(Test-Path $file)){
Write-Error "$($file) not found in the current location, run this script against a different file with -file or create $($file)"
$loc = Get-ChildItem $file
$global:BugleFile = $loc
if($task -eq "help"){
. $loc
. $loc | out-null
Write-Host Starting task: $task
&$task $parms
$global:BugleFile = $null
New-Alias Bugle-Help Get-LocalScripts
function Get-LocalScripts(){
[string] $file = ".\build.ps1"
$loc = Get-ChildItem $file
. $loc
export-modulemember -function Invoke-Local, Get-LocalScripts -alias Bugle, Bugle-Help
if (Get-Command Register-ArgumentCompleter -ea Ignore){
function BugleCompletion{
param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameter)
$loc = Get-ChildItem $fakeBoundParameter.file
$funcs = & $loc
} else {
$funcs = .\build.ps1
foreach($func in $funcs){
if($func -like "$wordToComplete*"){
New-CompletionResult -CompletionText $func -ToolTip ($file)
Register-ArgumentCompleter -Command Invoke-Local -Parameter task -ScriptBlock $function:BugleCompletion
class File {
File($Info, $SubPath, $Content){
$this.Info = $Info
$this.SubPath = $SubPath
$this.Content = $Content
# Loads the specified locations/files into memory, passing it out to the cache
function _in([string[]]$fileIn, [string]$filter = ""){
$cache = @()
foreach($loc in $fileIn){
Write-Host Reading from $loc
Push-Location $loc
$files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File -Filter $filter
foreach($file in $files){
$content = Get-Content $file.FullName -Raw
$SubPath = Resolve-Path -relative $file.Directory.FullName
$cache = $cache + @(New-Object File -ArgumentList $file, $SubPath, $content)
return $cache
# Takes piped input files, writes them out to the specified directory/ies
# _out maintains the source directory's structure
function _out([string[]]$locOut){
foreach($loc in $locOut){
if(!$(Test-Path $loc)){
New-Item $loc -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
foreach($file in $input){
foreach($loc in $locOut){
Push-Location $loc
if(!$(Test-Path $file.SubPath)){
New-Item $file.SubPath -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
$path = Join-Path $file.SubPath $file.Info.Name
Out-File $path -InputObject $file.Content
return $input
# Takes piped input files, writes them out to the specified directory/ies
# _outFlat does not maintain the source directory's structure
function _outFlat([string[]]$locOut){
foreach($loc in $locOut){
if(!$(Test-Path $loc)){
New-Item $loc -ItemType Directory | Out-Null
foreach($file in $input){
foreach($loc in $locOut){
$path = Join-Path $loc $file.Info.Name
Out-File $path -InputObject $file.Content
return $input
# Runs the specified tasks in parallel, waiting for all of them to be done
function _runParallel([string[]]$tasks){
$cwd = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName
$init = [ScriptBlock]::Create("cd $cwd; . $($global:BugleFile.FullName) | Out-Null")
foreach($task in $tasks){
Write-Host Starting $task
$scriptblock = [ScriptBlock]::Create($task)
Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -Name "Bugle_RunBefore" -InitializationScript $init | Out-Null
$jobs = Get-Job -Name "Bugle_RunBefore"
Write-Host Waiting for tasks to finish
Wait-Job -Name "Bugle_RunBefore" | Out-Null
Write-Host Tasks Completed
foreach ($job in $jobs) {
if ($job.State -eq 'Failed') {
Write-Host ($job.ChildJobs[0].JobStateInfo.Reason.Message) -ForegroundColor Red
Remove-Job -Name "Bugle_RunBefore"
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