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Last active January 27, 2023 12:30
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Dart Tutorials from Google
class Bicycle
Bicycle(this.cadence, this.gear);
int cadence;
int gear;
int _speed = 0;
int get speed => _speed;
// fat arrow notation "=>" are only used when the return type or the statement can
// be fit into one line, thus eliminating "return"
void applyBrake(int decrement) => _speed -= decrement;
void speedUp(int increment) { _speed += increment; }
@override String toString() => "Bicycle speed: $speed mph";
void main(List<String> args)
var x = Bicycle(3, 4);
import 'dart:math';
class Rectangle {
int width;
int height;
Point origin;
Rectangle({this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.origin = const Point(0,0)});
@override String toString() => "Origin: (${origin.x}, ${origin.y}), width: $width, height: $height";
main() {
// specify the attribute u want to provide and the ones not provided by the programmer
// will be provided by the optional default parameter. very clever way to make overloading
// much more concise. this feature is like always having a "master" constructor in java
// where this constructor has all of the necessary parameters (max parameters needed)
print(Rectangle(origin: const Point(10, 20), width: 100, height: 200));
print(Rectangle(origin: const Point(10, 10)));
print(Rectangle(width: 200));
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